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Damien's Rank Challenge Saturday, February 25, 2006 The Redneck ST (Yeah, the bastard's gettin' pretty rank, alrigh... oh, THAT kind of rank...): ((How's he gettin' to detroit, then, and who's he know there?)) Damien Rangore: (( Detroit was where his home Sept was. He's going by Umbra since he's got the wings to do it. He has a the Mentor Merit so hopefully he can point him in the right direction. Think I should have picked another city since I know the TCFB came from there too. *L* )) The Redneck ST (Yeah, the bastard's gettin' pretty rank, alrigh... oh, THAT kind of rank...): ((*G* It's a big city...)) *The sept's concentration of Lords is gathered in their usual place, around a small fire near the edge of the bawn--although it'd still be polite to let the rest of the sept know he's there... healthier, too.* Damien Rangore: *Black, raven like wings folding back as the black lupus comes to a resting spot-...He knows getting into a Lord Sept can be like trying to get into Fort Knox if you don't know what to do. Since it's city, he stays on the spiritual side of things before letting out his introduction howl. Figuring either a guardian or even a crow or two would be on this side* The Redneck ST (Yeah, the bastard's gettin' pretty rank, alrigh... oh, THAT kind of rank...): *Sure enough, it's a crow that answers, a loud and racous cry of alarm. Whereas real crows would do so more than once, this cry fades away and isn't repeated. It's not long before another stormcrow glides nearby.* HT--Why do you come, Courage-in-Ashes-and-Silence? Damien Rangore: *If he were in Homid, he might smile for the spirit. Soon shifting up to stoop in his Crinos form, head bowed to the crow* ~ht~I come seeking to challenge for rank. I didn't see fit to challenge anyone but a Shadow Lord, so home is where I will do so. The Redneck ST (Yeah, the bastard's gettin' pretty rank, alrigh... oh, THAT kind of rank...): HT--You're from that place in Kansas, aren't you? *A streak of what might be lightning, except it's too small, flashes across the sky, and the bird looks up, apparently reading some message from it.* Follow me. *Unfurling its wings, the creature launches itself into the air. It's beak is a little too long, the black of its feathers a little too glossy, it's wingspan too narrow... like most Stormcrows, it looks more like a pretty good drawing of a crow than the bird itself. It also glides slower than a bird actually could, soaring through alleyways and over fences.* Damien Rangore: ~ht~Indeed. *Head lifting to watch the streak before he moves to follow. Shifting back to Lupus and flying off after it. Remaining silent and focused on the birds flight pattern, just so he doesn't embarass himself* The Redneck ST (Yeah, the bastard's gettin' pretty rank, alrigh... oh, THAT kind of rank...): *And Damien does end up running on the ground a few places anyway, through alleys that are wide enough for the wings that'll support a crow but not at allwide enough for wings to support a 50-100-pound wolf. Soon enough, though, he's near a firebarrel that apparently so often has a fire in it that one is burning on this side of the Gauntlet as well. It's job done, the stormcrow flies off without a word.* Damien Rangore: *He pauses by the barrel, glanceing around and waiting a moment-...Should no one show up, he shifts up to Homid prepare to step across the gauntlet* The Redneck ST (Yeah, the bastard's gettin' pretty rank, alrigh... oh, THAT kind of rank...): *Sure enough, nobody does. He's comin' for help; he can accomodate them. There are two men and a woman standing around the fire. The woman, looking a bit soft, short and skinny, snorts, while a grizzled older fellow with one eye nods to Damien. The third, a kid probably not even Claith yet, just watches.* Damien Rangore: *Once he gets fully across, he bows his head to the two older ones. Last thing he needs is to piss someone off right away and have them rig the challenge so he fails. He offers a polite enough smile* Evening, Rhyas. Sorry to bother you both, but one of our spirit friends led me here. I am Damien Rangore, known as Courage Brings Ashes and Silence to the Nation. Cliath Ahroun and a member of the Shadow's Eclipse pack. *Not adding in "Student of-.." since that's a double edged sword among the Lords* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): ((Friggin' 'illegal operations'... If I disappear, it's because I had to reboot.)) The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *The girl nods--and actually pops her bubblegum.* So y'are. The crow told us you were on your way. Damien Rangore: (( It's alright. )) *He offers a smile to the girl despite her coming off more socially handicaped then Ash* Do you by chance know where I can find Sudden Storm, or a Fostern of my Auspice, Rhya? The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *She shrugs and pops her gum again.* You want to get the rank... Ask him for a challenge. *She gestures to the one-eyed fellow.