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Damien's Adren Challenge Challenge Finished on Saturday, June 24, 2006 Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six The Redneck ST: Finally came up with somethin'... *G* Waitin' on you, but I probably won't be able to finish it tonight. Jake: (( Sweeeet. *G* Now if my browser would stop shutting down. *G* I've been ready to pass out myself for the past two hours so I likely wont make but a few, myself. *C* Wanna move to Dynamic? )) The Redneck ST: NP. But I got a trip to make in the mornin'. Jake: (( *G* Works out then. Just wanna get the challenge declared then and call it a night and I'll catch you again whenever? *G* )) Damien Rangore: (( Want me to start? )) The Redneck ST: ((Yeah. *g* Where's he goin', who's he challengin', all that good shit. )) Damien Rangore: (( *G* )) *Screw goin' "home"-...They have more then a few screws loose up there, maybe. He's going to the Sept Cries came up from to find a ranking Ahroun there. Plus, it might be a sight closer then his home town. Raven colored wings taking him through the directions offered up by his packmate after reaching Colorado state. When he gets towards the edge of the Bawn, he lands to throw back his head and howl who he is, why he's here and all that good stuff* The Redneck ST: *A howl answers, telling him to wait where he is, before a crow glides closer. Obviously a stormcrow, it looks almost like a child's drawing of a crow. No detail is exactly ~wrong~, but somehow it still looks strange. * HT--How did you know thi splace? Damien Rangore: *He watches the bird a moment. His own familiar not far away from him, but as usual just watching* ~ht~Cries-Thunder's-Roar-..My packmate who used to belong to this Sept. The Redneck ST: *A long pause.* HT--And who did you intend to challenge? Damien Rangore: ~ht~I wasn't given any names. It's a challenge for Adren, so the ranking Ahroun Shadow Lord present would be who I need to speak with. *Surely they have one-...That's going to suck if he has to go elsewhere* The Redneck ST: HT--The Ranking Ahroun Shadow Lord? I think I can arrange that.... Follow me. *And off he flies--not taking his time either, since he saw the bigass wings on Damien.* Damien Rangore: *He grunts and once again takes flight, following behind the 'crow and working on keeping up* The Redneck ST: *Soon enough--and an easier trip, since the mountain paths aren't exactly a straight line, and there's a reason they say "as the crow flies"--the bird's gliding to land on an outcrop near a small hollow.* HT--Try here. Damien Rangore: *He lands, folding his wings back towards his body and nods to the spirit* ~ht~Much thanks. *He takes a look at the hollow and does the smart thing-..He howls again because there isn't anyway in Gaia's name he's invading someones territory straight off. If the guy isn't in the Umbra, he'll just have to hop across* The Redneck ST: *And no response on this side.* Damien Rangore: *He grunts, shifting down into Lupus to step across. After a moment to let his eyes dart around and take in his "new" surroundings, he lets out another Howl of Introduction* The Redneck ST: *No need for that, as the fellow is sitting down, leaning against a stunted cedear.* Came to see me, I expect? Damien Rangore: *Okay, now that's eerie. Golden colored eyes blink before he shifts his body langauge a bit to help him speak* ~ws~I believe so, Rhya. I was led here on the notion you would be the Ranking Ahroun for this Sept? The Redneck ST: *Nods.* That'd be me. Grudge-Fucks-With-a-Tent-Pole, Athro of the Lords of Shadow and Warder. Most folks just call me Grudge. Damien Rangore: *And he thought he got a long name-...He politely shifts up into Homid, even if it's not the wisest move considering he likely isn't even legal drinking age human wise to be challenging for such a lofty rank. He keeps his posture to show he knows which of the two of them is the dominate one, that being Grudge and keeps from showing to much of his usual arrogance* Pleasure to meet you, Grudge Rhya. Courage Brings Ashes and Silence, Fostern Ahroun and Child of Owl. I'm here to challenge you for the Rank of Adren, as there would be no justice in seeking any other Ahroun besides my own Tribe. The Redneck ST: *Nods.* For the rank of Adren.... Looks like Thunder sent you to the right place at the right time, then. I got one for you, nice and simple. Damien Rangore: *He keeps from tilting his head in curiosity. He hopes his luck keeps pushing then and he can win this "nice and simple" challenge* Alright, Rhya. The Redneck ST: *Nods.* There's a spot in the umbral side where they set up some kind of funky-ass clinic. We put the drop on that crap, but the three banes that came around are still there, and nobody's gotten off their ass to go take care of 'em yet. That's your job. You can use whatever resources you want--I won't give 'em to you, at least not for free, and neither will anybody else unless you can do a lot of slick-talking, but I don't prevent any of it either. You got a week. Damien Rangore: *He rubs his chin thoughtfully before grinning* Alright, Grudge Rhya. I'll see if I can't be back before the week is up then with news of these Bane's defeat. I need to bring any proof, or just my word? The Redneck ST: *shrugs.* Your word'll do. I don't need to tell you that if someone finds the buggers alive again you'll be in deep shit... *chuckles.* But it always happens every now an' then, so I tell everyone just in case. Damien Rangore: *He nods* I'll be back within a week then, Rhya. The Redneck ST: ((Programs are shutting down for some reason... gonna reboot.)) Damien Rangore: (( Alright. *C* Oddly had that problem myself today. )) The Redneck ST: *Nods.* Have fun. ((and when I get back Sunday we can get to the good shit....)) Damien Rangore: (( Sweet. *G* That'll give me time to think how he goes about doing it. *C* But for now, I'm going to crash before I go cross-eyed and manage to bash my brains out passing out on the screen. *G* Thanks for the scene and see ya when you get back, man. )) The Redneck ST: ((Later, mang.))
The Redneck ST: *When last we saw our intrepid hero, he had just heard the Quixotian task set before him.....* Damien Rangore: *Grudge was waved to before he was back across the Gauntlet. He already had a decent idea where to start, or so he hoped since he was about as anti-social with strangers as Ash is with everyone on a good day. Once in the Umbra, he makes sure Storm Shadow is nearby before trotting along and eyeing for any other Stormcrows that might be skulking about* The Redneck ST: *He goes a little way before he finds them, since most are hanging out up by the peaks.* Damien Rangore: *He grins to himself, shifting up into Crinos and stops a bit away before calling out after kicking up Persuasion(( 7,6,1,8. ))* ~ht~Evening, friends! I was wondering if by chance you might be able to assist me on a little task the Warder's given me. I need to track down three Banes connected with some clinic they built nearby and I was wondering if any of you might have an idea where it's at so I can do my Gaia given duty as an Ahroun. *Here is to hoping they understand High Tongue like most of the ones he's ran into do* The Redneck ST: *And, of course, that they admit they understand it. It was Shadow Lords who invented the phrase "No Habla Ingeles." Fortunately, one does.* The clinic? Well, the banes didn't build a clinic. Some dumb ape did, some of that holistic crap with the foot-tapping and the crystals and iridology and kinesiology and reflexology and just about every other fake-ass medicine you can imagine. She got some people killed... Dumb people, but still, she kept 'em away from the real doctor while she played with 'em. That's what drew the banes. Damien Rangore: *These guys also inventing words he doesn't know, but he nods his head like he does. He gets the point, at least* ~ht~I see. Might get this fake doctor to if someone hasn't already. Know where the clinic is so I can at least take out the banes? Damien Rangore: (( This^ )) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Those are real... well, I mean people really do 'em. There are folks that say they can tell exactly what's wrong with you by looking at your iris. Which always reminds me of the joke about the doc who always required a urine sample...)) *Oh, they offed her weeks ago. Would have just sent her packin' but she'd have just set up somewhere else. If you ead into the local town down there, you'll see the building still standing in the Umbra--it burned down... by accident... in the physical--on the east side of town. Damien Rangore: (( *L* Exactly why I hate going to the doctor for anything unless I'm on my last leg. )) *He nods. Well, at least they took care of part of it* ~ht~Thanks, friend. I'll go have a look see and hopefully kill off the Banes as well. *He waits for Storm Shadow to show he's ready before melting down into Lupus to take off on the Owl granted wings. Much easier then running, by far. Now heading towards town* The Redneck ST: ((*G* Well, that's holistic medicine for ya. I can see chiropracty working, but they crap they got now--vibrations and crystals and chi- healing and shit...)) *A wry look.* HT--good luck. *Much, much easier, since the town--hell, just about everything--is downhill from where he was at. All he's got to do is glide around until he finds it, and that doesn't take long.* Damien Rangore: (( *L* I never got any of it. What gets me is the acupuncture stuff, even if it has supposedly worked for some folks. *L* )) *Once he makes it to the two, he swells up into Hispo and scopes things out. When he's sure the Weaver's minions aren't there to greet him in some Mafia Pattern Spider fashion he pads on towards the Eastern side* The Redneck ST: ((Yeah--you jam a needle through the nerve, and it don't hurt anymore. Pretty simple effect, there.)) *It's a small town... If he searched the place he'd find maybe three spiders there to keep things from breaking down.* The Redneck ST: *The building on the east side is clearly not recieving their attentions, however. The roof is sagging, cracks show in the walls, and the place has a general air of disrepair. there's a wooden fence, though, fencing in a fairly large backyard.* Damien Rangore: (( *Snickers* )) *Good, less he has to worry about. Once off in the Eastern part, he starts to peek across every now and again to check for a torched building and trusting his familiar to make sure nothing decides to prey on the Peeking Lord* The Redneck ST: *The spirit is nervous--whatever's around, he's got a bad feel about the place--but he doesn't give any warnings as Damien peers. It's the right place, alright. Burned to the ground, and the gardenout back, too, except for a muddy, soot-filled pond maybe ten feet across and 3 deep.* Damien Rangore: *She must have needed a place to hide the bodies-...He pulled back across, shaking his head before heading towards the Umbral Reflection of the building after preparing himself a little. He concentrates for Luna's Armor first, then Resist Pain-...Grudge didn't say how strong these Banes are suppose to be, so he's guessing if he doesn't go in fully prepared he's up shit creek without a paddle. Luna's Armor gives him a bit of trouble at first, but he grunts and tries again. Once that's accomplished, he goes stealth mode to try and sneak around and find where these little bastards are* (( Spent a Will on the first try for LA, still failed. Second attempt got 4 suxx, but he's down -2 Gnosis. Also a Will for Resist Pain. )) The Redneck ST: ((gimme a Dex + Stealth roll, then, just in case.)) Damien Rangore: (( Quick question: He get the -2 diff from Owl since none of his pack are around, or does Ash get that souly no matter what until she passes it off? )) Damien Rangore: (( 9,7,8,6,1, 3,3,8 on the roll. *G* )) The Redneck ST: ((I figure whichever pack member needs it has it. So unless a) someone else is using it now, or b) Ash is real stingy, then yeah, he's got it.)) Damien Rangore: (( Sweet. *G* )) The Redneck ST: ((*G* yeah, that does it.)) *The ground seems to soften under his feet, shadows extend to hide him, as Owl's influence exerts himself. And he sees them. Maybe 10 feet tall, skeletally gaunt, with razor-sharp claws-- like larger versions of the seven that Shadow's Eclipse and Gaia's Switchblades fought, and exactly like the five that they all fought they night they killed 'Mo.' Except only three, this time.