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Ash's Rank Challenge Date: 2-4-06 (Note from the archiver: It lasted for several days, but that's the day it ended) The Redneck ST (and I thought you were plenty Rank enough already...): ((damn thing won't lemme have characters in two different rooms.)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (*L* That's odd. What browser you use?) The Redneck ST (and I thought you were plenty Rank enough already...): ((Opera. gonna try openin' a second in IE.)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (*G* Yeah, that's an old one if I recall right *Chuckles*) The Redneck ST (and I thought you were plenty Rank enough already...): ((I usually like Opera, and it's a whole lot bettern IE. Anyways, who you goin' to?)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (*G* Her home Sept which was somewhere off in Kansas State...I think *Checks*) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (Yeah, was Kansas *G* Sept of the Foggy Feilds *Can come up with some lame names..*) The Redneck ST (and I thought you were plenty Rank enough already...): ((*G* I've heard worse, that really ~were~ names.)) It's a long run to get there, but soon enough she's arrived, the bawn that grants the sept it's name shining in the morning sunlight.* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (*LoL*) *Run? Shiiiit..She's flying. Owl gave her wings and she's damn sure using them..When the Bawn is reached, she lowers to the ground in Lupus...Head tilting back and letting out a howl of introduction. Well, more of return but it's more proper to do it the same way* The Redneck ST (and I thought you were plenty Rank enough already...): *The answer comes back; a fairly standard answert--wait where you are. It's a few minutes before someone shows up, a wolf who in homid probably isn't any older than eleven or twelve.* WS--You are Never-Warns-Twice, who went to live among the Urrah? Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Her head tilts at the wolf and she answers* ~ws~And fight the Wyrm where it breeds and where it dwells, Sister...I've come back to challenge for Fostern Rank...There are no Fostern Philodox there and only one other Fury..Home is most appropriate.. The Redneck ST: ((MotherFUCKIN' machine......)) *The wolf shrugs, marking her as homid-born.* WS--Follow me, then. *And off through the fields she goes, though the tangled woods, and to the usual gathering area.* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (*Offers the axe*) *She quietly pads after the wolf...Remaining silent for now* The Redneck ST: *The clearing is almost carved into the thick woods, except that nowhere can be seen the mark of ax or saw, other than the small stacks of firewood here and there. Likewise the shelters are tents or lean-tos, built into and out of the brush itself. The youngster moves to one of the older women, busy tying some kind of herb to a drying rack.* WS--Rhya? This is Never-Warns-Twice, from among the Urrah, to challenge. The Redneck ST: *The woman chuckles, grandmotherly eyes sparkling.* Subtlety, child, subtlety. If you can't plant a barb more smoothly than that, you should be an Ahroun. *The youngster backs away, obviously embarrased.* Go back to Every-Mother's-Fury, and work more on the use of the weapons gaia granted you, instead of those guns. *And with a nod, the wolf whirls and races off.* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She keeps her body language respectful of the older women, remaining silent until spoken too* The Redneck ST: *She takes her time, tying up the sprig of plants so they hang leaves-down and setting the rack carefully aside, before she turns to Ash.* And you, Never-Warns-Twice, from among the Urrah, to challenge? *Smiles.* Anything she missed? Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She has a small amused glint in her eyes* ~ws~I suppose she got the name correct and location. I'm daughter of Meadea Knows No Chains, who went to the Homelands not too long ago...Cliath Half Moon of the Bacchanantes and child of Owl, Rhya The Redneck ST: Of the Bachantes, even, and among the Urrah? I hope you have a good hold of your Rage... and a childe of Owl, among the Bone Gnawers? I'm certain this will get interesting. Well--*She sits down crosslegged, waiting.* I would have expected it even if your excitable young cub hadn't spilled the beans, but we might as well play it by the book. Why are you here, Never-Warns-Twice of the Bachantes? The Redneck ST: ((ack. Our, not your)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She flicks an ear, settling on her haunches to answer* ~ws~I come to challenge for Fostern, Rhya. My time in the city earned me enough standing among our society that I believe I'm ready for it.. The Redneck ST: *Nods.* I see... You've come at the right time. *smiles.