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Battleground 4 Thrusday, October 13, 2005 Note from Archiver: Started Log at 6:18 PM, PST, 10/13/2005 When we last left our group, they had just made a leap of faith onto the moonpath some 30 meters (about 90') below, rather than fighting the Weaver's hunter-spiders & a Statis Vector... as that would have made the combat 5 (Weaver) versus 2 Garou (metis). Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *Tarence sticks close to his pack, running along in yellow lupus form* Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] ((anyway, Im here, Im here. Work ran real damn late)) Ash Spencer (Pain Redefined): [ZY3YT] *She's in Lupus and third from the rear...Once more checking on everyone and their surrounding while they travel* Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *same procedure as last night.. moving along the side and keeping his eyes on the rest of the war party a bit suspiciously* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *following Slacker in Lupus* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Leads the way through the umbra in his lupus form dashing along the moon path* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((Starting log now. And if it doesn't send this time, I'll just post it up on my website.)) Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] ((Sorry, Greg... you're my homey and all... but the clock says you're 7 seconds too late. I'm afraid there can be no exceptions for favoritism...)) *The dim red light of anthelios shines brighter overhead as the long hours of running continue... the webs and the spiders that came close to claiming the wolfpack now dozens of miles behind them as the nearly transluscent moonpath beats softly under two score paws...* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Follows as the others take after Slacker--again, bringing up the rear.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((Awe can we keep him. He doesn't eat much)) Ruarc: [WV83] *In lupus, just staying ahead of Ash and the last two. * Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] ((*G* I got both copies of last night's log... it was the LAST TRIP that I never got the log for... as in Lance, Cali, Ash, Bernie and Tarence.... last trip.)) Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] ((But he smokes a ton....)) Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] ((Okay, his cigarettes stay, but he goes)) Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] ((*snicker* not even if I threaten to share tales of what just occured during a bio break?)) Ash Spencer (Pain Redefined): [ZY3YT] (Crusher>>I got I think the first log...The last one was when my comp crashed and I lost it right at the very end *G*) Vicente "Eyes-Without-Form" Chavez: [8NFYR] *the red-hued lupus runs at the rear of the pack, perhaps only Lance behind him, should the ahroun still insist on the position....* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((I don't think I got that archive, but I'll check and see. Dunno who took it.)) Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] ((Fine, fine... join. Spare me your tales of greek girls and parasites... wait... wrong guy. Damn! Too late...)) Damien Rangore: [OOCS5] *He lopes along, keeping an eye out as they go and quiet as a mouse for the time being* Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *between huffs and puffs* ~ws~ remind me.. to make... a little red wagon.. fetish. for these long trips. Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *Even among the most stalwart of the Garou, ribs have begun to ache and legs go numb... the pain and fatigue beginning to wash over some of the least weathered of the pack... positions no longer based solely on desire, but capability. The slow weed out toward the back as the strong set the pace without regard. Such is the way of wolves* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((Actually, I'll put my logs up on my site anyways)) Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *ends up nearer the back than he began.. but oh yes, that's all a part of his devising. of course* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Stays in the back, deliberately--and isn't averse to nipping a leg or two if it's needed.* Ash Spencer (Pain Redefined): [ZY3YT] *Panting...She makes she to give an encouraging bump into those slowing due to fatigue....Knowing it's a pain to keep moving when exausted but they need to at least reach the Realm...* Ash Spencer (Pain Redefined): [ZY3YT] (Second she is sure *G*) Bernard Observes from Afar Smith (TCFB): [CK8YK] *Trots along, looking tired now, but keeping up with his packmates.* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *keeps going along as best she can* Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *Tarence keeps up with this pack as best he's able, proving stalwart for a Theurge, and obviously not wanting to give them the opportunity to ridicule* Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *ahead now in the distance... Gary's eyes can make out the warming glow of a Lunae... thin trails of silvery light flitting about the vast, hazy white sphere's outskirts. After so many hours, it couldn't come at a better time...* Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): [DMP3A] *he seems to be a bit worn by now, but still truding along, probally closer to the front now though* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ~WS~ Come on. We got this. Can't let a hike bug us. We can rest when we get there. Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] ~ws~ you're.. supposed to say... 'so help me, I'll... drive this warparty.. over a cliff, kids" Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((DLP)) Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] ((then DLP mine as well)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ~WS~ Got a safe place to rest for a few up ahead. We'll stop for a few and let folks catch their breath Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] *grunts a light growl as he sees it too* ~ws~ Let's check it out, Luc.... just in case. *Begins to pull up ahead of the pack, despite being worn, his natural speed and endurance a good mark higher than most Garou's* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ~WS~ Minutes not hours. Need to keep going though luckily we did cut a chunk of time off our trip by that short cut. Ash Spencer (Pain Redefined): [ZY3YT] *Grunts...Nudging everyone onward for the safe spot....Tounge lulling even from the sturdy Fury by the time they reach it* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Brings up the rear, and waits with the others while it's checked out, turning to look at their backtrail.* Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *and with a sigh of relief, plows side-first onto the ground, catching his breath. reverts to homid for a few to stretch his natural form* I shoulda brought.. some fucking... cigarettes. Ruarc: [WV83] *He choses to remain near the rear. Seeing that he's not exactly close friends with anyone. He is glad to know there will be a rest ahead. * Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *sure, she's a pretty hardy soul, but even she's got her limits* Damien Rangore: [OOCS5] *Comes to a stop when the pack pulls ahead to check things out. Panting softly as golden eyes tail after them* Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *well.. once they reach the lunae, anyway* Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): [DMP3A] *he bobs his head moving up ahead of the group with his packmate* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *SHifts up to homid once he gets there and unzips his Gym bag pulls out 3 beat up two liters of water Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] the were probrably once surge bottles* We're making good time. Ash Spencer (Pain Redefined): [ZY3YT] *Glances back at Lance and Vic, should the Uktena be in sight....Making sure they're both fine before skiming over the rest of the group....Awaiting for from the Thundercougarfalconbird pack...* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *she's thankful when they get the chance to catch their breath. she pads around a bit rather than just flopping onto the ground* Ash Spencer (Pain Redefined): [ZY3YT] (Word from...*Bitch slaps my spelling*) Vicente "Eyes-Without-Form" Chavez: [8NFYR] *Seems to be holding up rather well... slight in build, but from his pacing, Vicente seems to be long-acclimated to marathon runs.* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Paces slowly from side to side, ears pricked and eyes alert, worried that if he lays down his muscles will stiffen up.* Ruarc: [WV83] *Shifts to homid and just sits down a moment, running a hand through his hair as he looks around from his spot. More then glad for the water when he can get his hands on one for a quick drink* Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] ((They're still not in the Lunae, folks... hold your horses *g*)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((SHould be at the Lunae already unless I read wrong)) Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] People.. wouldn't bitch about gas prices so much.. if they did this more often. Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] ((then last post was in ws.. more or less. and still running)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((Ahhhh misread it then)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((Guess still heading towards it then.)) Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((*holds last IC post for appropriate moment*)) Vicente "Eyes-Without-Form" Chavez: [8NFYR] *runs side to side more as the wolfpack slows... not wanting his muscles to sore if it turns out this place isn't safe to rest in...* Damien Rangore: [OOCS5] *Paces slightly-...Gaze up ahead where the pack went off to check things out* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *still loping along, she can't help but look forward to a reprieve* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ~WS~ Should be some lunes up ahead in that Lunae. Give everybody a chance to get some fluids in them and take a load off for a bit. Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *Ahead, the two large wolves seem to stop at the edge of the mist that encompasses the sphere's boundary... looking to one another and possibly discussing* Ash Spencer (Pain Redefined): [ZY3YT] *She begins moving in an odd, near circular trot when her muscles suggest they might start to stiffen...Waiting as pateintly as possible* Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *Tarence hops in place, looking ahead at the Lunae* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Keeps pacing, ears still cocked and eyes still peering at the darkness behind them... Too bad he can't cast Magic Missile.* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((Oi. Heh heh heh)) Bernard Observes from Afar Smith (TCFB): [CK8YK] *As he moves closer, he fades from view, others almost forgetting he's even there.* (BoME) Ash Spencer (Pain Redefined): [ZY3YT] *She squints up ahead...Ears cocking back, then popping forward again* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Looks at Tarence. waiting for the others to get back* ~SS~ They gonna have a clue as to what they found? Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *up ahead, the two wolves turn and begin running back to the group* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Looks at them when they get back* ~WS~ Whatcha got? Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] ~SS~Nah...probably not...*He stops hopping for a second, and seems to be thinking, before running up to join his pack* Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): [DMP3A] *he turns about and heads back to the group* ~ws~ Looks like we got another pack inside, two in homid and two and lupus... couldn't make out any other features without letting them see up. Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] *pads up to the group once more* ~ws~ Four inside... garou, from the look of it. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ~WS~ Everything look calm in there? Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Nods.* WS--Then we'll advance as a pack. Alexi, Vic, best if you too keep hidden and watch our flank, just in case. Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] ~ws~ Just lounging from the look of it... but no way to tell the tribe. No one who goes in looks tired... got me? Put on your 'hardcore' face... and if you don't have one, stay behind a minute or two just in case... No need to bait them. Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *nods and the second no one's looking at him, fades from sight* ((1 succ on blur)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Nods* ~WS~ Sounds like a plan Damien Rangore: [OOCS5] *Flicks an ear. Intresting-...He waits for the others to advance before moving along. In the mean time, he remains paceing* Ash Spencer (Pain Redefined): [ZY3YT] *Grunts at Martin* ~ws~Plan on it.... Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *Tarence laughs as best he can in lupus* Hardcore face...only in D-town... Ruarc: [WV83] *Just nods to everything said and watches the happening* Vicente "Eyes-Without-Form" Chavez: [8NFYR] *nods and fades slightly from view... the edges of his red-brown fur becoming hazey against the umbral backdrop* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *dips her head once in consent* Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] *turns and begins heading back toward the Lunae once more...* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ~WS~ Let's move it then burning moon light. Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] WS--and anyone who looks tired is likely too tired to stay out here alone. *Moves up towards the front, now, waiting for the others.* Ash Spencer (Pain Redefined): [ZY3YT] *Steadies her breathing....Moving off with the pack and remaining near the rear....Head up and eyes watchful...* Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): [DMP3A] *he turns moving to follow Martin* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Heads toward the Lunae in his lupus form. Which is actually a pretty decent size itself* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *And moves along, slightly behind Slacker and off to the right side of the moonpath.* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *and she trots along after Gary, a little renewed by the small wait & anticipating what's up ahead* Damien Rangore: [OOCS5] *Moves ahead along with the others. The crow above him once again getting a little closer to the Lord and pack as they advance towards the Lunae* Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *He moves back up next to his packmates, his breath steadying after a few moments* Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] *grunts* ~ws~ Fine... what do I know? *continues along, shoulders stiffening and silvery mane bushing up somewhat as they draw into the mists and the Lunae itself* Ruarc: [WV83] *Decides to hang back, listening and waiting incase a galliards tongue is needed. Though he has other reasons to hang back as well* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Crosses the mists into the Lunae* Bernard Observes from Afar Smith (TCFB): [CK8YK] *Moves along stealthfully with his packmates.* Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *sneaks along as well, weaving in between some of the packs and behind the larger garou to aid his concealment* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *she pauses a moment to cast a gaze back towards the way they came. then she crosses the mists, following into the Lunae* Ash Spencer (Pain Redefined): [ZY3YT] *Keeps moving forward and into the mist...* Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *Tarence steps in with his pack, looking about once inside* Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *As the mists thin out again into the interior of the Lunae itself, the four other forms begin to fade into view. Two massive wolves and pair of humans... no giant ears or flapped wings, so at first glance it's a comforting sight. As the mists part fully, however, the tension begins to return. Both of the men are outright feral in appearance... lacking the soft features of a homid born in leiu of the beastial mockery that reprsents the best a Lupus changer can offer. Their hands are full of berries, though they quickly drop them and slide into Hispo with veteran ease as the warparty makes their way in...* Vicente "Eyes-Without-Form" Chavez: [8NFYR] *keeps in the back, not wanting to make his presence obvious unless absolutely needed* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Hoping no one hit Hispo in his group.* WS--Easy, there. Hello the camp. Damien Rangore: [OOCS5] *He stays at ease in Lupus for the moment. Eyes searching over the pack they've come across* Ash Spencer (Pain Redefined): [ZY3YT] *She remains in Lupus...Nuteral and showing she isn't intimidated by the shifting Garou.....* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *also in lupus form, looking a bit curious* Ruarc: [WV83] *Looks for someone to take control of the situation, eyes on Lance as he speaks. * Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *the largest of the two wolves leaps to his feet as well at their entry... the other merely glancing up from his slothful position on the cool ground. The former is a massive wolf, even by Garou standards... and his jaws and claws seem even more fearsome than a wolf of its size, despite not bearing any of the telltale signs of Hispo form. Its coat is dark gray with black streaks traveling along its back from nose to tail, with one white paw... and a broad patch of rusty crimson fur at the center of its chest* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ~WS~ I am Gary Allens "SLacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time, Homid Cliath Theurge of the Bone Gnawers. Damien Rangore: [OOCS5] *Ouch-...A glance to the others to see if anyone else is going to speak up or if he should try* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *noticing the splash of red, she thinks to herself that this will be interesting* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] WS--We seek no battle. How goes your trip? Ash Spencer (Pain Redefined): [ZY3YT] *Her ear flicks and she makes for an introduction* ~ws~Greetings...I am Never-Warns-Twice...Cliath Half Moon of Peagus' Tribe...We don't mean to intrude on your rest..But we too need to rest as we've been traveling for some time... Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] [Large Gray] *snarls suddenly... still in lupus, but no less fearsome despite it* ~ws~ And you presume to have a deed name... ape? Damien Rangore: [OOCS5] *If they're what he's guessing-..Gary likely just made a boo boo. He waits for any reaction from the strange Garou* Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *Tarence stays near Martin and the others of his pack, standing stock-still as the others exchange words.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ~WS~ I do Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Steps forward, establishing himself both as the speaker of the party and the one who Big Guy will be facing, should trouple start.* WS--Be easy, stranger. He earned his deed-name through his Rite of Passage, as any Garou does. Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] [Large Gray] Lance>> ~ws~ Better before you brought your stink in this place..... *the wolf seems to grow particularly irate now, the head motion from switchin between Gnawers a tightly jerked one. On his side, notably, none speak but he* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *she watches the reactions of those speaking & of those present* Damien Rangore: [OOCS5] *He'll let Lance play speaker for the moment-...Ready to step in if things start to get ugly. They still could have a long way to go and for the mission they are on, they can't afford injury before the battle* Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *wonders why no one howled an introduction... shrugs to himself and continues to remain blurred, eyeing the lead wolf* ((Fatal Flaw: 9,7,2... opponent's (Wits+sub)-2 diff).. if it even gets to that)) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Supresses the growl, although he can't quite make the hackles over his shoulders stay down.* WS--Once we have rested, we will be on our way. In the meantime, we mean no harm to you and yours. Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] [Large Gray] ~ws~ And were it not for the pomp of the Silver Fangs egos, the Gnawers wouldn't even be considered animals, let alone Garou.... Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): [DMP3A] *he adjusts his posture a bit, slightly behind Martin. He just watches the Garou infront of them* Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] [Large Gray] ~ws~ I am Tears-at-the-Wyrm's-Essence.... ADREN Ahroun of the Red Talons... and you mean little harm even to a Scryer, mutt-bred filth.... Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Oh yeah at that he snarls back but wait's for Lance's say so* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((ANd that snarl would have come before he introduced himself, not after)) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Does growl this time, taking a step forward.* WS--I am Rides-the-Storm, Cliath Ahroun. I am a Child of the Rat God, and I am as much a Garou as yourself. *His original plan was to add "perhaps more", but he adjusts that in light of the fellow's rank.* We seek nothing of your sanctuary but rest, Rhya. Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *Of course, it's nearly impossible not to recognize the name. Tears is a renown warrior, and among one of the Talon's most potent remaining pedigree's. After spending nearly half a decade performing wanton slaughter on both Vampires and Pentex Agents alike, he parted ways with his multi-tribal pack and returned to lead among his own people, where his ferocity an prejudice are well documented* Damien Rangore: [OOCS5] (( Kicking up persuastion. Need a roll? )) *He speaks up next* ~ws~Well met, Tears-at-the-Wyrm's-Essence-Rhya. Like my companions say, we mean not to bother and after a few moments rest, we will be on our way. We mean not to offend you with the stink of the Scab, but it is where we hail from and where we perform our duties for Gaia. But we don't want a fight, by far. Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *"No," she thinks to herself, "This isn't going to be interesting, this is going to be trying"* Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] [Tears] *snorts loudly, chortling through the oversized fangs customery to his tribe*~ws~ I -am- more inclined to agree your descent from Rats, however,... Your words ring true, mutt. Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Kicks in Persuasion himself. WS--I claim my Totem with pride, Rhya. We will continue on our way when we have rested. Will you sit with us? Ash Spencer (Pain Redefined): [ZY3YT] *Just lets everyone else handle the Talons...Remaining silent and watchful...* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *she takes a step towards, but not ahead of Lance or Gary. she keeps her posture respectful of the higher ranked Talon* -ws- Your victories against the servants of the Wyrm are renowned, Rhya. It would be an honor if you would let us rest & hear of your great deeds first hand. Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] [Tears] *Erupts into Hispo, his canines now extending like giant tusks past the edge of his lower jaw, the lower fangs emerging several inches above his maw in at a like angle. Now at nearly half a ton and tall at the shoulder as any present in homid...* ~ws~ KNOW YOUR PLACE, BLACK COAT, OR BE TAUGHT IT.... *his growl roars across the Lunae... causing the few Lunes still inside to scatter erratically in deference* ~ws~ You may take what drink fills you and sit in the mists... for I will NOT abide your foul stench while I rest. Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] ((There's no real need to roll for Persuasion. Unless your character has an extrordinary pool (7+), his bonuses due to Rank and Pure Breed may be prohibitively difficult to surmount)) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Shifts to Hispo when the Talon does, ready to intercept if need be, but bites down the comment that first comes to his lips--win or lose, and Lance is realist enough to realize he'll lose, the necessary battles are ahead of them.* WS--Slacker, have them get what rest we can. If it's long enough to sleep, I'll stand the first guard. Tears>>This we will do then, Rhya. All will know that your generosity truly is as storied. Any of your companions who wish to spend a few moments exchanging stories are welcome. Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *Golden eyes suddenly freeze and lock.... lock on Regin with what can only be utter disbelief. The hispo takes one (1) step forward. Growl now subsided into a perfect calm and clarity* ~ws~ Did you just -speak- to me, metis? Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((*G* yeah, but there's also the 'greater impact' thing. Although if it comes to a Staredown they'll need every bit they can get.)) Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *Even the lazy of the four now stands, though by his posture he doesn't seem to expect conflict, given Lance's acceptance of terms. Still, the daring metis seems to have his attention as well...* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *still keeping her posture respectful* -ws- Yes. I have only heard of your deeds, but I have never seen you first hand. If you do not wish to speak of your deeds, I will be fine. Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] WS--She is True-Paw, of the Get of Fenris, and a worthy companion, Rhya. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Nods to Lance* ~WS~ Get what you need. We're resting in the mists as per the Rhya's order. Still got some travelling ahead of us and don't forget we still have to get back. Ruarc: [WV83] ~ws~> Rhya, we thank you for your gift and shall do as you wish. Your deeds are truely awe inspiring. Please forgive us for our youth and our lack of understanding of your ways. *Moving to get near Regin, though he really does not know her* Rhya, forgive her. She means no offense to one such as yourself. Damien Rangore : [SQZXR] (( Sorry. Page is timing out on me. Only got 6 dice, when Pure Breed is figured in. )) *That nearly burst an ear drum. Waits to move out to the mists with the others* Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] [Tears] *his throat issues a deep rumbling... his fur growing every more bristled with each reply* ~ws~ Perhaps its your tribe's lack of Fosterns that leaves your tongues so unchecked, dogs... perhaps I could loan you the assistence of our own Philodox to better educate you in Garou ways.... Bernard Observes from Afar Smith (TCFB): [CK8YK] *Stays back with his pack, keeping out of sight thanks to his gift, although knowing that they can possibly smell him.* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] WS--Slacker, get the others back there. *Looks directly at the two that are obviously pissing the Lupus off directly, indicating that he means them especially.