* Damien Rangore: (( 7,1,8 to Fatal Flaw one of em'. *G* )) *He creeps around, eyeing these guys. He wasn't there when they killed "Mo" and Ash got some ranting for it, but he heard stories about the Banes Ruarc had to lead away. He accesses any weaknesses they might have while pondering a method of attack. A glance off towards Storm Shadow, pondering* The Redneck ST: *All he can notice at the moment is that every bone shows, and likely a blow to the spine could be a bit troublesome.* Damien Rangore: *He keeps that in mind while he creeps around a bit to try and get behind the bugger and in a good attack possition. He already knows he's going to have a time and a half with these guys, so he's ready to take flight if they prove to troublesome or even get Storm Shadow to distract them hopefully if he needs to retreat* The Redneck ST: *They're looking over the pond at the moment, gathered around it. Inside are seven nasty-assed fish. At least two of them have three eyes.* Damien Rangore: *Hrmmm-..Might be an idea to knock one in-..Maybe the mutant fish will eat em'. He crouches a bit, timing it just right before he springs forward in a blur to get his attack in before they even know he's there* ((Granted he gets a surprise attack, of course. *G* )) The Redneck ST: ((And since they have no clue he's there, yeah, he does. Go 'head and roll is.)) Damien Rangore: (( *G* Alright. Splitting two ways to pull off a Fur Gnarl. *Gets the rolls* )) The Redneck ST: ((Not knocking him in? *G* Would have been a neat idea, but I dunno what I'd have done with it.)) The Redneck ST: ((Go 'head and post your attacks.)) Damien Rangore: (( *LoL* He might end up trying it. Did the attacks at -2 diff since they were from behind. 2,9,9,3,1, 3,2=1 suxx on the first half, 1,3,2,1,8, 1,1,8,6 on Damage. 8,2,2,10,5, 2=3 suxx on the Bite on the gnarled spot and 4,1,2,9,2, 2,7,10,1,6, 3. Yeah, this doesn't look like it's going to go well. *L* )) *He lunges forward, claws finding purchase in the huge creatures back and rending downward before his teeth flash in. He keeps semi-up on his hind legs to keep hold of the bastard, not making a sound save any tearing he might pull off* The Redneck ST: *Damien doesn't need to make a sound. The Scrag does, a high-pitched squeal of shock and anger. And Damien manages to rip loose only the tiniest layer of iron-hard skin, and his bite does less good than that. He hasn't hurt the thing at all, and him and his two friends are turning around to see if they can't feed Damien to the fishies.* Damien Rangore: *Rut Roh Raggy. We probably should have thought up a better plan then this one. He gets ready to put up a hell of a fight and hopefully come up with a plan B during it* The Redneck ST: *They're swiping, claws glittering as they flash through the umbral moonlight.* ((Go ahead and post and roll, since there's no way they can win init--and lemme know how much Rage you're spending.)) The Redneck ST: ((*G* AND let me register my opinion that this is a bad idea.)) Damien Rangore: (( *G* )) *He grunts, using the Scrag half to spring off of before they can react and unflural his wings to gain some ground on them hopefully, barking* ~ht~Storm Shadow! Do your wind thing! Knock them in! ((No Rage, but I can roll for him jumping up and gaining ground. He's doing the charm borrowing from his Numen with Create Wind to try and knock them in the pool. How you wanna do that is up to you. I can roll for his Charm, but I'll need to run and find Axis Mundi right fast. *G* )) The Redneck ST: ((Is it a Numen or a familiar? because if it's a Numen then it's actually bound ~to~ him, not flying around alongside...)) EI ?Shit On His Head!..?: (Jake>>It's 6 dice, varied difficulty *C* Ken>>Numen aren't bound like body wise...Or the story wouldn't make since seeing as it's a Lord who has a Stormcrow who tracked a traitor down. It costs a Gnosis to get the extra dice for one roll per scene, but I don't think the Charm costs anything...I can look and make sure since I got the PG beside me) Damien Rangore: (( Numen. And when it says bound, it means like a spiritual connection. They don't bind them like Fetishes. *L* They did away with Familiar in Revised and replaced it with that. It -does- say you can borrow a Charm and Crusher or someone let Bernard do it in a scene with his Numen.)) The Redneck ST: ((Ahh. *G* My bad--I ain't got the PG. And it's 2 for a mild breeze, ten for a tornado. A wind that can actually shove ten-foot-tall things around is probably real close to a tornado. Between that and the ~aim~ of getting them in just the right spot, that'll be diff 8. And first, gimme a Wits + Flight roll, diff 7, or if you don't have Flight than Wits diff 9)) Damien Rangore: (( 5,3+1 WP=1 suxx. *G* Now roll? )) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Good choice on spendin' that WP.))*Damien's about to give the command when it hits him. He is in the air. With great big sails attached to his body. Is he SURE that he wants to create tornado-force winds here?* Damien Rangore: *Good point he may want to keep getting out of the way. He keeps climbing up in the air, angling himself away a bit after getting up. Trying to keep the bastards infront of that pond for now* The Redneck ST: *Well, they're following along, apparently in hopes that he gets tired and falls. But at least he's out of their reach. The Redneck ST: ((*G* No need for a wits roll here. They're ten feet tall. They have arms six feet long. Twelve feet ain't enough.)) Damien Rangore: (( *L* 20 then. *C* Trying to remember the exact definition of the challenge incase he may be heading home to round up some folks. )) The Redneck ST: (( The Redneck ST: *Nods.* There's a spot in the umbral side where they set up some kind of funky-ass clinic. We put the drop on that crap, but the three banes that came around are still there, and nobody's gotten off their ass to go take care of 'em yet. That's your job. You can use whatever resources you want--I won't give 'em to you, at least not for free, and neither will anybody else unless you can do a lot of slick- talking, but I don't prevent any of it either. You got a week.)) The Redneck ST: ((*G* And for the record, we'll be seeing Grudge-Fucks-With-a-Tent-Pole in other plotlines, simply because I fuckin' love that name.)) Damien Rangore: (( *L* Ken>>I know. That's one of the best ones I've seen that can be taken seriously, but funny as hell. Unless you put a double SM meaning on it. *G* Pack is resources. I think he's going home. *L* )) *He grunts, looking to the familiar not far off before grunting* ~ht~C'mon. *He'll explain they got a week to get back here later. Even if Grudge disqualfies him, it's still three dead Banes. But for now he's getting away and keeping his trap shut encase they to can understand High Tongue* The Redneck ST: (( *G* I still liked Greta Smites-with-a-Breast better, though.)) *They quit following after the first ten miles or so, when Damien's still just gliding and they're worn out.* EI ?Shit On His Head!..?: (*L* I like the name *Snickers*) Damien Rangore: (( Wasn't she the big titted Fenrir chick? *L* I remember that one. )) *He looks to Storm Shadow, grunting* ~ht~Gotta go get the team. Aint no way in hell we can kill all three of those alone and even if Grudge-Rhya says the rest of the pack isn't resources, then it's three dead banes they wont have to worry about and I'll just have to rechallenge. The Redneck ST: ((*G* Yeah--the ancestor-spirit who made Dolly Parton look like a Fury.)) The Redneck ST: HT--He said any resources you want... Damien Rangore: (( *L* )) *He nods and starts on the trip back home. He'll eventually find a place to curl up and rest though-...That'll mark one day wasted before he gets home to round up what he can of his pack*
Damien Rangore: (( Wanna go ahead and get started since Cries-p is around and I'm sure Twitch'll be along soon? )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Sure...*G* Go ahead and start while I get something to drink...) Damien Rangore: *He had stopped somewhere along the way to rest up, then he flew his way back to Kansas. Ash was first on his list of folks to gather up, seeing as she was the "second" best fighter in the pack and the Alpha. Without here, he likely can't rally the others into going. He finds a safe place to step across before slipping into her apartment building to jog up the stairs and to her door-...Which gets banged on rather rudely, no matter what time it is* Ruarc Bronach: (Boo) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Ash doesn't answer the door...That's a given...But Addie does, peeking out to blink up at Damien before smiling softly up at him in greeting* Damien Rangore: (( *Waves to Twitch* )) *He offers a soft smile for the girl before peeking over and past her* Ash around, by chance? *Please don't let her be at the yard-..Could be a waste of time and then Lance will be a nosey little cocksnot if he's around. Then again, everyone else might be there* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Damien can pretty much hear her when Addie pulls the door open and quickly scurries out of the way of the Garou and off out of sight...Ash is on the couch with her headphones on, nose shoved in...Gasp...A book instead of a Revolver...Oblivious to the world at the moment...The Wyrm could probably do a strip tease through the living room and she probably wouldn't know* Ruarc Bronach: (*Waves and dies@Ash's last post*) Damien Rangore: (( *LoL* )) *He wanders on into the apartment once the door is opened for him-...Pausing to crouch down by Ash and reach out to yank one of the 'phones away from her ear and speak in a loud, exhagurated voice* Wow! That must be one of those love novels and you must be to a good part! Come back to reality for a little while, I need ya for somethin'! *Letting the headphone go to smack her in the side of the head* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* I'm like that...On a good day...Hell, you could probably stab me in the foot any other time and it -might- get my attention...) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She gets whacked with the right side headphone....Damien gets bitch slapped in the face with the book before the irritated Fury sits up, growling as she yanks them off and glares at him* What the hell are you doing here and bugging me at that? Damien Rangore: *He winces, but it causes him to laugh as he stands up rubbing the side of his face* Happy to see you too-....I told you, you're needed to do your Gaia given duty-...Like, now-...We have ground to cover and we still got to get the others. Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Something finally clicks and she blinks...* Wait, aren't you suppose to be on your Adren challenge? Ground?...Where are we going or did you find something out that requires the whole pack? Damien Rangore: Yeah, I am. But I found something that needs taking care of-..It could possibly be a Blight forming but I aint a Theurge-..I just know three of those things you described that you guys ran into when you killed the head honcho leech are down there. I need you guys because I can't kill em' alone-...Ruarc and Cries we need. Lir isn't much of a fighter, so she can stay behind and make sure Owl stays happy. But we need to get moving and if you have anything to take along, you better grab it. Know where Ruarc is or lives? Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She frowns...Glanceing off towards the kitchen, then back...Slowly, she slips her headphones off and sets the walkman aside on the couch before standing...Her boots are already on, which probably means that little rumor she sleeps in em' is likely true...Another small frown off towards the kitchen* Ruarc might have some talens unless you have time to spare...Otherwise, I got nothing but me to take...One second...*Shuffling to vanish off to explain to Addie she has to leave...After a few minutes, she returns to step up beside the Ahroun* Split up and get the others or want to go together? Damien Rangore: *By then, he's already by the door and waiting* Eh, I'm not in that big a hurry-...Lets go get Cries, then you can take us to Ruarc. We'll go from there and see if we have anything to grab or whatever. C'mon. *Ducking out of the door to start hurrying from the building* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She nods..Glanceing behind her one last time as she follows out and shuts the door...Hands stuffing in her pockets as she follows along behind him since he likely remembers where Cries and Lir live better then her...She'll ask questions when everyones present to avoid making the Ahroun huffy..