* Damien Rangore: *He nods before looking towards the one-eyed one* Alright then-..I challenge you for the rank of Fostern, Rhya. *No one shared a name, so he can't really can't use a full title and all that mumbo jumbo* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *Nods and picks up a stick from the pile behind him. Laquered or shellacked or something, this, it's carved with designs.* Bring this back to me, and we'll call you Fostern. *The girl pops her gum again, then grins and winks at Damien--the man tosses her the stick, and she's off like a streak.* Damien Rangore: *He gets a chance to blink maybe-...And doesn't ask any questions. He simply takes off after the girl, just so she doesn't get out of his sight. He figures without more instructions then "bring me the stick", it means he can employ any means nesscary to get said stick* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *Probably. First, though, he better run his ass off, because scrawny little chick or not that girl can ~run~.* Damien Rangore: (( Any rolls I might need to make? And he would likely cheat and use Rage. *C* )) The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): ((Yeah, we'll roll this part out... She's got a 4-suxx head start on you. Dex + Ath)) Damien Rangore: (( 5,6,8,2,9 on the first roll. *G* )) The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *Damien's got a good start on her, ((*G* Especially since I accidentally used the stats for lupus while she's still in Homid, so you gained by 3 suxx, not two...)) and he's almost got a hand on her shoulder when she pours on the Rage as well... you can almost hear her give forth a roadrunner-style 'beep-beep' before she really starts leavin' some dust.* Damien Rangore: *Beep-beeps ass! Pushing himself in hopes to catch up and tackle the girl* (( Going for 2 Rage. )) The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): ((Well, she upped the lead by 7 suxx, which means now she's got 8 on you. )) *And a nice ass it is--but it's getting further away.* Damien Rangore: (( Rage 1: 8,6,3,10,6 Rage2: 10,7,8,8,9+1 WP. )) *He keeps in a snarl- ...Laying on the Rage, not planning on letting this scrawny chick embarass him and cause him his rank challenge. Now wishing he would have trained a bit harder with Ash-...And been born in the fucking country so he knew how to run a bit better* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *And while Damien's use of Rage helps him catch up, she's also blowing Rage like there's no tomorrow. The lead narrows but doesn't close. Meanwhile the two run at a dead spring, through the projects, around an abandoned warehouse, through a tangled patch of shitwood to the river, and along its frozen banks.* Damien Rangore: (( She blow more then 2 Rage? If not, restart the "round"? )) *He can already see it now-...She's going to do her damndest to cause him to fall and bust his ass. But he's still running after her, jaw clenched* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): ((Just two. New round.)) Damien Rangore: (( 2,1,2,3,8. Also spending another 2 Rage. )) The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *Damien doesn't fall and bust his ass--but he comes close to it, and as he slips and slides she just leaves a friggin' ~trail~. He's not liable to catch her this way....* Damien Rangore: (( 3,1,4,1,9+1 WP on the first Rage. )) *This really isn't working. Worse yet, even his Rage is running low. He'll try one more burst of speed, then he's going to try talking her into giving him the stick* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *If she's running short of Rage, it doesn't seem to show. Another burst of speed, and she's almost out of sight.* ((*G* That's 9 suxx ahead, so far...)) Damien Rangore: (( 8,1,8,5,9 on the second Rage. )) *Quick thinking going on, since he can't clearly catch up to the girl. Getting ready to kick up Persuasion and start hollering. Now just thinking of something he can actually trade her-...If she'll take the bribe* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): ((14 suxx ahead... shit...)) *Yeah, she's gone. Hell, he cain't even see her. He'll need to find her before he tries talking her into it.* Damien Rangore: *He grunts-...Great Grandfather Thunder, that bitch can run. He glances to his reflection, if any in the river before attempting to step sideways. He can shift to Lupus and keep going at least in the same direction and at a faster speed. Maybe she'll slow thinking she lost him- ...Unlikely, but worth a shot trying to test the girls hubris* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *Getting across the Gauntlet takes awhile, and the first thign he sees is the stormcrow watching him, probably reporting his progress.* Damien Rangore: *He's used to seeing a crow when he steps across. His is probably around here somewhere-...And probably laughing with all his crow buddies. Panting, he shifts to Lupus before taking off along the river. Loping at a much quicker pace then Homid, trying to eat as much ground as he can before he even considers stopping to peek across the gauntlet for any sign of the girl* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *The gauntlet is still pretty thick here, and when he peers he finds.. nothing. Not even tracks.