* I'll join you soon. Rhya, our experience is indeed little, but if your Philodox wishes to accompany us upon a mission of vital importance, we would indeed be grateful. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Turns* ~WS~ You heard him back out in the mists. Pronto. *And will actually nudge stragglers* Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): [DMP3A] *he motions slightly to his pack trotting back into the mists* Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *He turns slowly, and makes his way out with Lucien and the others* Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] *He blinks a few times... not believing how dense they guys are. Actually ~answering~ "Did you just speak to me?" ....* " At this rate, I'm going to have to kill an Adren. I am so gonna be a cub after this.... Unless.... unless I just let they guy throat them all... it seems to be inevitable at this rate...." *He thinks the words to himself as he glances back to check his pack's demeanor* Vicente "Eyes-Without-Form" Chavez: [8NFYR] *creeps backward to make room for the others as they pull back out.... that was waaay too close* Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] *turns and pads out with the others.... groaning aloud a bit as he slumps onto the cool surface of the Lunae's edge... stretching out his legs and back as much as possible in the slightly cramped quarters* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Gets out ot eh mist once the others are out and pulls out a gym bag and tosses a two liter of Water to Tarence. one to Vicente* ~HT~ Pass em around. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] * shifted to Glabro once outside* Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *exits much more slowly than the rest, watching Lance's back* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *she follows the others to the peripherals of the mists, but she sits herself some distance away from the group. mentally she's kicking herself. she was making an effort to help diffuse the situation (& she would have liked to heard a tale or two from the Adren) but her attempt failed by blowing up in her face* Vicente "Eyes-Without-Form" Chavez: [8NFYR] *Nods and passes the bottle on without taking a drink... returning to homid as well and pulling out his own gatorade from the confines of his duffle... though he paces out a few meters to distance the scent of sportsdrink from the Lunae itself... make that a good twenty feet.* Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *Tarence catches the bottle, and takes a small swig, then passes it to Lucien, shifting up to homid* Shit...that didn't go well... Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] For once I'm thankful Kyle ain't here. We'd a got fucking lynched. Ruarc: [WV83] ~ws~> Rhya, once again we thank you. Proud member of Griffin's childern who does so much for Gaia. *Quick and neat, showing the proper respect of a lowered tail and belly crawling back into the mist* Damien Rangore : [SQZXR] *He takes a few swallows from the bottle of water before passing it on-...Still watching up ahead for Lance to return, or trying through the mists* Damien Rangore : [SQZXR] *That is, after shifting to Galbro* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] It could have gone worse and it didn't, *Has one bottle set aside not opened and he hasn't drank yet* Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] [Tears] *Golden eyes shoot to the lazy lupus. With only Ruarc and Lance remaining, his glare looks to be instructing the Philodox to make an example out of them... on behalf of their entire party...* Bernard Observes from Afar Smith (TCFB): [CK8YK] *Sits out in the mist near where ever his pack sits, letting his gift slide away so he can rest.* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Resists the urge to growl in frustration after Ruarc's comment, fair certain that the Adren would take it for challenge.* Ruarc: [WV83] *Or doesn't leave yet, Just shows the proper respect do. * Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): [DMP3A] *he shifts quickly to Homid to take a quick swig from the bottle before passing it onto Martin and shifting back to Lupus* Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *Nips once at the air after hearing Ruarc's words... the Lupus pausing after only being able to take a few steps... and laying back down again. Tears turns and goes to a pile of picked berries, beginning to eat in silence as the others wait for him to find his fill* Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] *Nods a thank you to Gary and Lucien, returning to Homid and taking a swig as well* Aah... that hit the spot. Maybe after a while, we can take up a collection of empties and have soemone.. eh... not us go in and refill them. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] Never met a Talon before. Figure we'll have better luck getting refills elsewhere. Maybe the Abyss Ash: [QUB9B] (Bleh, my system just crashed guys. Having to have someone reinstall windows but they said it'll take about 15-20 minutes and next door on their web. I'll be back when my shits reinstalled) Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((K)) Ruarc: [WV83] *Waits for Lance to go, leaving into the mist quetly. Giving Lance a sort of, hurry up before you piss him off look * Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] Ruarc>>WS--Wait with the others. *And waits himself, for the Philodox.* Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] ((No worries, Ash... we're about ten-twenty minutes from the BG... so try your best, and you can rejoin any time up until the aftermath. *nods* My condolensces)) Damien Rangore : [SQZXR] *Keeps quiet for the moment, awaiting Lance's return* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((Computers making your life easier by complcating it)) Ruarc: [WV83] *Trots out and shifts to homid, his hands rubbing over his face looking rather annoyed at the entire situation* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((*G* PLEASE tell me he got into the mists before shifting...)) Vicente "Eyes-Without-Form" Chavez: [8NFYR] *snickers at Gary's comment* Maybe Ruarc should've taken charge there.... I'm sure he's no prize to the Talons, but probably the best we've got that's social. Ruarc: [WV83] ((I said he trots out, so that would indeed mean to where the others are) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((Oh I sure as Fuck did)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] Probrably right, though I think everyone was pissing them off. Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *Perhaps Luna smiling on them, it's only about twenty minutes longer before the thick form of a broad wolf steps out into the mists between them. Golden eyes looking them over through the wide red patch that encircles his left eye* ~ws~ The Lunae is now vacant.... *and with that, the slothful Lupus returns inside... and off to the right, the loud clawbeats of heavy wolves can be heard moving off into the umbrascape* Ruarc: [WV83] *Looks from Vic to Gary, his hands drop to his lap. * I don't know, they seemed friendly enough to me *Grins a bit and shrugs* Though really, Ahrouns don't make the greatist first impressions, no offense. Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *continues to wait a bit away from the others, content to remain blurred for the moment as he rests, listening and watching to make sure Lance doesn't get gangbanged all alone* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] WS--My thanks, Rhya. *Looks to the othes, calling out a bit louder after he hears the others leave.* WS--Come on out now, and let's rest. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] We still got a trip a head of us. We can either rest here and let you nap a bit or tough it out and sleep when we get home. The Wyldling's short cut cut a decent amount og time off our trip, Gibeous moon is on it's way so the paths are going to get easier to navigate and there'll be Lunes on them for some protection. You want to nap do it now. Got some granola bars I scrounged up if anybody is hungry, and like I said before when we get there stay on the god damned tracks cause if not you're in that battle til either you die and pop out the realm or til it's over Damien Rangore : [SQZXR] *Shifts back to Lupus and moves into the Lunae. Pacing slightly to keep his sore muscles at least partially loose* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Nods.* I'll stand the first watch. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Tosses Lance the third bottle of water* Better to drink it and then refill it. Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *she makes sure she's dead last before going back inside & even then she still finds a spot seperate from the party* Ruarc: [WV83] *Actauly stays outside for a little while longer, thinking to himself. He finaly goes in after a few minutes * Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): [DMP3A] *he pads back into the Lunae, shifting to Homid and stretching out* Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] It's not much further now...*He looks to Bernie*...recognize this place, Bern? Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *drops the gift, reverting to homid and walking deeper in* Lance>>you want me to do the talking, next time? Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Hands Lancewhat looks like a Noxema can* Happy Birthday. You're probrably gonna need it. Bernard Observes from Afar Smith (TCFB): [CK8YK] *He moves into the Lunae, testing the air as he does, putting those Talon's smells to memory for the future.* ~ws~ Well, that went pleasant enough... Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *Now fully inside, many are able to truly appreciate the landscape. At the borders od the wide disc-like pad of silver-lit earth, thick plants and bushes fill in from the mists... gazing off into the clouds revealing the woodlands actually appear to go on for a score of meters before the mist is too thick to see through. Thin springs of water flows between gaps in the rich soil that begins to build at the disc's edge and outward, and even the chirps of birds can be heard in the surrounding sky.* Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] Mulberries!!! *his voice booms in elation as Martin dives off into the strange underbrush that seems to emerge from the edges of the mists* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Snaps to Homid to catch it and takes a small drink, letting the water soak into his tissues, then another, before finally taking a few gulps.* Makes sense. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Once inside he looks around* And pulls out 2 more cans. ((How many other Gnawers here?)) Bernard Observes from Afar Smith (TCFB): [CK8YK] Tarence> ~WS~ Yeah, same place. Not much farther than here. Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Mutters under his breath to Alexi.* Vicente "Eyes-Without-Form" Chavez: [8NFYR] *Pauses, patting Ruarc on the shoulder and offering him the half-full gatorade* Good save back there, Fianna. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((Move that asterick to the end)) Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] ((Martin is a Gnawer, though Gary might not know that if they haven't been introduced *Can't recall*)) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((Bernard, Slacker, Lance, Martin, Tarence. 5 in all.)) Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *nods in response to Lance's mutter, glances about at the other folks and heads for some of the water coming up from the ground* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Sets the two cans down* Gnawer War Graffiti probrably gonna need it. Enough for two people to get one use of it. Confuses the enemy somewhat. We could all use it but these two need to go to the ones it will do the most good. Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] ((*reads own tag* Well, it must be my lucky day... I'll take The R4PYS for 500...)) Ruarc: [WV83] *Smiles up at Vicente accepting the drink and enjoys a few swigs before passing it on* Thank you, I fear I took to long to speak up. Not that it would have mattered with so many speaking at once. Probably one of the reasons we ticked up off. Besides us being such a motley crew of those he hated so. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Gnaws on a granolla bar tossing some out of his bag into the middle of the area.* DOn't wander off from here or you'll end up lost. and possibly in Arcadia or someplace worse We're only a couple of hours away from our goal. Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *Tarence doesn't make a move towards the can...probably not one of the one's who can use it best* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] (("I feel like I want to punch you." Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *she pads to some water, then into until it comes to her belly. there she wade & drinks the water* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((Damnit Sean Connery it's R-4-PYs)) Damien Rangore : [SQZXR] *He glances at the cans in vague curiousity, but continues to pace slightly* Vicente "Eyes-Without-Form" Chavez: [8NFYR] *He grunts in assent* Considering his rank, I doubt the lupus had any intention of conforming to our system of conversation... and expected us to come to his. I would have offered something on the matter, but once I saw what they were, I realized them noticing any of us trying to conceal ourselves would have only screwed us over further... *takes another swig of delecious orange flavor* Ruarc: [WV83] *Watches Lance and Alexi (are they in view?) before looking around at their surroundings some * Oh, wow. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] Tarence any sugguestions on who takes the War Graffeti? Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] Somehow I doubt they'd have taken kindly to us, no matter what we said... Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] *Returns with the bottom of his shirt folded up and brimming with asssorted nuts and berries.... apparently the Galliard quite the outdoorsman* I saw a bunch of fiddleheads... but then got sad since we didn't have any pots to boil in.... *dumps the forage into a pile between his packmates... obviously giving them a change to grab a choice handful before any others migrate over to join in* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((I love that shit... "Dolly Parton!" "It's Famous TITLES, Mr. Connery, not Famous Titties." "... ...Not a fan of the ladies, are ya, Trebeck?")) *Drinks some more before handing it off to someone else.* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *And heads out to gather a few berries himself.* Ruarc: [WV83] He has the rank, he has done excellant work for Gaia. We really had no right to demand or expect anything from him. I was surprised we got as much as we did. As I said, that went well *Smiles a bit and shrugs* Besides, that is one of the great things of having such rank. He deserved our respect after all. Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] Vic>>Likewise. *shifts to lupus to bend down and drink from the ground* Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] I say either those who aren't suited to fight, or those who would be best in the battle...either or. Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): [DMP3A] *he moves to grab a handful of the 'Marty Mixture' popping a berry into his mouth* Vicente "Eyes-Without-Form" Chavez: [8NFYR] *Leans back against a stump that protrudes slightly onto the disc floor... a cozy spot he noted ealier* You don't sound so terribly convinced, Regin.... Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ANybody got a good reason for getting one? Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *just grunts to Vicente as she wades out of the water & pads back to the spot she was at before* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Lance is perhaps not the outdoorsman Martin was, but then again Martin didn't have his own tracks to follow, so it's not long before Lance comes back with another small load of berries and nuts.* Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] *Gives a wave to Gary* We're only playing escort, anyway.... better save the talens for the folks who want to change history *gives a toothy grin* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] Slacker>>How much of it do we have? Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] Didn't expect so many Gnawers, actually didn't expect so many Garou. Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] (That's it...I have got to get a virus blocker...That's the second time that's happened just in the last half a year...And I lost the archive I had *Grumbles*) *She's there, waiting and seated in Lupus...* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] Martin>>What do you plan to be doing when we're in the battle? Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *drinks his fill and lays down to rest while there's time, listening to conversation* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((*pats* Don't worry. I'm still archiving)) Ruarc: [WV83] *Stays quiet now as everyone does their things. Eating whats offered when the opportunity arises. For the most part, he has no pack nore really any friends. Just sits and watches and listens* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] Got yours and two others. Lance. ANd this is a Gnawer thing. Had no time or enough barganing power to try and get it for other tribes. Sides they would have had to do the work themselves and the spirits probrably would have frowned on a Gnawer binding them for it anyway. Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] Lance>> Ulterior motive.... as usual. Don't worry, though. We said we'd get you guys there and back with the greatest of speed and safety, and we're men of honor, we are. *nods sagely, his own personal reputation for kneeing Garou in the genitals during duels aside...* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *she lays herself down, thinking to herself* Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *He raises a brow at Gary's talk about swapping paints, but stays silent* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] Have to keep our head in the game. Don't know what's going on at the yard. And if we fuck this up we could just make things worse. Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Has a small portion of what he gathered before sharing it out, nodding to Gary. That's three? You, then, and let the other three figure out the other two. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *LOoks at Tarence* Theirs, not ours man. Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] You know it's not a good idea to even ask for others, Gary...I'd be mighty pissed if someone walked up and asked about my secrets... Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *Through both soil and silvery disc alike, the warmth of life and Gaia can be felt all around them... with the peaceful sounds of birds and running water, and the unadulterated scent of lush foilage and Lunes (well... not completely anymore... Gnawers are Gnawers), it's almost tempting to simply call off the entire trip and stay in the Lunae even longer.... but that's not why they're out here, and duty calls. After a few hours of rest, the urge to move on stirs in their half-wolf hearts once more...* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] *Cuffs* ~ws~It okay to get moving again, Slacker? Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] Me too, but.... more willing to piss off people by asking than to have our Family get Slaughtered cause of a lizard that needs counciling. Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Wakes someone else up so he can get some rest as well, and passes out as soon as he's able, waking when the others get up.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] Now's as good a time as any *Tosses the last can to Tarence* You guys figure out who gets it. It's your pack. *SHift to lupus* ~WS~ Game time people. Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] Uh, /do/ know that you can't die in the Battlegrounds...right? Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *when it's time for them to go, she stands & stretches out & takes one more drink of the water while the others get ready* Damien Rangore : [SQZXR] *Rouses up with the others. If he actually slept, or feigned it, was left to be decided. But he's soon standing and ready to go with the others* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ~WS~ YOu do know the Yard that he stormed a while back ain't the battle ground right? Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *He catches the can*Alright...we'll figure it out when we get there...*And he places the can into his bag, shifting down to Lupus as well* Ruarc (The Booted): [CZ1TQ] *Glances up at Slacker, and just shifts while rolling to hiw stomach and stands. Still not a happy camper but ges ready to press on* Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] ~WS~ I thought you were referring to using these things at the bad, then. Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] *Shifts back to lupus and begins to pad for the center exit... now that they're in the home stretch, there's less need to stand on ceremony. He looks impatiently over his shoulder to the others to hurry up...* Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): [DMP3A] *he shifts back down to Lupus, yawning and giving a quick scratch behind his ear before he's ready to move on* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] *Grunts impatiently to get on the way....* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Stands, the dextrous wolf stretching in an almost cat-like manner--having shifted to Lupus to stand watch--and waits to take up the rear.* Damien Rangore: [X4782] (( Anyone else having problems with WW timing out? )) Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] *Seeing everyone making ready, he goes ahead and jogs on.... the broad silvery lupus dashing out into the mist and along the moonpath... sure his pack will be less than a few paces behind him.* Bernard Observes from Afar Smith (TCFB): [CK8YK] *gets up after eating and stretches. Then he waits for his pack to get on the move.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ~WS~ I am. We're trying to change the course of the battle and win some appease ment. and show some contrition.We fuck this up he could just end up more pissed and pretty sure then a lot of people will die. Both Garou and Kin. *Heads off back on the path walking at first to let people get moving* Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): [DMP3A] *he dashes off after Martin, quickly catching up with him* Damien Rangore: [X4782] *Takes off along with the others* Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *Parting from the Lunae, the moonpaths shine as brightly as though it were the full moon at the mist's border, but slow fades again with each parting bound, settling off at a dim, semi-transluscent glow... though the feeling beneath the Garou's feet is no longer like that of hard stone or soft soil... but instead the silverly light seems to crunch and puff with every step... like walking on richly ground powder....* Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *Tarence takes off after Marty.* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((I've been chalking it under as SBC being a biotch on me, like usual)) *when they take of, she is in about the middle again, loping along at an easy pace* Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *rises to his feet much more quickly than he'd layed down, bolting off into the rest of the group.. once more keeping an eye on the others, but this time with a bit more purpose to it in his gaze* Vicente "Eyes-Without-Form" Chavez: [8NFYR] *waits by with Lance... then dashing off along with the last few at the rear of the wolfpack...* Bernard Observes from Afar Smith (TCFB): [CK8YK] *Bolts off after the others with some renewed strength.* Ruarc (The Booted): [CZ1TQ] *Goes back to where he has been, near the read just not one of the last three. Trotting better now. * Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Once everyone has cleared the mist he takes off again running* Ruarc (The Booted): [CZ1TQ] (Err running i mean) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Moves along at that steady, space-eating, nearly-effortless lope that only wolves are truly capable of, still bringing up the rear.* Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *After only a few hours... a seeming instant compared to their previous runs, the membrane of the realm can be seen on the horizon and drawing quickly nearer. Whatever it was that troubled them so last trip seems absent from their course this time. Thankfully so, at that... With only a few minutes more, the membrane that seperates the Near Umbra from the Battleground itself stands before them... ready to accept Gaia's warriors.* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] *She charges onward, ready to enter the Realm..* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ~WS~ Stop. Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *she comes to a stop when Gary says for them to stop* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] *She keeps from rumbling in annoyance....Glancing to Gary and then to the Realm...It's right there.....* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Skids to a halt, still at the back.* Ruarc (The Booted): [CZ1TQ] *Stops, as told. Looking around* Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *slows to a halt, pacing slightly* Damien Rangore: [X4782] *Comes to a stop when instructed. Waiting to see what the pause is for* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ~WS~ One more time and I don't repeat this to be a dick. Stay on the Tracks. Don't deviate, don't explore. I don't care if you think you see your Great Great Great Grand parents duking it out. Don't play around on the tracks and shove anyone. Gonna need everybody we got for this cause I'm guessing it ain't cliaths Shadows we're gonna fight. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ~WS~ This is a lot like not crossing the streams *And steps inside* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] *...Ugh....Just a flick of her ear to Gary...Glancing at Lance and hoping the Ahroun will be taking the lead soon...Because that battle was hard to find last time* Ruarc (The Booted): [CZ1TQ] ~ws~> Ghostbusters, excellant movie for what it was. *grins a bit* Damien Rangore: [X4782] *Follows in, prepared for wierdness* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *she braces herself & follows inside* Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *Tarence steps into the Realm, sticking close to his packmates* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] *Boldly trots into the Realm.....Not as awed as before, but it's still a striking sight to enter usually...* Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *reverts to homid for a moment, getting one last stretch in* And remember, Ray... if anyone asks you if you're a god, *pauses long enough for others to chime in* you say YES Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] *Follows in as well... the rest of TCFB entering with them* Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *Follows the others into the realm, tucking his shirt in slightly as he shifts up to glabro with some difficulty* Ruarc (The Booted): [CZ1TQ] *Shifts to Hispo and trots in as a good little boy* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Nods, moving up beside Slacker as they pass through into the Realm.