* Damien Rangore: *Seeing as Cries gets bugged on a regular basis, of course he does! Cries and Lir's door gets banged on just as rudely as Ash's had-..The Ahroun all but hopping in place as he waits anxiously for someone to answer* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Heh. I'll NPC Lir since Cries wouldn't answer the door if Gaia herself was on the otherside. Unless she said it was her, then that's a different story)) *The Other Tiny Fury is the one who eventually comes to the door, blinking up at the two to show she may have been sleeping before offering a tired smile and asking what it is they want* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: ("Knock knock.." "..." "Cries! You're suppose to say 'Who's there?'!" "..Gaia? Is that you?..." "Damnit! You're ruining the joke!" "..You aren't Gaia! You're the land lady!" "How did you know?!" "Because..Any good Shadow Lord has a peep hole in their door...And Gaia does -not- wear a moomoo, pink hair curlers and fuzzy slippers...That and Gaia knows how dumb Virginia Slims look"...*Cackles*) Damien Rangore: *He grins down at Lir* Need a few favors-...One being hand over Cries- ...The second is we need you to stay here while we take care of a problem away from here. Make sure Owl stays nice and happy for us and hopefully we'll all be back soon. Know you aren't a fighter so I figure it best to stay here since this isn't going to be a cakewalk. Damien Rangore: (( *LoL* )) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Damien's about to get all our characters killed and shes in the best humor ever. Go figure *G*)) *Lir starts to protest and ask a few questions, but she rethinks it and asks them to wait there. After a few moments, Cries is at the door in his looming either rugged decent looking Galbro form, or he's just that big and brutish in Homid. He just raises his brows at the two, head cocking questioningly but not asking* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She nods to Lir...Surpressing her joy at seeing her Sister and just standing there for now..Keeping a blank expression while they wait on Cries to get pulled into the cause* Damien Rangore: *He grins to Cries* Hey, bro-...Need you to come along with us on a little trip. I'll explain when everyones together and we still need to go grab Ru. So come on unless you have a really, really good excuse not to go. Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *His brows furrow, but he keeps from asking for now. He trusts his packmates not to be wasting his time and looks to Lir, grumbling he'll be back soon before stepping out. He wouldn't have packed with these people if he didn't believe they were worthy of being pack and getting stuff done. He just nods, showing they can lead on as his hands slip into his pockets. A clear sign he really isn't comfortable in this form* Damien Rangore: *Chuckles* Thanks Lir and we'll see you again soon. *Grins before looking to the others* Great-...Next stop, Ru-...Lead the way, Ash. *This is going smoother then he thought* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She nods to Lir before turning...Shuffling off and then on towards the bad part of town...She is taking them to Ruarc, right?...Must be, because she keeps shuffling on until she reaches the building he lives in...Pausing outside his door to knock quietly and get ready to track him down if he isn't home* Ruarc Bronach: *What a crappy place it is, just a door off a street between some small shops. A corridor with a few doors, one at the end marked "Bathroom" in magic marker and the one Ash knocks on gets no response at first, finally the fianna gives a* Yes? *Sounding most unsure, he doesn't get visitors after all.* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He just follows along in silence. He can wait until the appropriate time for them to explain what exactly is going on. He stays back a bit while Ash works on getting Ruarc out, clearly not wanting to invade territory or something* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Good...She wont have to track him down* It's me, Ruarc...We need you for something...A trip... Damien Rangore: *He keeps from muttering "And I thought -I- lived in a dump. This place makes mine looks like a pimped out suite." He looks to Ash, letting her do the talking seeing as she was the one who got them here* Ruarc Bronach: *Another moment passes before the door cracks open, seems he's a bit paranoid in his own home and isn't all that happy to see most the pack but oh well. Now the lords know where to find him to kill him in his sleep, well not really.* Sure, a minute then? *Then the door closes, more then likely getting dressed before stepping out. The door locked, but why bother? Not like the door is solid.* You need me to bring anything? If so, it's all back in the yard. Damien Rangore: *Grins to the Fianna* Yeah, we might need some stuff. We'll discuss it there-...But be kinda quiet, just so Lance or anyone else doesn't shove there nose in on "our" buisness. *Translated into pack only shit. He steps away to start heading off and swing around back for the junkyard. Now wishing he had asked Lir if she had any talens they might find useful, but to late to head back now* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: Damien is the one to ask that...I think I'm just along for the ride..*Nods..* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *And follows...* Ruarc Bronach: *Ash gets a *oh...*And just follows the others, glancing around, now and again. Staying quiet since, well he's so not getting any sleep for a while now* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *With a quiet grunt, he tags along behind them. Likely looming over the whole group but he still seems out of place and uncomfortable all together* Damien Rangore: *He's silent all the way to the 'yard-...Savour the moment, because that likely doesn't happen often. Once Chopper lets them all in and they are in the maze, he murmurs* Any talens you got would be great. Healing and anything that can help in a big battle-...Cause that's where we're headin'. Well, sorta big-...*Gotta keep his Ahroun reptutation up* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*Squints* Ash does have one more gourd, right? I'm trying to remember because it seems like she still had one...*L*) Ruarc Bronach: Well if I had known, i'd have more then what I had left over. Which is some of my paint and a gourd. Will we have time to make a few more? Anything else one might suggest? Ash should have one gourd still, I think. Right? *Tilting his head towards her, to peer* (She should, she used one at the hospital and had two that night) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *As soon as it's safe to, he's right down into Lupus and shaking his fur out. He blinks up at Damien and rumbles* ~ws~No Talens on my behalf, at least that would be helpful. I do have a Gift that might help though *He does have several, actually. But he's mainly refering to a newer one* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (I thought so *L* I just wasn't sure *G*) *She nods* I have one still..In my car...*Trying not to shift at the peering...She fucked up the last healing attempt...She ponders handing it off to someone else..* Damien Rangore: How long does it take to make em'? Some war paint would be great or anything we can use against Banes is. These guys are tough and we don't want to go in only half-cocked. You guys faught em' before, after all- ...Same type of guys I'm assuming. Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She eyes Damien* How many? Because there was five last time and between all of us, we didn't kill a one...We barely even put scratches on them and we had to heal Lance and Gabriel up by the time Ruarc led them off... Damien Rangore: Three, unless they got some buddies while I got back here. You guys didn't have me last time and you were hunting Leeches. Better chance for pack tactics now and we need to try and get the area cleansed. Which I need to grab the stuff for. Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: ...That's still not good odds, Damien...Considering these guys are hard to even put a mark on... Ruarc Bronach: 10 minutes or so. Longer if I have to hunt down the spirit. If Lir can summon, would be easy enough then. Otherwise, guess I could see about making a few if you wanna give me a bit of time or even help out. *Shrugging some* Hit a store for the gourds or find 'em in a garden or something.. Damien Rangore: That's why we are working to make up for the odds, Ash. *He looks to Ruarc* How many gourds do you guys have between all of you? If we have two or three already, don't worry about those and focus on something that'll keep us up and alive. I wouldn't mind a Bloody Bandage myself. The Redneck ST: ((I has arrived.)) Ruarc Bronach: A what? *Blinking at Damien before it dawns on him* Oh...those things Ken uses, right. Never made on before, not really my right to. Sorry. 2 Gourds I think, which three or so would make me feel better. umm My paint will be useless to you two *nodding to Damien and Ash* You having Luna's armor and all. Unless you want that extra little bit of protection. The Redneck ST: ((*G* The things Lance uses?)) Ruarc Bronach: (Ken = Lance *LOL* Don't mind me, nephew and niece are visitng and got distracted) Damien Rangore: (( *G* Almost ready, I think. )) Things Lance runs around with sometimes. Then again, I heard you nearly have to kill yourself to make them so it might be a bad idea. *Chuckles* Well, if the paint can help you and Cries, that's good. If any is left over, Ash and I can use some incase Luna's Armor decides not to make itself known. Which it does do, time to time. Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ~ws~Mayhaps a Bane Arrow? But instead of an Arrow, make it a knife or the like? *Huffs* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((And small warning before we get started. I'm not on my comp, so if I vanish off and on it means someone wanted to look something up or check their mail. I'll try and prevent that during any combat, but no promises *L*)) Ruarc Bronach: Not sure where i'd get the proper stuff for those in such short notice, and a knife out of that? Suppose that's possible but would probably only be good for one hit. The knife would need to be made from obsidian likee the arrows or some other natural thing. Rocks or maybe even wood. But n anycase, that would take some time. How long we have? *Glancing towards Damien now* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She would say "Bane Arrows Suck!"...But she's never actually got to use one...So...* Damien Rangore: *Chuckles* Good point. We need to leave in like, the next hour at least. Ruarc Bronach: *Winces some* Oh, umm...Guess we can just take the two gourds we have and hope for the best? Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He would suggest Training Paint next, but he isn't to sure how well that would go. For now, he remains silent* Damien Rangore: *Nods* Grab that and the paint. I'll go and grab cleansing stuff. *Hoping to hell he's making a good choice with this. He quickly moves off to retrieve his backpack from his car and make sure it's actually got stuff in it before he'll return to the group. To bad Cries isn't speaking up- ..They could really use that* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Nods before she moves off to get the gorde she has...Bad feeling happening muchly right now for her, just because she's actually faught a few of these things...* Ruarc Bronach: *Heads on off to snag his gourd and whats left of the paint, about three uses left. Before returning and just waiting to hear whats about to happen* Damien Rangore: *He waits for everyone to get what they've gone to get, nodding to himself before speaking* We got some ground to cover-..We are going to stop and rest before the battle, so don't worry about me being a slave driver. There's a spot not to far from a Caern I was at that could possibly be turning into a Blight-..I aint no Theurge, but the place has Banes in it so-..A doctor who practices that non-medicinal shit got some people killed there but no ones killed the banes. That's what we need to do. There's three of them, so it isn't going to be easy and if they got some of their buddies-..It wont be any easier. But I trust with the four of us, we should be able to wear them down and possibly slay all three by the end of it-...If we have to, we'll kill what we can then regroup, heal up and get the rest. Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He eyes Damien a moment when he mentions a Caern, but he says nothing and just shows he's ready to go when they are* Ruarc Bronach: Maybe we should draw them out? I can do that with luck. That we we don't walk into their home turf, so to speak. Just an idea anyway. Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Nods..* Sounds like a plan...We can finish making them when we stop to rest since you seem eager to get going...That and you can explain what else you know... Damien Rangore: *Shakes his head at Ruarc* We want to hit them as hard as we can hopefully before they even know we are there-...If shit gets thick, we have to take flight. But if they know we are there, it wont do us any good at getting the jump on them and possibly tearing one apart before they can react. Damien Rangore: *Nods to Ash* That works-...Everyone ready then? *Putting a hand on Ash's shoulder so she can pull him across whenever* Ruarc Bronach: If you say so, your the ahroun. *Nodding to him, was just a suggestion anyway* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He chuffs and moves over to Ash, showing he is ready for her to Open the Way* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She reaches over to the twoGalliards..Grabbing Ru's shirt and some of Cries' hackles before glanceing to a mirror to pull them across...She already assumes Lupus to be the form of choice and shifts down into that soon after...Waiting for Damien to lead the way...* The Redneck ST: *And the trip is uneventful. A lot faster, since they can fly, and a lot safer now that they don't have to avoid anything or worry about any ambushes, but also just a bit boring.* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He remains in Lupus in the Umbra, shaking himself out as he takes on the eerie appearance that clearly says he's likely more spirit then actual Garou. He lets his raven colored wings unfold, waiting now for the Ahroun to lead them off* Damien Rangore: *He takes off and they'll note there always seems to be something in the corner of their eye, like something else also flying and following along- ...Ruarc and Ash likely getting dejavu from the Battlegrounds trips by the shadowing. Damien stops just outside of Colorado in a safe place to let everyone rest and rest himself-...Not that much, though since he rested on the trip back. After a few hours of letting everyone doze, wander off for food or whatever he gets them back up to fly the rest of the way and head for the small town. He lands just outside of it, looking to the others* ~ws~May want to start getting ready now. Ruarc Bronach: *Shifts on down and gives his wings a stretch before readying himself to follow* The Redneck ST: *So far, everything looks the same.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She's used to the Stormcrow following them everywhere in the Umbra..It doesn't bother her as much now...Outside the city, she cocks her head and then flicks her ear...Focusing on getting her Gifts up..Ones she can for now, at least...* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (1 suxx on Luna's Armor and getting Resist Pain up..All together, she's down 2 WP and a Gnosis *S*) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *Flicks an ear. He has no Gifts to get booted up, but he does look to Ruarc to see if the Fianna can paint him with this war paint* Ruarc Bronach: *Ru keeps an eye out for what ever it is, paranoid abit. Cries got eyed now and again also. When they prep, shifts to homid to spread the paint on his chest, like claw marks. Offering some to Cries if he accepts it, if so* Got enough for one more, if either of you want it. *To the ahroun and philly of course* Damien Rangore: (( I'm starting to notice a pattern of Ash and Damien having about the same dice and usually the same two Gifts always. *L* 4 suxx on Luna's Armor, down a Will for it and a Gnosis. Also dropping a Will for Resist Pain. )) *His black coat takes on a slight silvery shimmer after a bit of concentration. He waits for the others to get ready now before leading onward* Ruarc Bronach: *He applys it for the lord if need be. Just the claw like markings on his chest.* Damien Rangore: ~ws~Use it on Ash. I should be fine-..*Two heavy hitters and two good Galliards* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Flicks her ear* ~ws~If Damien doesn't want the rest of the paint, I'll take it...*She looks to the Ahroun* Anything planned? Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He huffs his appreciation. It seems Cries is either just that comfortable in lupus, to lazy to shift or somethings wrong with him* Ruarc Bronach: *The paint giving to the fury cause....there is no way he's getting near her ta'tas. He wants to breed someday.* Damien Rangore: ~ws~Yeah-..First things first, we wanna hit em' as hard as we can hopefully without them knowing it. So that means sneaking-...And please sneak. Also, pack tactics. I'm thinking two on one so we can get some Fur Gnarling in. That'll leave one unoccupied but hopefully that wont last long. We need to even it out, so I'm thinking you and Ruarc, Ash and me and Cries on one. The Redneck ST: *Like that'll ever happen.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*Snickers!*) *She shifts up to Homid, taking the paint...Damn boobs get in the way of painting claws, you know....But when all is said and done, she shifts down into Hispo and looks nice and ready* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: ~ws~Sounds good. Anything else you have a suggestion for..? Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *With some effort and focusing, he swells up into Hispo. They're all going to die. He knows it. His ears plaster back and he gets ready to pray to the Ancestors this goes good. He would like to live to make Fostern* Damien Rangore: ~ws~Yeah, if they're about to fuck you up take flight. I'm hoping between the four of us we can wear em' down. Other then that, stick with pack tactics and watch each others backs. Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She moves to bump against Cries...Poor Galliard...She looks back to Damien and grunts* ~ws~Lead the way then and give us a signal when we need to go quiet... Damien Rangore: *With a flick of his ear, he turns to begin trotting towards the Eastern side of town* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *Not very reassuring, but he follows along. Quietly praying to his ancestors for guidance and not getting as much as he would like more or less. But whatever they whisper, he'll gladly take into consideration* The Redneck ST: ((alright. Ash, as the alpha, decide who gets the -2 diff from Owl's favor. Then everyone gimme a Dex + Stealth roll.)) Ruarc Bronach: Wait, who's working together? *Shifts down to hispo for now, to follow. A slight grunt* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* Because it's usually Ruarc who fails Stealth rolls...Giving it to him *L* Now watch, everyone else will botch...) Damien Rangore: (( *G* Damien said he and Cries, and Ash and Ruarc. Take a bane each and do Fur Gnarls. )) Damien Rangore: (( 1,6,5,9,3, 3,2,9. Also, he's shifting to Hispo along the way. *G* )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*L* 1 suxx..) Ruarc Bronach: (Ahh looked like "You and ru, me, ash and cries on another" to me *L* And yeah, Ru's not very sneaky) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Ash: Yeah, thanks *L* Botch times 2)) Ruarc Bronach: (3 sux ^^) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Neither is Cries. I think he's only passed one Stealth roll the entire time I've played him *Snickers* He was intended to have Huge Size and I forgot to go back and edit his stats for a smaller person)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (We're fucked *L*) Damien Rangore: (( Yup. *L* )) The Redneck ST: *Cries comes off a little lucky, considering the webs that snap loudly as he pushes through them. There's no sign they heard.* Damien Rangore: *He folds his ears back at the noise Cries is making but continues to sneak along to find the three Scrags. Keeping alert and making sure Storm Shadow is nearby incase they really do get into a fix* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She follows along, close to Ruarc...He's her designated partner so best to stick close to him...Pausing to listen a few times after Cries decides to use his bulk to make noise...But then she continues along...* Ruarc Bronach: (2 sux for the talon, for the record. *C*) *Just moves along, wincing some when Cries is a bit noisy, arn't lords supposed to be great at sneaky stuff? Ahh well. Least it ain't him for once. Staying with Ash, guessing she'll make the first attack* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *Winceing physically with every snap made and looking to see if they would like to retreat. When it's obvious they don't, he slinks along after Damien* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (..We're all going to die...*L* I failed the Talen activation..*Slaps forehead and dies of laughter*) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Fuck that shit. I'm dropping a Gnosis into it *L*)) The Redneck ST: ((And everyone gimme a Per + Alertness roll, diff 7.)) *Water splashes in behind the fence around the 'back yard'. Damien, who has seen the fish, would probably recognize that they're getting agitated.* Damien Rangore: (( *L* Hey Ash, wanna know what's even funnier? I just got a botchx2 on the Perception roll. )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*LMFAO* We're gonna die....But I got 3 suxx on the Perception roll *G*) The Redneck ST: *Damien heard the noise too. Whatever Ash thinks it sounded like, Damien recognized it easily--one of the fish flopping out of the pond and thumping on the ground; nothing to worry over.* The Redneck ST: *Ash, on the other hand, hears a careful footstep.* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((2,8,3)) The Redneck ST: *Cries hears something... A thump of some sort. May be a footstep. May be somethin' else; who knows?* Ruarc Bronach: (2sux on the roll) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She moves to bump against Ruarc...Alerting him first...Nudging Cries after to try and get him to get Damien's attention...* The Redneck ST: *And ruarc hears what he's pretty sure is a footstep.* Ruarc Bronach: (*C* twso 2's and 2 10's. I was thinking diff 5 for the -1 for hispo. Don't mind me, trying to keep up with kids bugging me) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *His ear twitches and he swings his head to look at Damien in a "I think they already know we are here" expression* Ruarc Bronach: *He heard it, just gives a bit of a nod. Glancing around carefully* Damien Rangore: *He looks at Cries-..He can't growl out what it is, that'll give them away. Stupid fish. He keeps sneaking along* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Okay...Damien isn't getting the picture...She tries figuring out exactly where the sound came from...This isn't good...* The Redneck ST: *There's a broken-down section of fence, that Damien used last time, and one of the scrags is looking at the pond intently, apparnetly meditating or something.* The Redneck ST: ((Ash, gimme Per + Alertness, diff 8, to try and judge direction.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (1 suxx *G*) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He keeps from grunting but follows the Ahroun along to watch his back. Studying the creature near the pond since he assumes that is one of their targets* ((3,9,2,6 for Fatal Flaw)) The Redneck ST: *There's not much weakness there, but it's spine is showing clearly, and would likely be a bit more breakable than the rest of him.* Damien Rangore: (( 3,4,2 on FF for him. *L* Which I'm assuming is a failure?)) *He moves to slip through the fence, slinking along for the little bastard. He knows it will alert the others, but still gives him time to try and tear it apart first* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She bumps Ruarc again...And flicks her right ear....Cocking it slowly towards the side, then back up...Signaling him...But she keeps moving after the other two, staying a few feet behind...This stealthy one isn't getting the jump on them if she can help it...