* Or almost, at least. In two days will be the moot, and before the moot there's going to be a matter come to trial. Before the moot I'm going to speak to everyone involved, and you will come with me. Just before the moot, you're going to advise me--tell me what my decision should be and why. I'll still decide on my own, even though I'll take your words into consideration--a screw up won't let someone go free who shouldn't, but it will keep you as a Cliath. Ash Spencer (11th Hour): ~ws~Understood, Rhya..Will you be speaking of it to me or will I be picking up details along the way? The Redneck ST: You'll come with me, and watch. Everything I hear, you'll hear--unless we need to speak to a spirit as well, which I doubt. In that case, I'll translate for you. The Redneck ST: Oh, and if you're a child of owl, what pack are you part of? Ash Spencer (11th Hour): ~ws~Very well then. I'm up for the challenge then, Rhya Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Her ears cock back a bit* ~ws~Our Galliards have yet to forge a name, but my beta and myself thought Shadow's Eclipse might be appropriate seeing as running around without a name is just..Odd... The Redneck ST: Shadow's Eclipse... It'll work for an introduction, and can be changed later, if need be. You might want to have the name, though, for introductions, so nobody thinks you lept into a pack without even thinking of a name. Who is in it? Ash Spencer (11th Hour): ~ws~The way things look, that's likely to be the name either way. My pack mates include my Beta, Damien Rangore or "Courage Brings Ashes and Silence" to the Nation...Cliath Ahroun of the Shadow Lords. Lirilith Caspian known as "Walks Whispers on Atherial Pathes", Theurge Cliath of the Black Furies. Cries Thunders Roar, Cliath Galliard of the Shadow Lords and Ruarc "Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen", also Cliath and Galliard but of the Fianna...(*And player might have screwed some of that up, Ash wouldn't* *L*) The Redneck ST: *Nods.* A mule, but I've been to his sept. I've heard of Walks Whispers.... *Eyes crinkle and her lips twitch slightly.* And Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen? Is that the one who was taken on the... hunting trip? Twice? Ash Spencer (11th Hour): ~ws~Cries has shown to be a good Garou, mule or not. He and Walks came together *Ears flattening more at the mention of Ruarc vs. The Gnawers* Sadly...The Gnawers back in the city have a rather high sense of humor...He didn't know it's a joke and the second time I think they hooked him with the promise of a talen...That and they switched up what a "snipe" actually was..*So...Bad...* The Redneck ST: *Eyes widen.* They switched the definition of 'snipe' on him? I had heard it was a rodent the first hunt and a bird the second... *Now her whole jaw is trembling, as she tries not to laugh.* I... see.... Ash Spencer (11th Hour): ~ws~I think that's how it went. I heard from him and my beta and they both said about the same thing...*That poor elder...She's gonna laugh. Ash is doing her damndest not to snort in amusement seeing as Lupus can't actually chuckle* The Redneck ST: *she shakes her head, jaw still twtiching slightly.* Well, at least he's not the alpha.... Relax--day after tomorrow, we'll begin. The Redneck ST: ((Now.... You wanna try an' finish it all up, or do the info and trial tomorrow? Because it'll take awhile, and we're pushin' 3 now.)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): ~ws~He didn't show up in time during the pack meeting and never made challenge for it...*All that needs to be said* Am I welcome to sleep in the bawn? *She is tired..After the abrupt leave and taking off, she didn't exactly have time to sleep..* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (That's totally up to you *Nods* I can usually hang in 'til about 5:30-6 but I know you usually hop off around that time *G*) The Redneck ST: ((Yeah. *G* let's finish it up tomorrow, then, so I can think on it like I should have been doin' yesterday and today instead of pulling it out of my ass as I go....)) The Redneck ST: *Nods.* Of course. Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (*G* Alright..What time you want me on?) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): ~ws~Alright. I'll get some rest then to be ready for the trial and the task before hand. Thank you, Rhya *Standing with a dip of her head in a nod before she moves to find a place that isn't likely someones home to curl up and rest* The Redneck ST: *And at least she doesn't start... chuckling, maybe, because a middle-aged grandmotherly woman does not giggle.... until Ash is already moving the other direction.* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (*LMAO*)
-Part 2- The Redneck ST: ((Damn... I ~think~ this'll work....)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (*L* Yay! *G*) The Redneck ST: ((*G* You with me?)) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Cool.)) The Redneck ST: *The day passes fairly peacefully, until the next day when the woman wakes Ash up.* Time to start... Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She rouses with a yawn, but isn't much trouble. In fact, she's almost giving off a high air of being excited but trying not to show it. She nods to the woman* Lead the way, Rhya.. The Redneck ST: *She nods and leads off. It's a walk of a few miles, before she reaches a clearing where a young man sits cross-legged. Two Garou, both in Lupus, watch him, until she gestures to them. They turn and trot off, and the man rises to his knees.* Rhya. Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She follows behind...Coming to a stop a bit behind the older Garou, but to the side so she can view the man. Kicking up Truth of Gaia, just for better measures* (Need a roll?) The Redneck ST: ((Yeah, gimme the roll on it.)) *The woman nods.* My name is Takes-the- Hoof. I'm an Adren half-moon of the Black Furies, and I'm going to be the one to render judgement tonight. From what I've been told, you stand accused of rape. Is this correct? Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (2,5+1 WP) *She's silent and remains watching...Eyeing the man and keeping her face a nuteral blank* The Redneck ST: ((Hold up a sec. Lookin' something up....)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (Kay *G*) The Redneck ST: *Despite Ash's near-Herculean effort, she simply can't tell if the guy's telling the truth or not; at least not from the Gift.* That's right... That's why I told you, you don't need the guards. That's what I'm here for, to face what I did. Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She almost scowls...But keeps listening. She's still working on her skills with that one...Empathy never being her best ability* The Redneck ST: *It takes a few moments for Takes-the-Hoof to get herself under control, and she nods.* I see.... Is there anything else you want to add? The Redneck ST: *the man shakes his head.* No. That's all. It'll be tonight? Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (By the way *G* Does he have any PB at all that Ash can tell of?) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Actually, nevermind that part. No defense up yet, so she can tell the guy ~is~ telling the truth.)) The Redneck ST: ((None.)) The Redneck ST: *She shrugs and looks to Ash.* Is there anything you'd like to ask? Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (Gotcha *G*) *Her hands fold behind her back...Intresting. She waits to see if Takes-the-Hoof asks anything else of the man* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She nods to Takes and addresses them both* Curious..Is he Garou or kin and was the one he commited such a crime to kin or Garou? *That does tend to be some important factors...Already stealing herself for something she likely -doesn't- wanna hear come out of a rapists mouth* The Redneck ST: *The man nods.* I am Garou--an Adren Ragabash of the Silent Striders. She is a Cliath of the Black Furies, an Ahroun. Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She visably twitches and she almost sneers...But all that's seen is her lips twitching before she nods* That's all I needed to know...*Keeping her tone as level as possible, but it's true she's disgusted. She looks at Takes-the-Hoof to see if she has anything to add. Planning on not "advising" until they are out of the presence of the Strider* The Redneck ST: *Nods.* We have a little more, but we may come to see you again. Until then, I'm afraid the guards will return, and your fate will be decided tonight with the moon's rise. Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She waits patiently for Takes to wrap up. She doesn't know both sides of the story, but with what she knows she can't make any decisions as of yet...* The Redneck ST: *And she walks out of the clearing.* We didn't find out until recently, and he returned to face punishment for his crime. *Down another path, through the thick brush.* The Redneck ST: And yes, he knocked her up. Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She nods..* That's about the only thing he has going for him...Fessing up. He's an Adren so he's known to the Nation as a whole...And it's a shameful thing he's done, facing it or not...And not something worthy of remaining an Adren. My suggestion would be Satire Rite...And if you're a Crone, I would also use Crone as well to make -sure- it never happens again..Rape of a Garou or otherwise...I doubt my opinion will change with the next person question, but it might not remain standing depending on what I hear, Rhya.. The Redneck ST: *Takes-the-Hoof nods.* Both are possible. The Striders have been our friends for a long time, and they'll put up with any of it, including killing him--which his return might have prevented. And here is the victim. A sad thing, with mules--a woman may have sex with a man once, or twice, or a dozen times, and usually will not get pregnant. With mules... no matter the duration, or the size, or the time of the month, or the mood, or any other factor, most times once is enough. No matter how that once went. *She enters the clearing, and sitting against a large tree is a woman in Crinos. The hugely swollen belly indicates that she doesn't have much time left before whelping, and so she doesn't have any choice but to stay in Crinos--any smaller and the child would likely rip her stomach out just by its size.* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She nods and remains silent as they enter the clearing...Keeping a wince in but their is a bit of sympathy in her eyes for the Garou by the tree...She waits for Takes-the-Hoof to do her part first, once again kicking up Truth of Gaia for the mother-to-be..She can't be biased, even for her own Tribe* The Redneck ST: *Takes-tje-Hoof has a seat, speaking again, with actual sympathy, this time. Speaking to the man, her voice was clipped and brisk--the voice of a woman with a job to do, the voice of a woman focusing everything into her professionalism before she erupts. Now, there's actual sympathy.