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Cemetery Raid
(Date Unknown) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] ((Dammit, couldn't find the book I wanted.)) *The walk doesn't take too long, during which Lance remains silent, but it's enough time for Arthur to catch up with them after his little peak.* Arthur Simmons: [AEHAU] *Lands on Ky'ls shoulder* ~VotM~ *Wispered* He's the deal there's about 50 of them there, allong with a Pig Creature about the size of a cow. Currently they are busy with the bodies and the jars so if you are quiet you can get the drop on them. For additional information on Quiet please visit your local Library. Arthur Simmons: [AEHAU] *Flies up to get a better vantage point of the battle to come pretty much disapearing in the night sky* Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *Follows silently...Waiting for Lance or Kyle to call the shots....Hiding excitment despite..Damn, that's a lot of Shit Monkies* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] *snaps his fingers lightly at the others and whispers back to Arthur* Yeah see, we're not that good at quiet. Last time we tried that someone almost got killed. Any other ideas? The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] *The cemetary is an ugly place, with an air of despair and neglect around it. Stone walls about eight feet high surround it, although they probably haven't been repaired in the last 20 or 30 years, and the gates are made of twisted-looking black metal that's probably supposed to be wrought-iron but is almost certainly the cheapest aluminum the city could get their grubby little hands on. Several tombstones are knocked over, and by the look of it have been for some time.* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *Nods.* We'll either take it or make it a hit-and-run raid. Either way we can do them a whole lot of damage and weaken them considerable. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *WIspers* me and Lance were up here a couple of nights ago they're digging a tunnel or some shit. Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *Shakes his head, having seen more.* The tunnel's already dug. That's got to be how they're getting in. Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] *mutters to the others* Okay there's about 50 of the lil shits in there and one of the big horse pig corpse things. Heh, if we're quiet we can get the drop on em. I think now would be the time to come up with a backup plan when the quiet part fails miserably. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *Whispers* Hail mary pass throw and go? Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *Whispers*..What's that? *Meaning to Gary...Just hoping it means "Get the fuck out of dodge and take shit with you if you get fuckered up"...* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *WHispers* Or as I seem to be the least stealthy on the last two trips I can always be the diversion. Won't be fun but I can do it. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *Whispers back* It means we throw the bombs at them if we have some and then jet like a mother fucker out of there Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] How about Gary uses the guarenteed to be extra squeeky gate, we hop the wall at the same time, they see him but not us and then we blindside the fuckers. Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *Nods.* Backup plan is for me to throw, Gary to get the hell out of Dodge, and the three of us to cover our own retreat. *Leads the way around to the back of the place.* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] What happens when they rush Gary? Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *Nods...Whispering still* I'm a stealth bomb..*Just to let them know...Growing quieter as they get closer...* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] He runs like all hell I would think. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *Why don't two of you rigg up your explossives and see if the plan I fucked up last time can work. Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *Nods to Kyle...Grinning* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] Take one of those explosives and shove it in the mouth of the fuckin pig on crack. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] ~W~ Your call though you're the damn Ahrouns. Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] *cocks his head* Lance>>Could you set those tripwires at the gate? He goes through, gets attention while we hide behind the wall, he comes out it goes boom? Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *Shakes his head.* The explosives are for the tunnel. Collapse it and they won't just fill the place right back up. Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *Shakes his head.* These ain't set to tripwire. They're timed, and there's no way to get the timing that close. ((*G* Needs at least 3 suxx on the Kitchen Chemistry roll to either throw them or set them up by tripwire, so those'll be rare. He's got one that he keeps for emergencies, but that one ain't with him.)) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *Whispers...*...Who's gettin' it to the tunnels? Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] Alright then how about this. Gary goes through the gates, we go over the wall, with his noise covering our entry. He gets attention and runs back twords the gate where we slam into their flank. The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] *The wall at the back side is just as run-down as anywhere else, but even if if hadn't been the rough stone would be climbable.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] ~W~ Can you hurl them at them and not hit me? Then we do clean up? Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] Mud Bomb>>I am. Slacker>>You up for that idea? If you get cut off or caught up with, we'll be on the other side of a holy assload of trouble and won't be able to get to you. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] ~W~ I say we make that a goup effort. Who ever ends up closest get the honor of the suicide mission of getting it down the tunnel. Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *Nods.* They ain't that big; I'll be putting them into that little circle of headstones we saw. *More like a square, actually, but that's where they were centered.* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] Lance>>I will. You forget the Shoryuken. Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] If he gets in trouble I can vault over to him. Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] Suicide mission? Hell, I'm gonna throw 'em. Alright--we'll stop at the hilltop where we looked 'em over from last time. I'll try to get closer--if I make it, the bombs will bring up plenty of attention, and if I don't ~I'll bring up plenty of attention. Either way, when they come for me you come for them. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] ~W~ Yeah I figure I can do it. It's gonna suck to ne end but I figure in HIspo I should be able to out keep enough of a lead to stay out of their range, but still stay close enough to keep their attention Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *Nods.* Alright... The three of us can pull off my part, with Slacker for a distraction. That work? Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] Alright let's get this clear. Gary goes through the gates and distracts them, we run to the hole and blow it up then face them comin back at us? Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] ~W~ Sounds like the best plan we've got. Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *A nod to Lance* Yeah... Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *W* You ready then? Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *Shakes his head.* You, me, and Mudbomb work our way closer--to the hilltop where we looked them over for last time. I work a little closer, and when Slacker makes his distraction I go for it with the bombs. Then either they chase me and you hit them, or they chase Gary and we ~all~ hit them. Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] *shrugs* Alright that works. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] ~W~ You want me to give you a few minutes to get in position or start heading in now? Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] Go around to the gates again, and by the time you get there we ought to be ready. *And heads for the wall, starting up.* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] *looks up to where he guesses Arthur is hiding out, and mouths* 10 bucks says this plan fucks up in some way. Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *Heads off towards the gates lighting up a rollie on his way.* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((And a Dex + Athletics roll for Lance and Mudbomb (and Kyle, if he's actually gonna climb), to do it without rattling rocks. Diff 7)) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *Follows Lance..She could easily jump, but she's not sure if it's okay....* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] *concentrates to go through the forms and reach Lupus, then quite easily hops over the wall, all eight feet of it* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((Pfff, I aint climbing. I have a Gift)) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (*L* Can Muddy use Hares Leap since Kyle used it?) *Blinks....Okay, so it's okay...* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] ((3 suxx.)) *Pauses a moment atop the wall, extending his own confidence out to the others in some manner that even he's not quite sure of, bolstering his companions with his own righteous anger and resolve.* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] ((And kicking in Inspiration.) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] ((Not in the area of that.I don't think sucks to be me)) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (I know it's Salmon's Leap *L* Just didn't feel like typing both out) *Crouch....Spring!* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] ((It says all comrades. *G* I don't think he'd get it at the caern, but I'd say that all of 'em on the same mission would get it.)) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *Hops down easily enough, and takes a moment to shift to Crinos, the dark-furred form slipping more easily through the night as he leads the way to the hill he spoke of, a small bundle in each hand.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] ((Cool)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *Opens the front gate in homid not trying to be quiet about it and shifts to hispo once inside** The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((Lance, Kyle, and Mudbomb--Dex + Stealth, diff 6)) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *Once over, she pushes up to Crinos....Ears perking to listen as she moves to follow Kyle and Lance's lead* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] *lands and grows up into the mythical Dire Wolf, just the sight of it enough to make the others feel better* ((Also kicking in Inspiration)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] ((Okay Spuds I'm going to pull back to this turn here)) Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((Uno)) Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((Huh?)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((*G* That'll be 1 automatic suxx for Kyle and Lance (since Inspiration doesn't work on the character using it, only their companions--Kyle gets Lance's bonus, Lance gets Kyle's bonus, but they don't get their own), and 2 for Slacker and Mudbomb on any WP roll they have to make.)