* The Redneck ST: ((*G* Ayup.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He slips through after Damien, keeping close. Still trying to sneak and get towards the Bane* Ruarc Bronach: *Gives a blink to Ash and nods, moving with her. Least he's abit aware. Readying himself to follow his alpha* Damien Rangore: *Keeps moving forward, getting into attack possition when he's sure Cries gets the point. Ready to make his attack and let the Galliard follow behind* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* With Rend, I still don't add Hispo Strength do I? *Winces* Down a Rage, Willpower and the Gift still failed unless she gets those three extra dice...) The Redneck ST: *And the shit hits the fan. A scrag--just like they remembered; ten feet tall, gaunt, razor-clawed, and just fuckin' ~evil~--steps out from the side of the buildings where Ash is looking. Cries finds out about the third one rather suddenly, when somethinc cuts ~deep~ into his ass and the first one turns with a nasty grin.* The Redneck ST: ((Ash--depends on whether the Gift's descrip says Str or Base Str. Cries, soak 6 agg)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Soaked 3. What's the damage?)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*L* Reads like any other Gift...Just Strength+Primal Urge, diff 6 *G*) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((NM *G* Ouch)) The Redneck ST: ((In that case, then yeah, Str is dependent on form.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* Okay, 5 suxx then if she gets to use it) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Er, 6 with the Willpower that got spent..) The Redneck ST: ((and init for everyone.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Yup, they get 3 less soak dice for six turns..And if she kills one of them, anyone who sees she gets +3 extra dice on Intimdation on *C*) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((16)) Damien Rangore: (( We going by Pack Init or are they to seperated for it? )) The Redneck ST: ((Y'all can use it if you want.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (13 on Pack Init *G*) Ruarc Bronach: (Ahh, I thought pack init only works if they're all on the same target? I'll go with pack init) The Redneck ST: ((Alright.. The one that hit Cries is going to go at him again. The one that faced Damien--the one they snuck up on--is going to have at him again, and the one facing Ash and Ruarc is going to dodge. Y'all post and roll.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Spending 2 Rage, Splitting first action for Fur Gnarl and Bite...) Damien Rangore: (( Fur Gnarling the one facing him and splitting for the attack and bite. 2 Rage. )) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Normal action he's going to dart around and try Hamstringing the one that clawed him. Spending 2 Rage for extra actions. Would the first action be a split?)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (2 suxx on the Fur Gnarl) The Redneck ST: ((Yeah. One action to get behind him, although you don't have to roll it, and then the other action to Hamstring.)) The Redneck ST: ((And 2 suxx oin the dodge.)) *The Scrag's got two Garou attacking him, but one of them has some seriously wicked-ass claws that she's apparently intending to use on him, so he ducks aside with a screech, and Ash's swipe passes through empty air.* Ruarc Bronach: (1 rage, first action split, 2 bites following Ash. ) Damien Rangore: (( What's the diff to Damage, just so I can post and not have to C&P a ton of rolls every time? *C* )) Ruarc Bronach: (First bite, 2 sux second bite 1 sux) *Following ash, snapping his jaws at the buggering thing. Just hoping to land something on the thing* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((4 suxx, 7 agg)) *Bleeding from the large gash in his side, he snarls and leaps to the side, wheeling around once he's beside the huge beast and his jaws open wide before clamping into the tendon, or what he hopes is one, in the back of it's leg to yank out with an even louder snarl* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (2 suxx, 8 agg on the Bite) *She grunts, jaws still flashing in to connect with it's chest and tear rather messily...Or so we all hope* The Redneck ST: ((diff 8)) Damien Rangore: (( Alright, 2 suxx on the Fur Gnarl and 4 damage. 3 suxx on the bite and 2 damage. )) *He leaps in, front paws landing on the creatures chest to rake down before his jaws flash in-...Hoping to land a good blow where he rent flesh away* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Only 5 agg then)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (6 at diff 8 *G*) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* And don't forget the -3 dice to it's soak..) Ruarc Bronach: (2 sux on damage first bite, 1 on sux. I can't recall. 1's take away from damage in this game? I remember Ash saying not for soak. If so then 3 sux on damage the second time. Unless diff 8 to harm them? Then 0 and 3, if ones don't take away. SOrry, got the kids in here like i said >_<) The Redneck ST: *The Garou tear into their opponents... in theory, at least, only to find the same iron-hard skin that they faced last time. Damien's bites would have shredded nearly anything else, but they barely hurt the scrag at all. Likewise Ash's attack, and Ruarc did no damage at all. Cries manages to rip a tendon loose, but other than the leg sagging limply the scrag doesn't seem hurt a bit.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Twitch>>Nope, 1's don't count in this game *L*) The Redneck ST: ((Nope. 1's don't count on damage or soak.)) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Rend does that to the claws, right? That attack was a bite.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Uhh...It's suppose to be Claw and Teeth attacks...I can run and grab the book because the whole point of the Gift is using natural based weapons to rend a foe apart *G*) The Redneck ST: ((Ok. My bad, then, I thought it was just claws. 4 damage went through then, instead of 2. A slight wound, but still not much.)) The Redneck ST: *Ruarc and Ash's scrag is still backing up, but the other two whirl on their attackers, claws flashing somewhat clumsily.* ((Lucky... 1 suxx attacks on each of you. Dodge/blocking?)) Damien Rangore: (( It's hand-to-hand manuevers in the three "war forms." *C* 3 suxx to Dodge. )) *Every time something hits him, it fucks him up. Therefore, he makes sure to leap out of the way* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Yup. 3 suxx)) *He grunts, ducking down under the clawing Bane* The Redneck ST: ((And Rage actions.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* Jake beat me to it after I dug the book out...Yeah, it's hand to hand *G*) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (1 suxx on Fur Gnarl, 3 damage at diff 8...3 suxx on a bite, 5 damage) *She's copying what is soon to likely be Damien's signature move...Front paws leap up, placed firmly on the chest...Gravity playing in, rending flesh...Snap goes the jaws!* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((*G* Did Cries actually manage to cripple the Bane or no? Want to make that clear before doing his action)) The Redneck ST: ((Yeah. That's why his leg is hangin' limp.)) Damien Rangore: (( 5 suxx on a bite, 5 damage. *G* )) *He leaps in after getting out of harms way, thick jaws leaping into the rent he made in the Bane's chest and tearing in like there is no tomorrow-...And likely to no avail* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((2 suxx on a Fur Gnarl, 1 agg damage *L*)) *He grunts and moves in, copying the others it seems. His brittle claws are likely showing off as he executes the move, but doesn't do much of anything but waste his time* The Redneck ST: ((Afraid not, Damien. 5 suxx out of 6 dice.)) *Ash managed to hurt the bugger again, dimming its image. Damien, on the other hand, is getting nowhere.* Damien Rangore: (( Ken>>Forgot -2 dice for the Fur Gnarl. *S* )) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Wait a sec. I rolled the wrong Damage. Was suppose to be Str+1+Extra suxx. One sec)) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Damien did one damage.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Okay, it was 4 agg *G* And why I clicked the reroll 10's or when is beyond me. Sorry about that)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Init 20 *G*) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Still soaked, Cries, but that'll help with the next, at least. Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((*G* Sorry about that. I forgot they downed the claw attack in the games *G*)) The Redneck ST: ((Ash's bane is concentrating on something, its form already growing mistier. Damiens' and Cries' are still flailing about, trying to attack them.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((1 Rage for extra Action. Normal one is for Call of the Wyld. Rolling and will post)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Splitting for three Bites *G*) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((3 suxx)) *When all else fails and they get in thesesituations, what does Cries do? He does just that, he throws back his head and lets out a monsterous wail as his body tenses up. Filling his allies with more reserve to carry on* Damien Rangore: (( Splitting for two bites, 2 Rage. )) Ruarc Bronach: (Splitting 2 bites, 2 rage this turn) The Redneck ST: ((3 suxx.... Hmm... Alright. Extra die to all Brawl pools.)) *Cries' roar fills the air, throwing fire intot he blood of his pack and lending impetus to their fury.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Ugh...Failed, 2 suxx, Botch...2 agg on the one bite that hit) *She's a big ball of teeth, fur, claws and obviously getting out of control in this...* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Unless she gets the CotW effect first, then I'll have to reroll *C*) The Redneck ST: *Ash moves forward too quickly, and one massive shoulder smashes into Ruarc, knocking him aside.* ((*G* Sorry, ruarc, no action. You still get Rage actions, though.)) The Redneck ST: ((*G* And nope, although it'll count for Rage actions.)) Damien Rangore: (( Yeah, do they get the bonus before or after? )) Damien Rangore: (( Okay. *L* 2 suxx, 3 agg at diff 8. 1 suxx, 3 agg. )) *He grunts, laying on more effort but it's really likely not going to well. He prepares to dodge again, bristled and snarling* Ruarc Bronach: (Awww damn >_< Not that my rolls where that great *L*) *Growls, when Ash barrels into him. Something akin to, "Friend, damn it!"* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*Whips sweat* I thought you were gonna make me bite Ruarc...*L* Cause I know I'd have gotten like 8 agg and the Gift effects *Hallalujah!*) The Redneck ST: *Damien's flurry of bone-cracking snaps should have left any opponent bleeding and screaming. he got a grunt, and a trickle of blood (and 1 damage...)* The Redneck ST: ((3 suxx on Damien, 4 on Cries. Dodge/Block?)) The Redneck ST: *Both scrags are looking for what they can get, slashing at Damien and Cries.* Damien Rangore: (( Boyah! 5 suxx! )) *He bounces over the arm again, ready to come in with another Rage snap* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((6 suxx to Block *G* Uhh, are they capable of doing that in Hispo? Trying to think what to post *G*)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Say he flexed his nuts....That orda work for six suxx...*L*) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Yeah. He can raise up to swat with a paw, or he can meet it with his teeth, like fighting wolves often have their teeth clashing against each others'.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *Claws aren't so good and knowing his luck, he'd break every single one and his wrist so his teeth dart in to clash against the swating arm to allow that to absorb and block the majority--and whole--of the blow* The Redneck ST: ((Ash apparently hasn't seen nuts yet--there's very few of us who can actually block blows with our nuts. Those who can either don't try or don't try more than once.