* WS--when the battle starts, we form a line. Myself, and Slacker in the center. Ash and Damien on one side, Regin and Ruarc on the other. Vicente and Alexi, both of you keep your Gifts running, and generally make yourselves useful--use your own judgement on where and how. When we meet them, they'll outnumber us and surround us. Both of the sides fall back, so they don't get behind us. Everyone understand? Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *SHifts up to Homid and smells the air* Home sweet home. I love the smeell of Napalm in the morning. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *NOds to Lance* Understood. Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] Lance>>one question... what's our primary objective? to fight? to protect their enemy? Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *nods her head once* Damien Rangore: [X4782] *Goes ahead and moves back near the Fury. Unsure what to expect, this being his first time in the Realm. Remaining in Lupus* Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *As they cross the border, a sensation akin to crossing the gauntlet washes over them... but its certainly not the same. It's softer, more... aquatic... On the other size, they're greated by a hot breeze and the trembling earth of mortar fire. Ahead, a stonework roman road leads forward through the fields of Viet Nam, up to a tall signpost* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] You're leavint out Tarence, Martin, and Lucien Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] WS--To take their attention to us and away from their victims. They'll surely turn to fight Garou rather than Kinfolk, and that'll let them get away. Bernard Observes from Afar Smith (TCFB): [NQ1IE] *Just follows his pack along the path.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] and Bernard Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] Slacker>>They're escorting us here, they said, coming with for the trip because there's safety in numbers. They won't be in the battle with us. *still moving along the road.* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] *Flicks an ear* ~ws~Question....Does those who have "ancestors" here go for them? Just asking for those who may not know...Seeing as were suppose to fight our own ancestors....If that be the case, I'll go for the Fangs seeing as my Tribe wasn't involved in this event.... Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] *slaps Lance on the shoulder and grins as he paces on up the road in Glabro* Good luck, bro... we'll be waitin' for ya on the outside. *Jogs along the road to the signpost, scanning over the near dozen entries that split between three other paths.* Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *As they pierce the membrane, Tarence takes off, headed for the signpost*~WS~ This way, boys...*Speaking to his pack* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *she moves so that she's already near Ruarc* Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): [DMP3A] *he pauses with his pack shifting to Glabro once they are within the Relm* Alrighty this is our stop... Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] Ahhhh Nevermind them. If this is where they get off. Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): [DMP3A] *he jogs off after Martin* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Shakes his head.* WS--I doubt we'll get the chance. Right now our goal is to last as long as we can, since we'll be outnumbered better than two-to-one by true packs that likely add up to half a dozen times the rank we have. If--within those goals--you have a chance to stop your own ancestors, take it, but keep together and in position first and foremost. Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] Ws--Good luck, Martin. Bernard Observes from Afar Smith (TCFB): [NQ1IE] *Shifts up to hispo and trots after his packmates, looking back to give a good luck to the rest of the garou.* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] *Watches the Thundercougarfalconbird take their departure...Flicking an ear at Lance* Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): [R4PYS] *Grins and laughs, slapping Tarence on the shoulder up ahead... voice still loud enough to be overheard* What luck... right at the first go! *Points right and takes off down the trail with glee* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Nods* Don't know which one is my ancesstor so fuck it. Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] *Tarence howls as he did before on their first trip, and begins darting side-to-side...last time somone got hit by stray shells when he did that...obviously hoping Marty get's it this time.* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] *Grunts* ~ws~I ment general Tribe, Slacker.....*Looks to Lance* Should we start hunting down the battle? Ruarc (The Booted): [CZ1TQ] *Nods to Regin, deciding to stay in Hispo for this* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((Was assuming Slacker was running along already. My bad if not.)) *Nods, the gesture looking a bit strange on the Lupus, and heads to the first signpost.* And here's the first spot to check. Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] ((Anyhow, I g2g...later folks.)) Tarence Jones ((TCFB)): [7K2AJ] ((*POOF!*)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] (Night, Tarence-p) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *And after a thought--and the whistle-boom of a mortar-shell, he shifts up to Hispo himself.* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((See ya)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Heads towards the sign post looking it over* Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *holds out his fist to bust knuckles with Damien* we're gonna have to get word to Miguel Guitierrez about this. Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] ((Group leaders... Willpower dif 8)) Damien Rangore: [X4782] *Smirks at Alexi, busting knuckles back and nods before rolling his shoulders. Waiting for everyone to get the plan together and get to the battle* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] *following, alongside Ruarc. while inspection is being done, she too shifts to hispo form* Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] (Quick question...Are the Gifts from last scene still active? Damien and Lance had Inspiration up if I recall, and Ash had Resist Pain...Just want to make sure before any rolling goes down *G*) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *And, remebering how much it helped last time, busts out Inspiration as well.* Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *once everyone looks away, with deep concentration, Alexi's form blurs far better than usual* ((three succ with one wp)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] (7,2,4,5,7, 6+1WP+anything Inspiration gives *G*) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((fuck. 1 suxx with WP)) Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] ((It's been hours, so only gifts activated after entering the realm are on.)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((If they both still have insipration up I'm at a 2)) Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] ((Which, because they stepped off the path, is the 1 success either Lance or Ash needed *g*)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] (*G* Alright) *Moves to the post, looking over it for any indication of their battle* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Looks over the Sign and actually puts a dip in* One thing that's always a pain finding a speciffic battle. Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((They're still on the path--or do you mean since they've already been in this battle?)) Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *Unlike before, the vast swath of willful Garou seem to have an effect on the Realm's roadways. The signpost splits its paths into three directions... Left: Battle of Wu Zhang Plains; Jublain vs Aaron: Enter the Firebarrel; Siege of Moscow 6: Still a Bad Idea; Custer's Last Stand; and Dogs of War vs Lone Wolves: Global Disarmament...* Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] ((Ruarc>> Yes, that would have helped *g* But moot since they succeeded. /// Ken>> Because they stepped off LAST time *g*)) Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] ((pardon me a moment while I explode my internal organs from my nose in laughter...)) Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((Well that sounds messy)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((OH OH LET'S GO SEE JUBLAIN VS. AARON!!!!!!))) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] *Hey...Isnt that that one battle where the Fenrir guys pulled the Child of Gaia's arms off and beat the shit out each other with them? Any way....Grunts at Lance.....* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((I'LL GET THE POPCORN!!!)