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((and the bird, accourse.)) A Raven: [FZQ95] ((Kaaaaw)) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (Sweet) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] ((2 suxx)) *Neither Kyle nor Mudbomb make enough noise to be actually noticable--Lance does considerably better, but he's not exactly ninja-level either, and he gestures to the hill as he works his way slowly towards the small 'wall' of tombstones.* Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *Slowly and quietly weaves a path after the other two Ahrouns....Ears perked and alert.....She sould have kicked her Gift up too* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] *Nothing comes running out as Slacker opens up the gate, but it creaks about as he expected it would--and with a thin, high sound that steel certainly wouldn't make; the bugger's ~definitely~ aluminum.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *Starts towards where they were before trudging loudly thought the graveyard in hispo* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] *pads along as quietly as he can, almost vibrating at the promise of violence* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] * And he stops and lets out the howl of war* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] ((Kickass... Beat the shitmonkeys in 2 opposed rolls, and they botched the second...)) *Lance moves like a wraith through the thin-mooned darkness, even closer than he had expected to get, and sets his charges, one thumb holding each timer from ticking away.* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] *That's about as unsubtle as it gets, and the place about boils. About two dozen of them are first, coming up over the small hill, but there's another dozen at least leaving the small 'fort' and heading in Gary's direction.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *Growls at them and runs towards them, then back away from them again trying to keep his distance* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] *mutters as he hears the sounds of the shitmonkies* ~ws~ Hurry the fuck up already A Raven: [FZQ95] *Watches the puppies from the air and for shits and giggles flies over to the east of what's going on and * ~Votm~ *Gary's howl of War* Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *Moves...Tensing in anticipation as her claws flex at the racket* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *Let's out another howl trying to lure them to his position* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] *turns his head to Muddy as he slips into Crinos, drawing his shotgun* Soon as we charge, you and me pounce on the pig, I'm gonna give it a buckshot enema. The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((Gimme just a sec--backpagin' to grab the archive.)) A Raven: [FZQ95] *ANd yes it's no where near where the puppies are playing* Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (I'm archiving if that helps *L*) *A flick of her ear to give Kyle the afirmative...Lips pulling back in a sharp grin mimic* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] ((*G* Wish I knew that before.... Well, I got it too, now.)) *Grins, baring huge fangs, and hurls first one bomb, then the other.* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] *And another howl. The dozen or so left stay where they're at, but the dozen or so reinforcements wheel and races towards where the bird called.* A Raven: [FZQ95] *Still flying in the air well above where the battle will be raging just watching it* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] *And apparently, these things ~can~ learn, because as the two small bundles come flying overhead, they race ~out~ of that protective circle, and for the hill where Kyle and Mudbomb wait. And sure enough, the pig comes out as well, trampling one as it runs.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *Lets out another growl trying to bait them and keep his distance at the same time.* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] Muddy>>~HT~ Get it! *lets out his own Anthem of War and takes two big strides before launching himself into the air at the rear end of Kermit's mother in law* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] ((3 suxx (since I had to take the last two dice off that first one, and 4...)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] *The two small bundles land almost perfectly, one into the mouth of the tunnel and one bouncing off an upturned coffin and bounding down and into the tunnel. Unfortunately, that got their attention, and it seems Lance is first on their list.* Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *She moves forward with Kyle, belting out the Anthem to mingle with his as she moves to help with the pig* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((and init for everyone...)) Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((14)) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (17 *G*) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] ((17 init)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] (12) A Raven: [FZQ95] (8) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((Alrght.. Gary, Kyle, declare.)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((*G* And the bird, if he's doing anything.)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *Trying to keep his distance, but going to spend a rage for an extra action just incase one gets a little to close* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((2 Rage, shotgun enema on the skull pig.)) A Raven: [FZQ95] *Just watching the violence from the safety of the clouds* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((Alright, that'll take a split action--one to get behind him, and one for the shove-bang. The skullpig is racing towards the two on the hill--in fact, he'll trample one of the shitmonkeys on the way--and aiming for Mudbomb to attack. The shitmonkeys are gathering around Lance, although only about five are going to be able to reach him without the others in the way.)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((And Mudbomb, go ahead an' post it, since you an' Lance won init.)) Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((Well I was using Salmon's Leap to land behind him, but okay)) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *The Ahroun rushes forward, leaping to meat the pig and tackle it into a hold...Throwing that Crinos weight around to try and give Kyle enough time to get ahold of the fucker* (Called roll and diff? *G*) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (Also spending 1 Rage *G*) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *With the force of Rage he bursts into Hispo, where he prefers to fight, and laces into them. Not waiting for them to come to him, he lunges forward, all 1000+ pounds of his weight slamming into one forepaws first as he snaps right and left with heavy, powerful jaws at his closest assailants.* ((Splitting 3 ways--tackle, bite, bite. Rage to shift to Hispo, and 2 Rage for actions.)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((*G* That'll make it diff 4 to get behind him. Mudbomb, if you want to tackle ~and~ hold him, that'll be a split--Dex + Brawl diff 7 for the tackle, and Dex + Brawl diff 8 for a Jaw Lock.)) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (Aye aye, rollin em' *G*) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((Unless Mudbomb succeeds, Kyle, in which case he won't need another action for it.)) Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((That's kinda the plan Ken. *nodnod*)) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (1 suxx on each action *Nods*) *Slams shoulder first, working on wrapping heavy muscled arms around the pig and part her maw to clamp down and hold with a savage snarl* A Raven: [FZQ95] ((Remember Kids don't try this at home these are untrained proffessional)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((Alright... That'll hold him long enough for Kyle to get there--but gimme a Str + Athletics roll.)) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (1,8,9,5,3, 6,1,10,3) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((He got 3 suxx, mudbomb, so after Kyle's action he'll be loose. He does lose this action, though. And soak 1 agg)) *The pig-creature staggers under the impact of the huge Crinos' shoulder, and before it can recover her jaws are clamped around its neck--and her mouth is full of what tastes like a cross between Comet cleanser and battery acid, burning the tissues of gum and tongue. The bastard's strong, as well, and she can already feel it slipping from her grip. The shitmonkey Lance slammed into staggers back, ribs broken, but isn't out of the fight yet. The one to the right is torn in half, pieces flying, while the left monkey staggers back, chest torn open.* Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (Soaked 4, so all good *G*) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((ANd lucky on the rolls...)) *The shitmonkeys surround Lance in a crowd of stabbing knives and swinging pipes, but aside from a small cut on the shoulder he remains unscathed.* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((*G* The pig loses his action, not Kyle. Roll 'em, Kyle--And slacker's just runnin'?)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] ((Basically iy's a run, stop run towards them for a moment then back away, trying to keep them at a distance, but keep them interested)) Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] *lands with a crash behind the skull pig, that killer's grin on his face as he jams the barrel of the shotgun right up and into it's naughty place, taking that classic dramatic pause to draw back the hammer for the pig to hear before pulling the trigger* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] ((Cause he's got what over two dozen after him right this minute?)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((Alright... Gimme a Man + Subterfuge roll, diff 6, to pull off his ploy.)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((Diff 6 for the maneuver(+2 for the call, -2 for the partial immobilization), and +3 damage)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((5, not 6)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] ((wow at a minus -3 dice to manipulation rolls that would be........ an auto fail)) Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((9 damage)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *As he runs about howling and growling he manages to somehow keep them interested in him* ((2 Suxx)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] *Eager for the easy kill, the shitmonkeys continue to give chase--but Slacker's retreating towards the gates again, and that means he can either head for the wall and risk being cornered or leave the cemetary--which wouldn't be so great in Crinos.* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((Friggin' thing... try again.)) ((Don't worry about the -3--this is something he can pull off in Crinos.)) *The pig's eyes widen comically--THIS shit was definitely not in the brochure--and then its body jerks under the impact of the lead slugs. Disturbingly enough, it's not dead yet, but blood is just about shooting out of it from both ends.* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((And Rage actions. Slacker, Kyle, declare.)) Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((Reload, shoot it again if I can do it in one, otherwise, pull out the gun and insert his claw to go for the heart)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] ((GOing to use my attack)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((He can do that--just take off the 2 dice for reloading.)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((*G* Slacker--he can do that, but if he gets close enough to attack them, then next round they'll be close enough to attack him.....)) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] ((Jussa sec, waitin' on Slacker.)) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *He reaches down with his massive hispo maw and grabs up one of the head stones as he's running and leaps while forecfully twisting his body and the head stone to build up it's momentum and then sends it flying back towards the shit monkey's following him. * Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (Aright *G*) Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((6 damage this time)) ~HT~ Want another? *growled out as he pops the breech, letting the handle fall back and the spent shell pop out, loading a fresh one in and drawing back the hammer as he closes the breech, then firing again* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((*G* I meant just to declare, but that's alright. That'll be diff 7 instead of 6, Slacker, since the Hispo jaw isn't really made for throwing. The pig-thing--which apparently does have Rage--is going to take a cut at Mudbomb. Muddy, go ahead with your action.)) Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((Heh oops)) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *Snaps visciously to the right again, but the little bastard trips in its haste to escape those needle-point fangs and doesn't get much more than a glancing blow... which is still enough to nearly tear off an arm.* Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *She kept the best hold she could on the thing before a paw reared back...Claws folded together like a sphere to send into the things mouth, partially down it's throat but not to choke it...Attempting to take the whole bottom jaw off the fucker if she can as claws spread open while she yanks downward, mindful of being careful of her own jaws slowly loosing grip* (Called roll and diff?) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((Hmm... I like. Make that diff 8. Take an extra die on it, and if she does 3 or more damage past soak she'll have the jaw off.)) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (*G* 1 suxx, 3 agg damage) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] *Mudbomb gives a terrific wrench, but while she can feel the thing's jaw give slightly under her strength, it's not enough to pull the whole thing loose. This would be a damn good chance to lose a paw, but the bastard just doesn't have the strength for it--and then shotgun pellets tear half the fur off of one wrist as Kyle fires again The creature simply stiffens, eyes glazed, and collapses.* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((And anybody spent more than one Rage, do 'em.)) Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((I did.)) *pulls the shotgun out and back in it's holster, dropping back into Hispo and tearing ass twords Gary, leaping and bounding to get to the rear of that group* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *And in a motion so quick that it's no more than a flash of fur and spray of blood, those massive jaws clamp and rend again, tearing one of the little creatures half away.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *He reaches down with his massive hispo maw and grabs up one of the head stones as he's running and leaps while forecfully twisting his body and the head stone to build up it's momentum and then sends it flying back towards the shit monkey's following him. * (1 Suxx to hit, 3 Bashing Damage)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((They're a decent distance away, Kyle--it'll take his whole Rage action to get there and let him act normally with init.)) Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((Yeah I know)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((And mudbomb only spend 1 Rage--init again.)) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (Yup *G* Init 17 again *L*) Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((16)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] *Slacker sends the tombstone bouncing, and there's a muffled grunt behind hm and then the sound of several small bodies tripping. The one he hit wasn't actually hurt badly--except that when he fell his companions simply trampled him in their haste to reach Slacker.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] (14) A Raven: [T6IYE] (9) Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] ((and 17)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((Alright... Mudbomb and Lance, Kyle and the shitmonkeys, Slacker, the bird. Just post 'em and let's wind up.)) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (Just checking, Mud Bomb still has Shit Monkies around her that the big didn't trample, right? *G*) Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *Attacking the shitmonkey's splitting my dice pool 3 ways. Bite/Bite/Bite, spending 1 rage)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((Nearby, at least. *G* currently they're surrounding Lance.)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((*G* Just post 'em, man. We roll this one through an' it'll be another hour.)) A Raven: [T6IYE] *Just circles above to watch how it all pans out* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((2 Rage again)) *barrels into the group from behind, grabbing one in his jaws and snapping it in half, then leaping forward and through the entire pack, his claws slicing through one as he twists and lands in a backwards skid in front of them* ((Bite, leaping rake w/Salmon's Leap)) Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (Alright, moving that a way with Hares leap to land on some if possible. 1 Rage spent *G*) *She crouches, leaving the pig as she springs into the air. Heading for where Lance is and if she's lucky, landing on a couple to squish under her Crinos weight as she lands on all fours and prepares to help her fellow Gnawer* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *Doesn't even slow down--with another burst of speed, he pushes himself into the mini-horde, further away from the small square of tombstones, where the sound of rushing feet and high-pitched shouts can be heard--apparently, reinforcements. Like a striking snake he sinks fangs into corrupted flesh--once, twice, and again--leaving the creatures dead or dying in his wake.