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* Ken>>It's a figure of speech I use...I don't got nuts, but I say when I pull off something "mighty" I just flexed my nuts *Cackles*) The Redneck ST: *It works when wolves fight, at least--and it works for Cries. Claws clash against fangs, and while he could swear he almost lost a fang, he's not actually hurt. ((And Rage actions.))( The Redneck ST: ((*G* Next time I manage to manipulate someone, I'll brag about my mighty ovaries....)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Bootes) Damien Rangore: (( *L* 2 suxx with 10 frickin' dice, 1 agg with 9. )) *Snarl! Drool! Snap! We aint doing shit!* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Ken>>That's more wrong then me saying I got nuts...I think you actually managed to disturb me for two seconds *L*) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Holy crap, 5 sux to hit and 4 damage. Ru's gonna die now >_<) *And in we go again and we are so sick of these guys. Lets sink our fangs in deep and just hope we don't get screwed up* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (And yes, for the furgnarld spot *Cackles* ) The Redneck ST: ((Well, it's like they told me in the Army.... Don't never trust nothin' that bleeds for three days and don't die.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*Shouldn't be listening to the song I am...Ash is never going to back down now* *L*) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Failed second rage bite, when ever we get around to it) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Waitin' on Ash and Cries.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Twitch>>Is that with the added die from the CotW? *G* Ash had no Rage actions..) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (No it's not...infact I forgot about that *C*) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Cries used his to Dodge. Normal action was Call and then he only had 1 *G*)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Twitch>>Use it or I mutilate your nuts in your sleep...When I find where you live...Which shouldn't be to hard *Beams*) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Nothing changes. It all comes out the same) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (*Whimpers* Good luck, you'll have to figure out which backwater ditch is nearest me *Snerks*) Damien Rangore: (( Ash>>That's not fair-...Giving him the mercy of being asleep while you do it. )) The Redneck ST: ((Damn. My bad, then. Init, one more time.)) *With a triumphant grin, the scrag that Ruarc and Ash were working on grows ever more transparent and he's going, going, gone....* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (20 again...*Flexes nuts* Jake>>You're just mad every time I did get to hit you you were awake *G*) Damien Rangore: (( Well, duh. *G* Ash rocks. Who needs Spirit of the Frey when you got her on Pack Init? )) The Redneck ST: *Both the Scrags that are left are apparently pulling that same trick, already starting to grow fainter.* ((Roll all that shit out, and you might be able to kill one before they Reform.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Splitting for two bites in the Gnarled area)) The Redneck ST: ((*G* No need to declare, they ain't movin'. roll it.)) The Redneck ST: *And Cries actually manages to damage his opponent. Very, very slightly.* Damien Rangore: (( All and all, he did 3, 2 and 5 agg. *G* )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Can Ash get to either of the other two Banes or is it a split penalty?) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: *Seeing the other two, pulling their trick....why not try it. Tosses his head back, letting out the rather luring call to the wyrmies. Hoping maybe it'll make them wanna stay and not draw anything else that's nasty, putting his will into it* (2 sux) Damien Rangore: (( I'm gonna laugh if those fish start spawning out of the pond-.. *L* )) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (*Chuckles* Would be Ru's luck) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((*ROTF* Man, your sick)) The Redneck ST: ((Ash--naw, you're not too far off yet. You can hit one if you want.)) *Ruarc's idea is a nice once--but the thing is, either they can't hear it, it don't work, or they can't come over. They don't move, growing more and more transparent.* ((And they can't, since they're already Reforming this round, but roll me a Luck die.)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Ahh thought it took a full turn for them to do it, so would be the next turn they vanish. And a 3 on the luck di) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Naw, they disappear at the end of this turn, but they can't stop it from happening. *G* Which means they can't try to run off or get in one last swipe either.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* Failed the first half, 4 suxx and 4 agg on the second...) *She grunts...Leaping in to crash at the one Damien had ahold of, managing to nail the gnarled spot with good instinct, luck or both and tearing in in hopes to finish off the bastard before it can vanish off...* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (ahh well, Ru tried heh) Damien Rangore: (( Watch, Ash'll kill it and everyone shits their pants. *L*)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Well, then she can say "My job here is done.."...And then wanna go kill the other ones...) The Redneck ST: ((Rage actions, too. Hit it.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* I don't think anyone had any...In my theory, I think we're all down to 1 Rage...Cause I was hoping we got some when Cries did his thing, cause afterwards we'd have been fucked...Luckily, the Banes pussied out first *L*) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Yeh, down to 1 Rage *L*)) Damien Rangore: (( Yeah. 1 Rage because I've yet to find a legit reason on raising Damien's Rage with XP. *C* )) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (1 here too >_<) The Redneck ST: *And the two disappear. A victory, or at least so it seems... But they still didn't kill shit.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (I should have given Ash at least one more then I did...Her Flaw has yet to really come into effect but two times *L*) *She snarls, hackles pushed up as she paces....After a few seconds of letting her eyes dart around, she snarls* ~ws~Pussies! *...Or the wolven translation of anything vulgar and cowardly...* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: *And some how, he didn't get touched. A slow glance around, watching the surounding area to be sure nothing is comming after them from his gift. A bit ticked he used it to late.* Damien Rangore: *He grunts, allowing golden eyes to sweep the once battle feild and check out who's injured and who's just a testosterone filled Fury. He pads to Cries, checking him over* ~ws~You alright, Bro? Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He rumbles softly, despite the blood seeping gash on his side* ~ws~Fine, Brother. Minor annoyance *Yeh, one that'll take a few days to heal* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: *Glances back towards Cries, must have missed him getting hurt. Shifts up to Crinos so he can get the gourd readied and spending a gnosis to use the talon* Damien Rangore: *He steps aside to let Ruarc do the healing on Cries, slowly moving towards the pond to try and get a look at exactly what all is inside besides fish. Those guys seem pretty interested in it. He's careful and weary, like he's afraid Jaws is going to pop out or something* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *The gourd does the trick, healing up the claw marks and then some. Leaving the Galliard with only blood matted fur as a reminder* ~ws~Thank you, Remembers The Echoes of the Fallen Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She moves to flank Damien...After Cries' belting that roar, she'd try kicking Jaw's ass too...That and she doesn't want her Ahroun getting his nose bit off by...Fish...* The Redneck ST: *The fish are just nasty-looking koi. Bigass teeth, three eyes on some, tentacles... ugly shit. Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: *Gives a grin for the other galliard, just a shake of his head since it's only right to make sure a pack member is good to go and glances around again. Still paranoid by the use of the gift earlier. Slowly moving towards the ahroun and furY* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Hehe blinky, or what ever that goldfish was named in the simpsoons) Damien Rangore: *His muzzle wrinkles up* ~ws~Wish we had one of Lance's bombs-....I'm starting to think something may be at the bottom, but we aren't in any shape to check tonight. Come on, we'll rest up and track them tomorrow night. I think we drove ourselves a bit much. Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He moves to follow as well, keeping alert but taking a quick peek. A disgusted, feral look crosses him* ~ws~We take care of them too? The Redneck ST: ((*G* And I'm gonna call it a night. Later, y'all.)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: *Shifts down to lupus, since their about to head off* ws> I'll have to make more talons before then. We arn't going to the caern, are we? Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* Night Ken. Thanks for the scene!) Damien Rangore: (( Ditto. Later, man. )) *Grunts* ~ws~We will later. They aint going anywhere and we'll cleanse the place. I would now just to piss on those Bane's turf but they might be stupid enough to come back. C'mon, we'll find a safe place to rest out in the woods. *Flicks his ear to Ruarc as he turns* No, we aren't. Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Yeh, thanks much. Catch you later *G*)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: ws> Good. *Cause, he really doesn't want others to see how he gets treated most the time. Following the rest, a soft grunt before heading on off* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *Chuffs, but moves to follow along. He is pretty tired, having strained his will, Rage and even a bit of his spiritual essence. He could use a good bit of sleep right about now* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Paces, huffing as she eyes the fish....Clearly wanting to kill them now but in better judgement of "Lets not push our already baaaad luck", she turns to follow the others...* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Yep, danke ken) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* Call it a night here?) Damien Rangore: (( Yeah, since I need to get some sleep. *C* Twitch, I'm going to grab you tomorrow after deciding if Damien -might- get him to make a variation of Training Paint. I had an idea earlier, but I forgot what it was so I'll try remembering it that Damien will run by him during the day.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((*S* Night guys *Waves and goes to cat nap*)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Sweeeeet...Cause I got work tomorrow *L* But I should be on for another scene....Night folks!)