* Damien Rangore: *He growls-...Shaking his head as he blinks back from peeking. Unsure if he's allowed "help"-...But the one-eyed one didn't set any rules. If he knew where his familiar was, he could bribe him into tracking the girl. But that may compromise the challenge. He doesn't know the girls name to do Rite of the Questing Stone, so unless he can find her on his own- ...He's screwed. His ears flatten to his skull before he looks around the Umbra for a particular Stormcrow. It's better then just "giving up"-..* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *His familiar isn't around. Matter of fact, there's two other stormcrows making sure that it isn't around. Apparently the familiar isn't allowed to take part in this challenge.* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): ((BRB)) Damien Rangore: *He grunts, ears flattening more. His only idea now being to go back near the firebarrel and watch and wait, hoping she'll come back. Then maybe he can step out and try stopping her before she reaches it. He turns back, planning to stop a bit away from the barrel itself in case the gauntlet decides to cause him more time. If that plan doesn't work, he's likely shit out of luck* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): ((Sorry 'bout that.)) *He fades back across easily enough, but the man he spoke to isn't there--nor is the kid.* Damien Rangore: (( It's alright. )) *Back in Homid of course, he looks around. Figuring the girl must have already gotten back-...Or this was part of the challenge as well that he would have to find the man as well. His jaw sets and all he can figure to do is wait. He couldn't catch her, it's clear he was to have no help-...And without names, he can't track. He's just shit out of luck and he clearly aint liking it* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *The trip from the slightly muddy banks of the river back up to the alley didn't take too long, but all the same she's not there. And as time passes he doesn't see any sign of her returning.* Damien Rangore: *He keeps in a growl. All he can do is either wait and see if they return so he can admit defeat. If not, he'll have to step back across and tell the crow. Jaw set as he continues to wait for now* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *And so far, nothing. For a few more hours, nobody continues to show.* Damien Rangore: *He finally grunts and steps back across. Pushing up into his Crinos form and bowing his head to the Stormcrow if it's still around* ~ht~I admit defeat-... The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *The bird looks at him, cocking its head.* HT--Admit defeat? Are you certain? Damien Rangore: ~ht~I have no other means to exercise for the task. I am certain. *Growled out with a tinge of disapointment. Not for the task, but towards himself* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *The bird cocks its head the other way.* HT--I will tell them, then... Damien Rangore: *Just a single bob of the Crinos' head. Unsure what to do now-...He could return to Kansas and possibly risk challenging one of the Bone Gnawers, or try for another round here. Both seem like bad choices to him-...* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): *And the bird flies off. It circles twice, gaining altitude, then keeps climbing--then, off towards wherever its headed.* Damien Rangore: *He watches the crow, biting back a sigh. Figuring it better to suck it up and face just failing against his own Tribemates again, as aposed to doing the same against a Bone Gnawer-..He decides to stay. He'll wait a few days, but might as well since he came all this way* The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): ((*G* Shit... I'll have to think up another challenge now.....)) Damien Rangore: (( *L* Want to try and do it tonight or some other time? )) The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): ((How 'bout we try again tomorrow night? Have to be a little late, though, because I'm runnin' somethin' for Tarence earlier in the day.)) Damien Rangore: (( *G* Alright. What time you think we might start? )) The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): ((How 'bout 10 EST?)) Damien Rangore: (( Sounds good. *G* )) The Redneck ST (My computer sucks the fat greenish drippy... well, it really sucks.): ((Rock.)) Damien Rangore: (( *G* Thanks for runnin' it and see ya tomorrow. Gonna hop off to other scenes now. *Waves* ))
--Challenge Number Two-- Four Days Later (Scene took place February 26, 2006) The Redneck ST: *When last we saw our intrepid hero, he had just conceded defeat, and the stormcrow had carried away his message.* Damien Rangore: *He had decided to stay, only not there. He got some rest and actually avoided the place for a few days. He would need all his strength built back up from the exhausting chase of last time. But within four days time, he was back at the edge of the Bawn to howl for the Stormcrow. It's clear he's not about to fully give up any time soon* The Redneck ST: *This time it takes its time gliding back.* HT--You again? Damien Rangore: ~ht~Afraid so. To just completely give up isn't my ways. I'm here to issue another challenge, if they would agree to it. The Redneck ST: Go to the usual place, and see. *And off he goes again.