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *TUrns to see kyle taking up the back and turns and howls then begins ripping into them with his massive Hispo jaws, statching up one and twisting his head using it to knock outhers away until it grow limp. He turns and bites through another one, then twists and rips the arm off another. Making his way to kyle on the other end* Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] (And if were not rolling) *In a burst of Rage, her claws go out to rend through one of the little bastards from throat to...Nut if they even have any..Filthy bastards!* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] *skids past Gary and claws up the earth to catch up and blow past him, shifting back up to Crinos and as he did in the other cemetary he grabs one in his claws and now with the power of his Gift leaps and slams his fist into a memorial statue with a thunderous crack of stone, bringing it crashing down to squish the Wyrmspawn* A Raven: [T6IYE] *Drops a present on one of the shit monkey's who managed to make his way around kyle getting him right in the eyes* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] *And the sound isn't the boom one would expect, certainly not the vast roar of sound that the movies always convey--but a flat BLAM that eats up every sound of the night and leaves even the high-pitched shouting of the shitmonkeys seeming hushed. Another one, muffled this time, follows it, along with a quiet shhh'ing sound as the tunnel collapses who knows how far along its length. The creature about to be in Kyle's jaws seems to explode, skin ripping and wilting in front of him, and drops not only dead but apparently shredded--and all around them, more than three-quarters of them do the same, leaving a paltry few behind that immediately attempt to flee.* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((Or under the tombstone--my bad./)) Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ~HT~ Chase 'em down! None escape! *and picks up the big stone crucifix, leaping after the runners and hurling it at them, following at an all out sprint* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] WS--And quick, dammit! Apes heard that! *Slams down on the last one left alive between he and Mudbomb, and then races off to the other battle.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *takes off after the runners catching one in his jaw and twists his neck flinging it onto another, then in a burst of speed leaps onto both of them and tears into them* Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *Shit Monkies crushed under her and some exploding....She follows Kyle's orders....Swiftly crouching to try and land on more fleaing ones while claws and fangs go after those she doesn't land on.....* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] *crouches and leaps to get ahead of them, putting the remainder between him, the wall, Gary and the other two Ahroun. He grins at them, and then proceeds to close the Garou circle* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((And there's maybe 4 left out of Slacker's pursuers--by the time Lance and Mud reach them they'll be dead already.)) The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] ((*G* Unless Kyle decides to play with them.)) Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ((Nah)) *swats the remaining four together and then pulls a headstone out of the earth and leaps upwards, placing it under his feet to land on them with a splat sound* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] *The four remaining look at the two Garou with wide, fearful eyes, and then immediately start trying to climb the wall--which they're actually doing pretty well.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *Turns to the shit monkey's and flings the arm his just ripped of one at them* The Redneck ST (Kickin' Leather; Slappin' Ass): [OW4JS] *Not that it helps. One almost escapes, falling with a crushed leg, while the others don't leave anything behind but a spray of red goo like a ketchup packet run over with a bike tire.* Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] *gestures, leaving the last one to Gary with a grin* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] ((DLP)) **SHifts up to crinos and brings his foot crashing down on the wounded Shit monkey's head crushing it beneath his foot* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] ~HT~ Need to cleanse this area later and then need to check the umbral side or they could be back Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] ~HT~ Do it right before dawn. Cops'll be gone, they won't have been able to come back yet. Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *Gives Kyle a nod and wide, feral toothed grin...Letting Gary slaughter the remaining one* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *Skids to a halt as Slacker finishes off the last one.* WS--let's get moving before the cops show up. *Drops down to Homid, hops up on the tombstone, and starts climbing the wall.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *Nods and shifts back down to homid* For now we have to go. Kyle 'Rockstar' Leeson: [SM7NR] *returns Muddy's grin and follows after Lance, reverting to homid and vaulting over the wall* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *Nods.* I've got the Rite. We need to move. *Still climbing, scaling the rough wall fairly easily.* Gary "Slacker~Takes~His~Own~Sweet~Ass~Time" Allens: [JTQOU] *Climbs the wall and heads back to the Junkyard* Mud Bomb (Gnawer): [U0TE4] *Springs up, shifting to Homid as she goes...By the time she lands, fully in it to take off running with the others* Lance "Rides-the-Storm" Kilkenny (come in, come in! There's Killin' tonight!): [VZ661] *And gets moving himself, once off the wall.* ((To the JY, then, and closin' the archive.))
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