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] (DoW vs. Lone Wolves I remember...Jubes vs. Aaron I don't *L*) Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *Center: Battle of Waterloo; Bleaching Touch of Sonnak vs Talons of Falcon Pack; Anne Coulter vs Mary Cheney: Jell-O Feud (Gateway to Dreamscape); Battle at Fort Sumter; and The Tick vs The Tick (Gateway to Television Zone)....* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Nods.* WS--That's what I hear. *Examines the post, thinking a moment. Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((ooooh... Anne Coulter.......)) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((In Jell-O? Pardon me while I change pants...)) Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((Urge... to kill... rising...)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((I see a little Ann Hesh in there too. Did that sound gay?)) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((Slacker>>Not anymore.)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] WHere we going to O' Fearless Leader? Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((I swear, if men could get pregnant I would have her baby.)) Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] *Right: Retaking of Kuwait; The Tribute for Cortez; Bleaching Touch of Sonnak vs Tongue of Relshab Hive; Plessy vs Ferguson: Secret Monkey Knifefight Tiebreaker; Kippenberger's Folly: Campaign for Africa; and Harlan vs Supreme Court: Monkey Knifefight Rules Dispute...* Damien Rangore: [X4782] *Waits for the others to decide, seeing as he has no clue what so ever what the name of the battle is* Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((Who the hell would pay $400 for a vacuum cleaner that claims to never loose suction?)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((Daredevil Vs. Bullseye: Yup Again. - Intor to Comic Books 101)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] (I can't remember the name of the battle they went in to save my life...Ash would, but player was getting very sleepy at that point) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *And heads off along the center path.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Follows Lance* Might want to put the war graffiti on now Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] *Nods when they located the battle....Letting Lance take lead as she falls back...Keeping an eye out seeing as she got hit by a stray bullet last time....Remaining in Lupus for now* Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *looks at the signposts a moment.. guessing it was the first Bleaching tongue one mentioned and not the one vs the hive... but remains silent so as not to cut off the gift* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] *Nods and stops.* WS--Put it on, then. Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] *though makes the mental note that perhaps coming back would be a good idea for more research* Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] ((Okay Kids... we are officially running the risk or requiring either a fast forward for this battle, or a third evening to finish this. Votes? Neither is likely to alter your renown gains... barring acts of supreme valor or somesuch)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] *Puts it on and SHifts up to Crinos* ~HT~ Meant you too, Hero Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((Now, if it was Anne Coulter vs. Michelle Malkin.... his WP ain't that high, they'd be headin' for that one.... And damn straight he'd leave the path.)) Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] ((I'm up for either option)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] (I can do either or, but Friday I wont be on and tomorrow I have to be in bed hopefully by 2 am...Going to a concert *G*) Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((I'm like the last person to be asking, as I'll be fine with either choice)) *following, staying near Ruarc* Ruarc (The Booted): [CZ1TQ] (I won't be around for a week myself, not that it matters heh) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((I say hit it tomorrow and finish it up right...)) WS--you got any left? Damien Rangore: [X4782] (( Hopefully a fast forward. I have no garuntee I'll be on tomorrow and Friday I wont be on til likely 1 am, if I'm on at all. )) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((SHould be either sleeping or working right now, but I can arrange my schedual one more night if need be. )) Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] ((Well, I'm saying outright I don't want to go past midnight tonight... so that means either there's an anti-climactic cinematic of everyone dying... and the jounrey was the roleplaying reward, or we go one more night with a JY full of kinfolk :P )) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ~HT~ What do you think was in the can I gave you earlier? Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] ((what the? JY full of kinfolk?! damnit, the shadow lords are in the wrong scene!)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] (Can we try for tomorrow night? *G*) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((He didn't give it to Lance--at least, not that I remember. Didn't Slacker throw his other two to Tarence?)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((Your call ST man I got either a Corax or a an Ex-Neo Nazi I can bring it *SMirks*)) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((Well, if it means folks won't be able to make it to the biggest part of the scene, let's wind it up tonight. If everyone can make it, I say tomorrow.)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((Gave one to you while you were still on guard duty and said happy birthday)) Damien Rangore: [X4782] (( I need to get my Gnawer done up. *L* I'm not cool, I only have one character. )) Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] ((Alright... we'll wrap up with them heading out on the center path here.... and either tomorrow evening or Friday evening we finish this right. There will be NO penalty for being unable to attend... your character will have been there and given it his all just like everyone else. You made it this far, and I said it would only take two nights, so I won't cheat anyone here... Cast a final vote for the night: Thurs, Fri or Either.)) Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((I can either lurk or play one of my other characters in other games... I sure have a few Exalts I need to play & a Strider too)) Damien Rangore: [X4782] (( If it can start around 9 EST tomorrow I can do my best to get on. *G* )) Damien Rangore: [X4782] (( Thursday. )) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] (Tomorrow....I can't miss DevilDriver and Gwar at 15 bucks for a scene *L*) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((Thurday. I make far to much money at the club on Friday not to be there)) Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((I vote for Either. Just in case there's not enough folks. I'll still stop by JY tomorrow & lurk for a bit. But if nothing happens I'll end up logging off, playing Moirae or Guild Wars)) Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((*is willing to miss Survivor*)) Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] ((whenever)) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((Shit, I did miss it, then...)) *Snaps easily into Homid, and digs out the one that Slacker gave him, and starts painting.* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (Jur-ass-has-had-it Park, take... whatever.): [95URD] ((Either.)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [Y1GR3] ((Is not willing to miss a lot of money for spinning friday and giving his company a bad name,)) Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] ((Okay. The scene will resume tomorrow night. If you can't attend, or think you might not be able to: feel free to e-mail your character's strategy to me and I will NPC you to the best of my ability. The Log will be made public, so you can read it as though you were there for it. Again, there will be NO penalty if you can't attend. Reading the Log would probably be nothing but a better version of the Fast Forward you would have gotten tonight. Thanks for sticking this out... weeknight games are tough, but I'm liking that we've been making it work thus far. Feel free to hang out on the pathway here IC and discuss strategy if you'd like. I'll be on messenger a bit longer if there are questions. Night all *g*)) Crusher-of-Cities (ST mode): [TRO81] ((Plan on 8pm CST to gather, and hopefully be off the ground running by 8:30...)) Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((I'll email you the log & good night)) Alexi Nicholai (SL Pb3): [WG9NP] ((okay, Im gonna turn in early tonight. Later, folks)) Ash Spencer (11th Hour): [HH5XX] (Night Crusher! *G* Thanks again, will be here unless my comp dies...*Sound of impending doom heard all the way from NC in the form of "fuck" said over and over*) Regin True-Paw: [ED9VN] ((Ending log now. Plus I have a dog I need to tend to soonish)) Archive stopped at 9:34 PM, PST
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