* Damien Rangore: *He makes his way to the umbral reflection of the firebarrel before melting down into Homid and stepping across. Already used to the thick gauntlet, but he'll eventually pass through it* The Redneck ST: *The same gum-popping girl is there, smirking as she plays with a curl of blonde hair. The other two are new, though, both looking up with not-terribly-polite smiles. Word gets around, it seems.* Damien Rangore: *He actually almost smirks at "Code Name: Bimbo" before offering her a slight nod before the other two are eyed. Not seeing the one-eyed fellow, he offers his own plastic smile* Don't suppose any of you know where the one-eyed fellow is or another ranking Ahroun is? I'll be on my way if you can point me in the right direction. The Redneck ST: *The older of the two nods.* There's a Fostern Ahroun right here, matter of fact. Damien Rangore: *He nods* Great. *Rolling his shoulders in case it's another "Fetch the stick, Fido"* Then I issue the challenge to you. *They likely already know his name, so he aint about to say it again. They don't share, he don't share* The Redneck ST: *Grins.* It ain't me that's the Ahroun. *Gestures to the blonde, who pops her gum especially loudly.* Challenge her if you want. Damien Rangore: *He blinks towards the girl-...Quickly hiding his shock. For all the world, he figured her a Ragabash-...But that's his Tribe for ya. Some Ahrouns wont set foot on a battle feild while you have Theurges going out and kicking ass left and right* Ahh. *He nods to the girl* Well then, guess you figure what I say next, Rhya. The Redneck ST: *she pops her gum again.* Well, I'm pretty sure I can, hon, but maybe when you're among a proud people, issuing a formal challenge, you can say it anyway. The Redneck ST: I don't know what the urrah scrape by with, but among our tribe we do it right. Damien Rangore: *He nods in understanding. Not to surprised at that, either* Understood, Rhya-...Courage Brings Ashes and Silence, Cliath Ahroun of Grandfather Thunder's children, child of Owl issues challenge for Fostern to you. *No name to state afterwards, so it could only be formal on his behalf* The Redneck ST: *she nods.* Yeah, I can do that. There's a man, name of Joe Stangle, lives on the north side of town. Owns a couple hotels. Find him, kill him without breaking the veil, bring his head back here. You got three days. Damien Rangore: *His head tilts before he nods* Any regulations besides "don't break the veil"? The Redneck ST: *Shakes her head.* Nope. Damien Rangore: *Grins* Nice. I'll see you in three days then, Rhya. *Offering a nod before he crosses the gauntlet for easier travel. Figuring he might as well start over on the other side of town and seeing as how big this place is, he'll likely have to try other methods instead of just checking hotels. The first being the handy, dandy phone book. And knowing his luck, if there is more then one or not even listed he'll have to try other means* The Redneck ST: *The Umbra is a familiar sight to him, by now.* ((Where's he gonna get to a phone book?)) Damien Rangore: (( Step out on the other side of town when he's sure he wont be seen, then check around for a payphone that actually has one. *C* )) The Redneck ST: *Finding a payphone that actually has a book is an endeavor in and of itself, but eventually he finds one. There's a few Stangles in it, but no Joe.* Damien Rangore: *He thinks a moment. Guy could be married, but that could be a long shot. A glance around before he tugs the page out to stuff into his pocket in case he has to check around later. Otherwise it's right back to the Umbra. The item he has come accustomed to using for Questing stone, a fake arrowhead rock tied securely to a length of thread is withdrawn from his jacket pocket. Focusing on the Rite and hoping it can lead him in the right direction* (( Want the roll? )) The Redneck ST: ((Yeah, go 'head an' give it to me.)) Damien Rangore: (( Sorry. Had to look up the roll. Wits2, Rituals2. Spent a Will and got 9,4,1,1 for a failure. )) The Redneck ST: *Damien speaks the last growls of the Ritual, and the arrowhead... just hangs there like a corpse.* Damien Rangore: *He grunts-...That is never a good sign. His jaw sets before he glances around. Either he did something wrong, or the name given isn't a "real name." He mutters and attempts again on his own* Damien Rangore: (( 4,7,9,5 plus another Will. Wasn't sure if the diff went up one or not, but either way-.. )) *He quietly focuses, growling softly as he focuses intently on the arrowhead* The Redneck ST: ((Yeah, it'd go up by 1)) *He's put a good amount of time into it by now, but the effort finally pays off; the arrowhead tugs to the north, the thread almost horizontal.* Damien Rangore: *He rubs his forehead with a free hand before begining to carefully move forward. Following any slight movements or tug the stone may off but waiting until it points completely downward before stopping. All the while keeping any eye out for anything that might decide to make his ordeal tougher then what it's already starting out as* The Redneck ST: *It'd take him some trouble to get it pointing downwards.... The trail goes to the north side of town, then further north and east, to a series of penthouses, where it begins pointing upwards, not downwards.