* You know me already, Tawana, but the trial's tonight. *Crinos can't actually cry, but she looks like she's about to anyway.* He admitted to the rape when he came in, knowing the price would probably be death. *Now the girl does bury her face in her hands.* Is there anything you want to add? The Redneck ST: HT--No... Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Her eyes soften...Considerably so, for Ash...She waits to see if the Fury has anything to say, before she asks anything* The Redneck ST: *Takes-the-Hoof looks to Ash.* Anything? Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She swallows before looking at Takes* May I, Rhya? The Redneck ST: *Nods.* Of course. Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She quietly crouches down near Tawana so she's actually a bit lower then eye level...More so in hopes to give the Garou a bit of comfort that Ash isn't looking down her nose at her* I just have a few questions, just so I for sure don't miss any facts...When he did it, how did it occur? Meaning...Did he knock you unconscious or..? He said you're an Ahroun and he was a New Moon.. The Redneck ST: HT--He's an Adren too, with a lot more time; that makes a difference... He just... put me on my back... and... Do I have to go through this again? *Were she in homid she'd be sobbing like hell, but no tears in the Crinos form.* ((Gimme a Per + Empathy roll.)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (10,2,8) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Oooh, lucky...)) *She ~would~ be crying right now were she in Homid, but the fear in her eyes, as if there's some horror to come rather than already past and relived, the way her glance flicks occasionally to Takes-the-Hoof or to Ash... She's wracked with guilt and fear, not pain.* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (*L* Yeah, that's my payment for the double botch she had last week I guess *G*) *Her gaze drops..Nodding..* I understand the rank differences...*She glances up at Takes, then back at Tawana* But still...You're a Ahroun. It's hard to just lay any Fury on their back, much less our Full Moons...Is there anything you might want to tell us? *Her voice not accusing..Almost gentle. It's her way of letting the other come clean before she steps away with Takes to point out the signs* The Redneck ST: *she shakes her head, face buried in her hands.* HT--N-no..... Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She nods...Slowly standing from her crouch* That's all I have to ask then, for now... The Redneck ST: *Takes the Hoof nods.* We'll see you tonight at moonrise then, Tawana. The Redneck ST: *And off into the woods they go.* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She says nothing for now...Wanting out of ear shot of Tawana before she speaks. Letting Takes lead off before she speaks..Clearly, she isn't liking saying it any more the Tawana would like her doing it* Rhya...Not to cross what any others may have done...But...I don't think it was rape. She had guilt in her eyes and she's scared of more then just baring that cub. My suggestion is to requestion her and confront her that possibly there may not just be one, but two who should likely undergo judgement.. The Redneck ST: *Takes-the-hoof nods noncomittally.* It's possible... He did say he had done so, but there are Gifts to allow an occasional lie, and he has the rank to avoid them. You think she's the weak link? You can question here again if you want, but if she has been raped it would be a cruel thing to do... Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She nods* I got no sense of him lying to me...*A shakey breath exhaled before she scratches the back of her head* I agree...It would be a cruel thing...But it would also go against my choosen role if I became biased. I sensed guilt and fear...And I would rather go with that then advise a judgement that could be injust... Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (Unjust, even..) The Redneck ST: *Takes-the-Hoof nods.* Go on, then, and I'll follow. Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She nods before turning back. Soon re-entering the clearing where Tawana is...She already knows if she's wrong, she wont forgive her own judgement for awhile...But slowly, she crouches infront of the Crinos once more..Gaze dropping before she gets her resolve built, then her eyes lift to try and meet the others* I hate to do this...And it's hard for me too but..No one ever said what Luna gave me would be easy..I don't think your telling us everything. I see the guilt and sense the fear..And I think it's more then just the cub.... The Redneck ST: HT--Of course I'm not telling you everything, I don't want to live through it again. I just want it to be over and forget it happened... Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She swallows* No...I mean....*Damn, this is hard...She takes a breath again before speaking* I mean...It doesn't all sound like rape, Sister...