* Damien Rangore: *By the Umbral Reflection, that's just fine with him. Assuming this was where he would find the bastard. He stood a moment in thought seeing as he did have three days to plan this all out. One he would need a good look at the guy-...Which he'll get to. Then a chance to possibly get him away from the building where someone could possibly see him. But before all that, he would have to figure out exactly what he was going to do, have a back up plan and cover all his bases. Or in other words, the players taking a moment to think* Damien Rangore: *After a moment, he begins moving onward again. Planning on getting into the building to peek across and get a look at the guy. He had three days after to get the guy alone and make sure he ran into an untimely accident* The Redneck ST: Getting in isn't too much trouble, except he may have to watch his footing--there are quite a few cockroach-spirits about, who probably wouldn't like being stepped on.* Damien Rangore: *He's careful enough about them. Last thing he needs is Glass Walkers wailing at him for crushing their Totem's babies while he has Gnawers thinking he's torturing Rat's many children. Following the stone still and keeping a eye on his surroundings. He doubts cockroaches would swarm where there could be banes, but you never know-...* The Redneck ST: *Naturally enough, no banes. The elevtors--also naturally enough--don't work in the Umbra, so he's reduced to using the stairs. Of which there are quite a few, this being a good 30 stories.* Damien Rangore: *-...After his last embarassment by being outrun by a skinny chick, he needs to be in shape. Just maybe not that badly. For now just hoping the Stone doesn't take him all those stories up. He might end up stopping to rest if that ends up being the case* The Redneck ST: *A rest would indeed be very advisable--because apparently this dude lives on the top floor. You don't own two hotels, after all, without having some ~big~ money.* Damien Rangore: *Along the way, he mutters a few choice curses. Pausing off and on to catch his breath as he makes his journey up towards the top. Now just hoping the chick didn't send him after a Glass Walker. That would be some shitty ass lucky on his part* The Redneck ST: *Down below he can occasionally see the stormcrow send to watch him, flying up a flight to a rail and watching before flying up to another rail. Eventually, however, he's at the top of the stairway, still passing the occasional roach, with the arrowhead pointing down the hall.* Damien Rangore: *He knows the crow can catch up when it wants, so he doesn't bother waiting on it's behalf. Moving down the hall where the arrowhead points after catching his breath one last time* The Redneck ST: *Down the hall, to a door that looks like wood and is almost certainly metal--at least, on the physical side.* Damien Rangore: *More grumbled curses. Almost betting he can't get through it on this side, but he damn well tries* The Redneck ST: *Well, he can't in Homid, although it seems to resist in the usual fashion. A Crinos shoulder, should he apply one to the door, does indeed manage to break it down.* Damien Rangore: *The was indeed his method after he sees the resist. Bulky black shoulder used to break it open with a slight grunt* The Redneck ST: *And that's enough to knock the sucker right off its hinges. In a couple months or years, the physical door will fall off as well for no visible reason, but that's of no concern at the moment. The suite itself is ~niiiiice~. Furniture, licquor cabinet, Big-screen TV....* Damien Rangore: *Figures they wouldn't send him after a total sleezeball with no money. The arrowhead glanced to one last time before he peeks across, looking for this guy as well as anyone else he might lug around with him-...* The Redneck ST: *There's nobody else in the plae that he can see, but the arrow points to the bedroom, where the guy's apparently sleeping.* Damien Rangore: *He follows that, peeking across and letting his eyes go over the room first before he gets a look at the guy. Memorizing his features best he can before pulling himself back fully into the spirit world. Three days to get the guy alone and take his head. Doing it here would have people asking way to many questions unless he set it up a certain way. But that will be his back up plan* The Redneck ST: *And there's nothing remarkable about his face either. Seeing as--literally--no one in the world is looking at him, he sleeps on, unconcerned.* Damien Rangore: *His first task once he actually gets back down stairs is to find another safe place to step across and take a look around the actual physical side. Checking to see how nice it is in comparison to the owners room by the outside, how big a parkinglot it actually sports and for any of the nicer cars. Hood to his jacket pulled up when he steps out a block or so away so it looks like just someone wandering the streets and in case there might be any security cameras outside* The Redneck ST: *VERY nice. This is most definitely an upscale place. Probably isn't a vehicle in the lot less than $50,000--including employee vehicles, because they have to park seperate.* Damien Rangore: *First things first, he makes sure the place doesn't have a rent-a-cop and no one wandering around that might ask questions. He also keeps any eye out for any cameras, taking a look at light posts along the way as he meanders across the lot as if just to cross through. Should he spot any of this, he'll quickly turn back around provided the circumstances. Otherwise, he gets a feel for where the employees part and looking in that direction, he tries to see if there are any back exit doors they may have access too* The Redneck ST: *With that much money involved? Two rent-a-cops watch the parking lot, a police cruiser passes by every half-hour or so, and the place fairly bristles with cameras. Rich folks live here, and they ain't about to get mugged like the commoners. As far as back exit doors, he'd have to go to the space where the employee parking is at to see.* Damien Rangore: *No way is he setting foot there-...Damn rich people. Looks like plan B will have to be worked out. Passing back onto the sidewalk and mulling things over in his mind* The Redneck ST: *Damien's Rage ensures him a wide berth, so he manages to walk along undisturbed.* Damien Rangore: (( *C* And he's going to take the rest of the night to plan his shit out. Unfortunately, the player is tired and likely wouldn't be able to and the reason why I've been so long between posts. *C* Want to pick up another time? )) The Redneck ST: ((YEah. Pick a night, I'll be arounnd after midnight. Damien Rangore: (( I'm home 'til Wendsday. Up to you. )) The Redneck ST: ((Tomorrow night works, then.)) Damien Rangore: (( *G* Alright, I'll pop on around midnight then. Thanks for running it again. ))
--Challenge Number Two, Part 2-- (Scene took place February 27, 2006) Damien Rangore: (( *G* Nice. )) *He had spent some time figuring out his plan, bringing him up to two days. He spent the day getting himself a new duffle bag since the slimy shit monkey bastards back home were kind enough to recover his when it got left behind. Also, his weapon of choice in single hopes this guy is just mortal. Knowing his luck, he may have gotten sent after something more resilent then a human-...But he got his duffle dedicated and waited until night fall before he was back at the building via the Umbra. He knew he should have snagged a few other things but he would have to improvise* The Redneck ST: *The umbral building remains the same; cockroach-spirits paying him no mind as they go about their business, the occasional rat or pigeon that are normal denizens of the city, all the usual. The penthouse suite, too, is just as it was last Damien looked... * ((about what time is he goin'?)) Damien Rangore: (( About the same time as the prior night. )) *Once more, the stairs were taken. Careful not to squish any of the roaming spirits and keeping an eye out for the Stormcrow that's likely following. Thirty floors and several rests later, he begins his treck down the hall towards the room he had checked out the night before* The Redneck ST: ((*G Which is about 2 AM...)) *Oh, the stormcrow's there, alright, hanging back like he was before. The door opens easily now that he's smashed the hinges and lock both, and nothing in the room has changed.* Damien Rangore: *Once more, he peeks out in a few places. One being the actual room where the door is-...Mainly checking for other people and any sign of a security camera. Not expecting there to be one, but there are some paranoid sonsabitches in this world-...And he's one of em'. When he was sure there likely wasn't anyone around and also checking the bathroom through the Gauntlet just to see what it looks like if he decides to use that for his little act. But eventually, he heads to the guys bedroom to check across in hopes the bastards sleeping again* The Redneck ST: *There happens to be one, aimed at the door to the hallway. In the bedroom, however, there are none.* Damien Rangore: *The camera in the hall could be worked around, hopefully. Pausing a moment to try and recall if there were any fire escapes on the building. Now pondering a way to work around that, hopefully* The Redneck ST: *Fire exit down the hall. Discrete sign.* Damien Rangore: *He continues onward at the point and on to the bedroom to peek across after checking the two other rooms for signs of cameras. Now checking to see if buddy is even there and if he's snoozing like he hopes* The Redneck ST: *The sitting room has the one facing the door. There's a fairly large window facing over the city, and there's another camera, rather hard to find, pointing at that window, but it's not likely someone would sneak in there. The Redneck ST: *Stangle, on the other hand, is sleeping quite peacefully.* Damien Rangore: (( The bedroom itself have any windows? )) The Redneck ST: ((Nope.)) Damien Rangore: *Damn what he would give for Jam Technology right now. He stands to quietly ponder a moment to try and figure out the best way to deal with the cameras, or make to go around them* The Redneck ST: *One's aiming at the front door, another at a window... not too horribly difficult to go around.