*Keeping aware to remain tense in case* The Redneck ST: HT--What do you mean? Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (And by the way...Storm just hit here and with lightening, so if I suddenly vanish for a few minutes that's why...Hopefully it wont knock the power out for long) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Sighs* Besides being able to read the guilt and fear in your eyes...You're an Ahroun. While no Fury would just let rape happen without a hell of a fight...I don't really just see him laying you on your back..Can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me that yes, it was? I've got a Gift that'll tell me if you lie...*Not a full out scare tactic, but hoping that if it is the case...The other'll get spooked* The Redneck ST: ((Hmm... Gimme a Man + Intimidation roll...)) The Redneck ST: ((diff 5)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (6,6,4,4,1) The Redneck ST: ((ooooh, did you get some nice rolls.....)) *The Crinos whimpers, instinctively raising her chin to expose her throat.* HT--He told me to let it happen... it wouldn't be that bad and everybody'd just put the blame on him... Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Grunts...Nodding* But you let him do it, no less? The Redneck ST: HT--Let him? Hell, I almost made him. He said to let the trial happen. Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She nods...Standing* Thank you, for at least admitting this Sister...That reflects better on you...*She glances at Takes..* That's all I needed to know... The Redneck ST: *Takes-the-hoof, now carefully professional again, stands and nods to Tawana.* Be ready when the moon rises. Come, Never-Warns-Twice. *And on out of the clearing.* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She nods...Following Takes* I reclaim my advising of the Rite of the Crone, as it's reserved for rape...I suggest Satire still.... The Redneck ST: Satire? Perhaps... *Heading back towards the main clearing.* however, he did what he did to try to keep her name clean. That's the sort of thing that should be a mitigating circumstance... Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Nods* Understandable. My theory is just that being an Adren, he really should have known better in the first place...She as well...It's better he stepped up at risk of stiring the Rage of the Tribe and likely facing death...But that never changes a crime done. It just shows that they realize they've done it, in my opinion, Rhya and my guess can only lead to assume a two fold theory that when someone steps forward...They either do it in hopes punishment is less severe...Or they honestly regret it happening. I'm not sure which is the case...But it's just my opinion, Rhya The Redneck ST: Well, considering he stepped forward to admit to a crime far greater than what he committed, I doubt it's the first. Is there anything else you want to find out? Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Nods* That's true as well, which is why I withdrew my opinion of the Crone Rite...*She thinks a moment...She could ask the Strider a question, but thoroughly she doesn't likely want to hear the answer and she can likely guess it* No Rhya...I think any more would be pretty much hopping from one rock to another, only to gather what's already known. Is there anyone else to question or were they the only two? The Redneck ST: *Shakes her head.* She became pregnant, was evasive about who the father was, and come the sixth or seventh month, had to shift to Crinos. We began trying to find all the information we could, and he showed up. He'd been a frequent visitor, and he said that he had come to admit his crime. that was perhaps a week ago. I believe she is due in another month. What do you suggest for Tawana, who would have seen a man killed or castrated to protect a portion of her honor? Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She thinks..* Her actions were cowardly in a sense, going beyond breaking the first tenant of the Litany...I suggest Voice of the Jackal for her.. The Redneck ST: *Takes-the-Hoof chuckles.* Rite of Satire for the man who broke the Litany and tried to sacrifice his own life for someone else; and the Jackal for the woman who also broke the Litany, and would have let the man die to cover it? Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She nods* Yes...An Adren should know better, regardless of his "chilvary"...If he needs to sacrafice himself, there are plenty of Wyrm holds he could have ran into and died maybe doing some good fighting for Gaia *Nods* And Tawana shows she can let lust get in the way of laws put in place for a reason and that she would let another die for a sin she commited too, showing cowardice. My opinion stands..*She swallows, growing quiet* The Redneck ST: *Nods.* Interesting reasoning behind it... We'll see how it comes out, come moonrise. Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She nods* Alright, Rhya. I'll attend the Moot as well to honor the Caern and to watch the out come... The Redneck ST: *Smiles that grandmotherly smile.* This isn't the moot, just a gathering. *And so the afternoon passes as the old Philodox secludes herself and prepares.* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She nods before she moves back off to where she slept...Just sitting and reflecting on the days advents while she waits on the sun to set and the gathering to come together..* The Redneck ST: *Come moonrise the Garou are gathered 'round--two women in Glabro shove the man into the clearing, while two others in the same form help Tawana walk in to sit at a different side. The man looks resigned, dealing even with the shove to the ground with no angwer, and the woman has her face buried in huge Crinos paws. So they wait for perhaps half a minute before Takes-the-Hoof steps forward.* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She stands among the gathering...Face blank and nuteral, if not bordering icey...Silent and watching for Takes-the-Hoof too speak* The Redneck ST (where's Al Sharpton when you need him?): I am Take-the-Hoof, Athro Philodox of the Daughters of Wolf. I judge and hold trial over a crime tonight. If anyone disputes my ability or my right to do so, let her step forward now and issue challenge. *Nobody does, and she waits another half minute or so before she continues.* The Redneck ST (where's Al Sharpton when you need him?): Something-Positive, Adren Ragabash of the Silent Striders, you come to us accused of the rape of a Black Fury. You have admitted that while the Sept of Foggy Fields granted you welcome and shelter, you took a woman of our tribe by force and left her with child. You were absolutely full of shit. Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She watches...But she trusts no one would do so....So her eyes return to the Athro* The Redneck ST (where's Al Sharpton when you need him?): *Now there's a reaction on the face of the young man--fear. This is ~not~ how it was supposed to go, and all his composure to meet his death with honor begins to slide. The woman, on the other hand, drops her front paws to the ground, looking behind her for an escape. There is none--the two who so gently esorted her in move to block her path, both shifting to Crinos.* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She trusts in the guards...But she tenses, just in case...Still keeping her eyes on those who are in the center* The Redneck ST (where's Al Sharpton when you need him?): For breaking the first Tenet of the Litany, you will be burdened with the Rite of Satire, and for the next two moons you will not be allowed entrance to any Black Fury caern. Once that time is up, you will be welcome here again. As an Adren of your tribe, you should know better far more than this pup. The Redneck ST (where's Al Sharpton when you need him?): Tawana Strikes-cleanly, you will have a new deedname. From now forward, you are Tawana Brawley... *She smiles.* You may have to look it up to understand its importance. When your mule is whelped, you will be sent to a different sept... most likely, a Sept in Greece, where some of the... hardliners... of our tribe will better instruct you in proper behavior. If you impress them with your ability to learn, they may remove the Voice of the Jackal that I'm going to place on you-but that may or may not ever happen, so don't be impatient. Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She watches the two criminals, making sure neither was going to try getting out of the punishment to be laid on them...Eyes soon returning to Takes* The Redneck ST (where's Al Sharpton when you need him?): Never-Warns-Twice, your advice was good, except that your time among the Urrah may have already lead you to forget that the Black Furies hold to a higher standard. Remember that what you observe is more important than the deductions you make from it, fostern, and return to your... city. Oh--and tell your packmate that the Sept of Foggy Fields says "Hooty- hoo". *There's general laughter after this--even Something-Positive chuckles slightly through a mask of horror.* ((*G* And we is done.)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (*Cackles* I can't read "Hooty-hoo" with a straight face) *She almost grins...Until the joke and her head ducks down in partial shame...But almost chuckling herself..* (*G* Bet she couldn't bug a Theurge to learn a Gift, could she? *G* Or she gotta wait til she gets home and pester Lir?) The Redneck ST (where's Al Sharpton when you need him?): ((*g* she could do that before she leaves. What Gift? Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (I -think- it's just called Rend. It's in the Revised Tribebook. Not sure if it's in the old one since I don't have it *Chuckles* I can look it up and/or type it out for you) The Redneck ST (where's Al Sharpton when you need him?): ((Yeah, if it's in the Revised one, I'll need the write-up for it. *G* Go 'head an' email it to me, 'cuz I'm gonna crash.)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (*L* Alright. I'll mail it and likely mail a updated sheet tomorrow *G* To tired to dig up my book right now. Thought it was on my desk *Chuckles* Night *G*) The Redneck ST (where's Al Sharpton when you need him?): (('Nite, ma'am.)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (And thanks! *Shuffles to do some stuff and crash myself*)
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