* Damien Rangore: *Yeah, save making it look like someone else did it. He shrugs and once again just decides to go with his Ahroun mind and gets ready to cross the gauntlet after getting the axe ready, shifting up to Galbro and tugging his hood up on his jecket just in case* The Redneck ST: ((Works for me.)) *And to his surprise.. no alarms. No screams, no cameras blinking... looks like this guy didn't actually expect anyone to appear out of thin air in his own bedroom.* Damien Rangore: *He makes it a point to remain as quiet as possible. Creeping towards the sleeping man, axe raised. He has to make sure buddy gets put down in one hit, or at least that he never really wakes up to make a sound. Neck being where he plans to hit quick and more then once* (( Want the rolls? )) The Redneck ST: ((*G* To attack a sleeping human, while you're in Glabro? It'd be somethin' like diff 2, with +3 damage on top of the suxx... I think it's safe to say he's dead.*)) *Glabro strength is nothing to laugh at--the bedsprings crunch and screech as the steel axhead passes through them, and there's a purely amazing amount of blood spraying all over... well, everything. The head's not completely free, but that's simply because a fireman's axe is fairly narrow-bladed and there's more neck than blade.* Damien Rangore: (( *L* Someone's actually made me roll on a Human, in Crinos, while the human was Incapcitated. You never know-..*L* )) *He grunts, raising the axe again to bring it down to free the head-...Hoping this guy was at - least- tainted for all the effort his brain has went through. His next order of buisness is to grab a pillow case of something small and cloth like to soak up some blood and he begins drawing on one of the walls. "Happy Birthday" resting atop a pentagram to let whoever finds the guy as well as the cops actually have to figure out the meaning. Beneath it he scrawls "Breach in your security. Better find and fix it before all suffer for your lacking." That being the best he can come up with, for now and woe to the gothic community. They shouldn't be all angsty any way. Buddies head collected before he steps across, taking it along with both his axe and duffle. Now quickly moving back out of the suite to try a few things* The Redneck ST: *There's no problem so far. The stormcrow looks amused, but there aren't any cockroach spirits in sight yet. Of course, they were mostly downstairs.* Damien Rangore: *All down the stairs as quick as he can go. Galbro hopefully keeping him from having to stop as much to rest but as soon as he's on the ground floor, he begins hunting for a basement or anything that might deal with a way to cut the buildings power, even just to make it flicker. Fat chance, seeing as the place might have a genorator but who knows* The Redneck ST: *The cockroach spirits do not seem happy, once they're in reach. He could likely get ~into~ the basement, but he'd probably have to fight his way out. A couple of them are heading towards him already--and by the look of it, they're not intending to ask what church he goes to.* Damien Rangore: (( Sorry, got booted. )) The Redneck ST: ((Happend to me, a time or two.)) Damien Rangore: *He grunts-...That is -not- a good sign. But he continues on for the basement, keeping an eye on the insecets as he goes* The Redneck ST: *Oh yeah. They're following, alright. And they seem to be blocking the stairway. But he gets into the umbral basement--boilers for the heating, huge unit for the central AC, cable descrambler, sattellite computer, all the good shit.* Damien Rangore: *He can only hope that doing something to it on this side can cause an effect on the otherside. But with his little buggy friends getting aggitated, he's not sure if he has time to pull anything off. Attempting to peek across for cameras that may be present at the risk of the bugs maybe attacking* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *Cameras? They can't put 'em everywhere, and the asumption is once you've gotten here you're probably alright or cameras ain't gonna stop you. There's one by what looks like the main fusebox, but it's also fairly visible.* Damien Rangore: *He keeps in a growl as he pulls his sight back across. Moving for the umbral reflection of the box, if there is one. If not, he's about to start working his way out* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *Yeah, there's an umbral reflection. An umbral reflection of the camera too, but it won't pick up anything for the security tapes.* Damien Rangore: *The box is flipped open to randomly start flipping switches. Doubting on this side it will have any effect, but it's worth a shot* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *It doesn't seem to, actually, but then again it's not actually hurting anything.* Damien Rangore: *He growls, turning to head back for the stairs* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *And there's two of them halfway down the stairs--cockroaches, big enough that the two can barely fit. Not cheerful-looking, either.* Damien Rangore: *He shifts to Crinos, bristling to growl at them. Again, not wanting to get violent on them so if intimidation can work, that's his method* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *Intimidation might work... if there weren't about ten of their buddies waiting to back them up., on the first floor there. At least three of them are watching from what Damien can see.* Damien Rangore: *He sighs through his nose before growling* ~ht~Problem? *Maybe they can understand, or so he's hopping. Claws flexing on one hand while the other keeps a grip on his bag* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *Maybe they can. Maybe not--either way, they don't seem to be movin'. And they're not advancing either, which likely means they're trying to keep him right where he is.* Damien Rangore: *He grunts and starts moving forward. Eyes set on the two blocking him and it's clear he's going to try getting up the stairs* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *The two still don't look worried... Except now there's four instead of three at the top of the stairs. Then again, it's kind of hard to tell what a cockroaches facial expression is, but they're certainly not backing up.* Damien Rangore: *Taking the less lethal of ways, he attempts using his strength to shove them off the stairs. Still growling in hopes to dishearten the rest. Still not wanting to resort to outright clawing them* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *Their Rage isn't strong... but their willpower is, and with six legs to anchor themselves, they're hard to move. Moreover, when he tries to move one the other shoves him back. They're not about to let him up via the stairs, and he's outnumbered six to one--so far, at least.* Damien Rangore: *He grunts, already looking around for another way to get out. Squashing or clawing anyones totem spirits to goop aren't the smartest thing to do but this is getting frustrating* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *Nothing in sight at the moment, but there's got to be an elevator down here, and that means an elevator shaft....* Damien Rangore: *He back peddles a bit, eyes roaming for one as he bites down another growl* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *East side, by the look of it, past the boilers...* Damien Rangore: *He lumbers over that way to pry the thing open and take a look inside. The thing shouldn't work, so he shouldn't have to worry about the thing coming down on him but he's making sure before he attempts climbing up* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *The elevator itself isn't even there. Not premanent enough on the other side, most likely.* Damien Rangore: *Up he starts after getting the duffle secured around his neck* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *The climb isn't difficult, with claws and a corner to find. There are two watching the main door, but that'll be a whole lot easier to get past than six.* Damien Rangore: *Once up, he moves right for the two and the door. Bristling to try and intimidate them into moving. If not, he'll be shoving them aside* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *They're not moving aside... On the other hand, these are no bigger than the others, and they're fairly easy to clear. They turn and follow, but cockroaches, even big ones, just aren't going to keep up with a Garou, and soon enough he's left them behind.* Damien Rangore: *First things first, he goes about finding a river to wash himself up a bit. He already feels like he was set up and he's got a bad feeling why the bugs were so pissed off. He also keeps an eye out for the Stormcrow that's been following him before he starts off to the place where the Lords usually are* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *Oh, it's still following, although he didn't see it when the bugs were around. The bubbly cheer-leader is leaning against a building and popping her gum when he shows up.* Got it? Damien Rangore: *A quick peek across before he shifts down and hops across. He keeps from outright showing his aggitation or suspecion at the other as he nods* Yeah-...And I have a sinking feeling that there was some importance to this guy. *A glance around as he drops the dufflebag* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *chuckles.* Not a problem there, is it, Fostern? Well... *Checks the bag, looking at the head.* Yup, right guy. Not a problem. Time to head back home for you, though. Damien Rangore: *Grunts, head tilting* Such a hurry to get rid of me huh? *He chuckles however, offering a small bow* Pleasure meeting you, of course. But I'll be on my way. *He nods before stepping back to move across the gauntlet to shift and fly home as soon as he can locate his familiar* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): *She nods and picks up the bag. The familiar finds him, once he's succeeded and he's not being detained.* Damien Rangore: *Hallalujah. Homeward bound* The Redneck ST (frickin' computer): ((And that's it. He'll read in the newspapers about how Stangle's murderer still hasn't been caught. But with his death, Carpathian Investments has foreclosed on one of his hotels, gaining it over a relatively minor loan.*
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