Damien Rangore: *When we last left our errant hero's, they had just nearly laid the smack down on not one-..Not two-..But three Scrags that ended up running like the Wyrmspawn cowards they are. Wisely calling the retreat, Damien led the pack to a clearing that was safe enough for them to sleep in. He spent the day swaping talen ideas with Ruarc and letting him do his thing and letting the others get rested up, announceing they'll finish what they started the following night-..* (( And said talens we'll have to get with Ken on. And hash out OOC still. )) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *Cries slept in Crinos for the better part of the time, keeping watch over his packmates most of the time. When they awoke the first day, Cries had been out hunting and left his find for the pack to feast on. He was out stretching his legs, hardly getting to do so in the cities compared to what he could do out in the wild. Come the second day, he seems anxious but waits for the Ahroun to get to the planning and for them to get on the hunt again* Ruarc Bronach: *Spending most his time chatting with Damien over Talon ideas and for the most part just enjoying time with his pack. Just doing what ever he can to help out and probably just a little curious about Cries being in Crinos since no ones ever mentioned Cries is a metis to him.* (Or so player recalls) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *Maybe he's weary of what could get them? They did just piss a bunch of banes off. Couldn't hurt to be a little paranoid. Ahem* Damien Rangore: *A few hours before sundown he wanders off himself-...Not telling the others he's off to meditate because, well-...That'll ruin his image. But he eventually returns, not bothering to wake Ash up yet and has a seat on a rock-...Peering off where the suns sinking* You guys almost ready? Figure by the time luna rises, we'll be rested enough-...Can't take to long or else they'll be just as rested. Hopefully this time they wont run. Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *A small glance to the sleeping Fury, then to Damien. He seems to consider a momement before answering* ~ht~Ready whenever you all are. What are the plans, or should we wait for Ash? *Ash seems to be the type you really don't need to explain much to. She just jumps in, tears things apart and if she messes up she improvises* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She wont be sleeping for long...It's just getting her awake without her music that's going to take awhile...She eventually sits up with a yawn and rubbing her eyes before blinking around...Pausing for a moment until she realises she's off with the pack and of course there aren't four walls around her and Addie didn't get a bunch of pine scented air freshners to hang around* Damien Rangore: *He chuckles at Ash-...Right on time* Morning, sunshine-...Going to be ready to go in a bit? Almost night fall and we can't give those bastards to much time to lick their wounds. Ruarc Bronach: *Would have been quiet for the most part. Just waiting, listening. A smile for Damien, having gone off himself now and again. Glances to Ash when she wakes* Morning sleeping beauty *Grinning just a little before looking back to the ahroun* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ~ht~Sleep well, Never-Warns-Twice-Rhya? *Head cocking down at the tiny Fury. Seated on the ground not to far away and seeming content with listening to the others and questioning now and again* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She peers between Ruarc and Damien..* I have two brass balls and two boots I will beat both of you with...And of course I'll be ready...I'm ready now...*Says the Fury with twigs and grass in her hair...And no music...Gaia forgot to put stereos in the hollowed out trees...* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Nods to Cries* Yeah...Backs a little stiff, but it'll fade... Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ~ht~Stream not to far from here, if you're thirsty *By now, they likely demolished the kill he brought them and what they haven't, the crows and ravens have made a meal of. She's on her own there* Ruarc Bronach: Right then, she's good to go *Smiling to the rest and then just lays back to listen and wait* Damien Rangore: (( *LMAO at the stereo thing* )) *He nods* Good. Any ideas, suggestions, nags, comments, complaints before I go ahead and just rule a sneak back, - sneak- in-...I mean sneak, people-...And if they aren't there, we'll have to track em'. Hopefully they're stupid enough to come back and we can take care of them. Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (..That was the player speaking, there....*Snickers*) ...Just like Taco Bell...*Could have been a joke, provided...She shrugs at Damien before nodding* Sounds fine to me.....Any game plan besides that? Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *His ears flatten down, but he says nothing. Clearly embarassed* Damien Rangore: *Nods* Yeah-...First things first, we're getting Cries to do his Guess The Number of Players trick. Provided there are only three still, I want Cries and Ruarc pulling pack tactics on one and you and I will have on apeice. I say this because Ash has her own tricks and I have more Rage then anyone, so I can hold out a bit longer. Fur Gnarls are obviously key for these bastards since they are a bitch to harm. I also want Cries to sing us an Anthem of War and we'll play around with whatever Ruarc may have made for us. Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Reaches over to pat the Galliard Lord's arm...They all fuck up sometimes and at least nobody died...* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She looks back to Damien, nodding* Sounds like a plan, Ahroun...And if there are more? Then what? *A small look to Ruarc as well..Curious if he made up any Talens..She still has the Gaia's Breath which will likely get used up* Damien Rangore: It depends on how many more-...My theory is these guys should still be pretty wounded and I'm guessing we nearly killed at least one of them. Four at the max unless I'm feeling froggy-...If there is like five or more, pretty good chance we aren't going to be fighting. At least, not alone. We wont stand a chance. Ruarc Bronach: *Just smiles to Ash, course Ru's been busy gathering and doing rites. Poor Galliard really is gonna start to wonder if he was born under the wrong moon pretty sure. THen a grin to Cries, since they'll be working together. * Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *Chuffs at the Fury's pat before nodding to Damien* ~ht~Very well, Courage. Should I sing before we get started? Damien Rangore: Hmm-...I wanna try and sneak up on them, but that's hard to do with four people. So if we some how manage that, I want Ruarc to go in swinging for a fur gnarl while you belt that shit. If not, do it whenever you feel the need, Bro-..*Grins* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ~ht~Very well then. Ruarc Bronach: *That got a little bit of a worried look, not exactly the best warrior after all. Just nodding to Damien, least he's pretty sure he can out do the other galliard* The Redneck ST: ((So far, Damien spent a night going back home (the first scouting trip was the same day he got the challenge), the pack spent a night returning and had the battle, waited a day to restore Rage and heal, and this is the fourth night, kee-rect?)) Damien Rangore: (( Ken>>Yup. That's about right. *G* They were already healed, but on a side note they should have restored at least 2 WP each and any thing might have gotten through Nature/Demeanor and some, if not all wandered off to meditate for Gnosis. *C* )) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Hmm. Cries might have regained a willpower for hunting for the pack due to nature & demeanor stuff. Not sure though *C*)) The Redneck ST: ((Makes sense. *G* And click the link.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Ken>>Waiting for the song I got going to finish..*L* Cause if I don't, it'll be some bastardized remix of that and what I got playing) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*LMFAO* She's got such a sweet sounding voice for such a dirty mouth..I think she might out do me with the "overdoing the cussing" *L*) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Well, it's not normally a folk song.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (..And it would have worked with the acoustic I had playing...) Damien Rangore: (( Ash? Listening to something accoustic? *Checks to see if hell froze over* )) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Anyway, y'all plannin' any attacks or anything tonight?)) Damien Rangore: (( Yup. Twitch was suppose to be bugging you about the talens Ruarc made. Then they were heading out after the sun set. )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (He gets booted offline every four hours or so, so he may be climbing back on if he did) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (I hate my dial up) The Redneck ST: ((Ahh. Yeah, I told him they're fine.)) Damien Rangore: (( Coolness. *Drags folks back IC* )) *Provided there are no more questions or the like, he just waits for after sundown to come within the next few moments before looking to Ruarc* What all did you make us, anyway? *Watching the sky for Luna to peek out* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Okay, I must have missed your PM then Ken. So enough warpaint for them all a gourd and 2 of what ever was finally decided on the sand ones?) The Redneck ST: ((Yeah, that'll work.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Looks to Ruarc curiously, incase anything he might be providing will change the game plan..* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Anyone got another die roller besides UE cause it's either down, or taking a few minutes to load..) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: Well, with the time frame and all. *Sets down another Gaia's Breath down, some sort of container for the warpaint was next and finally two bags, about the size of full water ballons sat down* So we have another healing talon, enough paint for that little bit of protection unless someone really wants to try one of it's other abilities and two of the distraction talens we where talkng about. If we get them off, it should be something in our favor. Figure I'd take this gourd and maybe one of the sand bags here... Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (NM, it was just taking awhile to load) Damien Rangore: (( It came up fine for me. )) *He nods* Alright, change of plan then. I want Cries taking one of the bags and Ash can take another. When we try getting the drop on em', they'll come in handy. If not, use em' when you can. Anything else before we move off? *Reaching over to grab some of the war paint before lifting his shirt to streak a set of claw marks on his chest* Damien Rangore: (( 8,3,2 on the talen activation. *G* )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Shakes her head at Damien* No, you take the sandbag...I have a Gift that helps me fight them and if we are doing a one-on-one between you and I, you'll need it... The Redneck ST: ((Kick me the UE addy, will ya? I got the new Opera and lost my bookmarks again.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *Reaches over to the paint, scrawling on his chest before focusing to get it activated* ((2 suxx at diff 5)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: *Takes some of the war paint also, claw marks as well. Just listening and watching the two* You know, cries could take both and I'll just have to deal with fighting on my own for a moment. Hit mine and hit damiens then join in. (2 sux on warpaint woot) Damien Rangore: (( )) Damien Rangore: *Grunts at Ruarc* That'll take time and leave him vulnerable. If you want Ash, I'll take it then. *Reaching over to grab it up* How do you activate them, anway? Rip it open or-..? Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Good Q *LOL* What you think Ken? Have to hit the bugger with it or just toss it near them? ) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Nods...Finally reaching over for the last bit of paint for herself* It'll make me feel better...(And waiting for UE to spit out my roll for the paint..) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Hackey Sack. Not just a game any more)) The Redneck ST: ((Probably swing it so you throw the sand in it at him.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*LoL* My Gnawer in the last game actually make some talens using those...They hide Fire Spirits in them and when you threw them and activated them, they did like five dice of fire damage or something) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (...And still waiting...*Blinks*) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Woot! 4 suxx *Cackles*) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Dances-with-Rednecks had a trash-spirit in the Whoopee Cushion O'Death....)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: Just toss it at 'em. Sort like a general area thing. I didn't really get to test them you know, would have taken longer and all that. *nods* Damien Rangore: *He grunts, waiting for the answer before standing* Alright-...We ready then? Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He stands with a nod, stretching before melting down into Hispo and picking the sand bag up in his teeth as gently as possible since it hopefully has a string or something keeping it tied. Now he just waits* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (I still thought Can o' Whupass was funny *L*) *She nods, hopping up after getting the talen activated* Lead the way... Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Can O' Whopass? Oh someone has to tell me about that some time *C*) *Shifting down to hispo as well, after retreiving the gourd and readies himself. Staying near the lord galliard incase things start off bad* Damien Rangore: *He copies Cries by going Hispo and picking the bag up the best possible way before moving to cross the gauntlet. Once there, he waits to make sure everyones ready before heading off towards the city once more* The Redneck ST: *It's still not much of a city. Maybe 3000 people all told. So far, everything looks the same.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (8,5,5,7,10, 1+WP=3 suxx on Luna's Armor and 1 WP to Resist Pain...Putting her back down to 3 *Wince*) *She doesn't have any ancestors that listen...Or if they do, they must point and laugh at her...Instead, she relies on her Gifts and what the talens have to offer...Following along in Hispo after some concentration* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: *Having even less, just the talen's effect and just a little luck...wait that's a gift. Oh well, on we go.* Damien Rangore: (( 4 suxx on Luna's Armor and getting up Resist Pain. Knocks him down 2 WP and a Gnosis. )) *The Ahroun is obviously ready for much ass kickage as he waits for his packmates as they slip through the town. He trots towards the burned out area, watching Storm Shadow who's obviously going to watch from afar. When they get towards the area, he scents the air and waits to see if the Stormcrow shows any discomfort or signs he might have seen the Banes* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *Even Cries looks ready to go kick the shit out of someone. The Galliard gaining a rather confident air about him. Nothing gift related, but it seems he -knows- he could probably throw down with the best right about now. He must have got the answers he was looking for* The Redneck ST: *The stormcrow ooks fine, actually. Wishing he was at home watching Ash kick Damien's ass, but otherwise he doesn't have any trouble. Again, the Scrags are gathered around the fish-pond.* Damien Rangore: *He looks to Cries, waiting for him to do his thing-...Then he'll lead them in and hope to Gaia they actually -sneak- this time* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Hell yes. 1,8,10,9=2 suxx on Paranoia *G*)) *He pauses as Damien does, focusing a moment to make sure there is just three around and they didn't go and get the posse to come ambush them* The Redneck ST: *Just three. Something wicked in that pool, but not exactly an antagonist.* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He shifts his weight after a moment, lifting his paw three times. A funny little display, but it should get the message passed since wolves likely don't have a way of numbers. He then cocks his head to show maybe a slight confusion before lifting his paw only an inch above the ground, then putting it down again to show there is something he isn't clear on* Damien Rangore: *A nod-...A gesture a huge ass wolf shouldn't do, but he does. Slipping through the fence and going stealth mode-...Ready to cock his head back and let fly that sand bag first chance* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She watches Cries...Whatever trick he has never ceases to amaze her...But she moves to sneak along when they move in...* The Redneck ST: ((Alright... Dex + STealth roll from everyone. Who's got the bonus?)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Giving it to Cries this time...*L*) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (1,7,10,8,9, 3,4,4) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Failed) Damien Rangore: (( 8,7,2,3,3, 10,5,9. )) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((10,2,4,9,1, 1 *G* We just can't win)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* Cries got 1 suxx due to the bonus and if Ru does FF to get the re- roll, we might cut it *L*) Damien Rangore: (( Owl needs to start swoping out of no where to shit on their head every time they botch or fail a Stealth roll. *G* That'll teach em'. )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (No! The Stormcrows! *Spazzzes*) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Ru and Cries should probably get raincoats then)) Damien Rangore: (( We loose Ken or he waiting on something? )) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Was waitin' to see if Ru would bust out FF.)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Well, FF is only once a scene. Unless ken's gonna count this and combat seperate, i'd rather wait to see if I need FF on some horrid soak or rage roll later *LOL* ) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (He said he wasn't going to since it's only once a scene *G* But that was in PM's so he may have forgotten to post it aloud..) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Twitch>>Just remember, you spend Rage in Combat and you can't use the Gift..Which is why it's logical to use it now) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Nope, all one scene, especially since the combat's about to start.)) Damien Rangore: (( Unless he runs out of Rage. *L* But I don't think you can use it with a Rage roll. That would actually be ST ruling since I know you usually can't do stuff like activate a Fetish in the same turn you use Rage, which is why Fang Daggers suck unless you kill someone in one hit. )) The Redneck ST: ((2 suxx, then...)) *Well, there goes the idea of sneaking, right down the shitter... Ruarc steps on a stone that rattles underfoot--Owl is probably gnashing his beak right now--and the three creatures turn and squeal in rage.* The Redneck ST: ((Nope. Not unless whatever it is (like some Gifts) require Rage and Gnosis. *G* Or unless you're a GW Elder with Chaos Mechanics.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Yup...This is when we get Rend up...Pausing and preparing herself...Rage flashing in her eyes as she crouches..* (4 suxx, and down a Rage *G*) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Hmm good point about the rage and gnosis thing *L* Fine guess I'll have him use it now, though with Cries 1 sux, their still likely to be noticed. And its another failure...i hate online random number generators ) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((And if he's got time)) *He grunts, head snapping to the side and he lets the sand bag talen go sailing towards one of the three creatures to land against it, thud to the ground and poof open* ((-1 Gnosis)) The Redneck ST: ((Ouch... Well, Ru, if it makes you feel any better, they got 2 suxx, so they heard Cries too. Everyone gets time for 1 Gift, and then init.)) The Redneck ST: ((Or talen. Cries, what's your Gnosis score?)) Damien Rangore: *Likewise-...He cocks his head back, doesn't cry havoc but lets slip the Sandbag of War to go flying towards another of the Banes which he's obviously about to have "fightin' words" with* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Cries has 4 Gnosis *S*)) Damien Rangore: (( And what are the diff for the sandbags? )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (18 on Pack Init) The Redneck ST: ((5)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Hmm though it was only when you had to spend any of either that they couldn't be used together *Shrugs* Oh well, no biggie *Kicks firefox for taking forever to load) Ws> Shit...*Up to crinos, waiting to pick one of the buggers out. After the one that Cries tosses the bag at* The Redneck ST: ((and y'all won. Lemme see this sandbag roll.)) Damien Rangore: (( 1,5,8. Probably not a smart idea to drop a Gnosis in, even if he might be able to afford it. *G* )) The Redneck ST: ((Nope. Includes rolling. One of the listed advantages of the Chaos Mechanics Gift is that you can Reach and spend Rage to attack in the same round.)) *Sand flies in swirls of flashing color--Damien's significantly weaker than Cries', but effective nonetheless, as milky green tears leak out of the scrags' eyes. The three lunge forward--apparently they've been doing a little planning too, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that Damien's the one who brought this trouble upon them. Which is good, because they're not at all rocket scientists, but bad because all three are going for Damien--and by the look of it, they're not planning to ask what church he goes to.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*Dies* No one ever plans on asking what Church Damien goes to...) Damien Rangore: (( Spending 2 Rage. *G* First half is split for a Fur Gnarl on the one he hit with the Sandbag. )) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Normal action for a Bite Attack for what Ruarc hits, split twice for two. Spending 2 Rage)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Heh...It's the cool thing to do...First acttack is for a FG, then spending 2 Rage) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Guess Ru will follow up with the same, FG then 2 rage. Gotta be in the incrowd) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (And this is where my luck runs out...*G* 2 suxx on the FG, 2 agg damage...1 suxx on a bite in the same spot, 1 agg damage *L*) *She leaps in one big black blur and steals off Damien's soon to be signature move as she lands heavy paws on the Bane's chest to rend down, then snap her jaws in right behind it* The Redneck ST: ((*G* ayup. Everyone roll 'em.)) The Redneck ST: ((And I'm gonna give 'em numbers. Scrag 1, Scrag 2, and Scrag 3. Tell me who you're hittin'.)) Damien Rangore: (( 1 suxx on the Gnarl, 3 agg damage at diff 8. 2 suxx on the Bite follow up, 4 agg. )) *He leaps in with a cheerful snarl, tearing down on the Bane he just clocked with a sack of sand and then biting down before his Rage even kicks in* Damien Rangore: (( Damien's hitting the one he hit with the sand bag. *G* )) The Redneck ST: ((*G* We'll make Damien's #1, then.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Ash is hitting the one that didn't get sacked..*G* So whatever number he is, his ass is her's...) The Redneck ST: ((and the one Cries hit will be #2)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (#2 for ru as well. 2 sux on FG, Damage is 4) *Charge his with a rather unsure blow but hey, never know. The claw maybe finding enough purchase to do a little hurtin on the bane* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((3 suxx to bite the area Ru hits, 3 agg damage. 2 suxx with 4 agg on the next hit)) *He waits until his packmate moves in to claw loose a chunk of flesh before he darts in. It's clear he has his Ancestors on his side because his every movement and cordination could likely rival some of the mightest Ahroun's in a pinch* The Redneck ST: *Surprisingly enough, Damien does better than Ash this time around, tearing at least a little. Ruarc's attack does little good except to scrap away some of that iron skin, but Cries manages to follow it up--between the two they've hurt one as badly as Ash hurt hers.* The Redneck ST: *Maybe the talens just pissed 'em off--because as they descend upon Damien with claws flying, it's the one they didn't use one on that missed.* ((! and 2 suxx, Damien. Defensive maneuvers?)) Damien Rangore: (( Gonna soak the 2 suxx on. The rest can smack the shit out of him. *G* 4 suxx. )) *He steels himself for a blow from one of the ones coming down on him, using it's momentum of "knocking the fuck out" to leap up and out of the way of the seconds claws. Even if the blow manages to mangle him short of incapatation, he wont feel a thing thanks to Resist Pain* Damien Rangore: (( Dodge^ not soak. *L* )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*Waits for the Bane to splatter him....Wiggles foot...Cause it always happens..*) The Redneck ST: ((Damn... 6 suxx.)) Damien Rangore: (( Soaked 6. Your mojo doesn't pass off to Ken, Ash. *G* Woot! )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Jake>>That's it...I'll get you...And your little Shadow Lord, too *L*) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Buwhahaha. We rock tonight. All that botching paid off or Ash gave the rollergod some good head *G* Rage actions?)) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Actually, that's a bad sign....)) *Clearly, they're outmatched-- one manages to hit, a mighty blow that doesn't even manage to scratch the Ahroun. It may be time to rethink their strategy.* ((Rage actions.)) Damien Rangore: (( 2 suxx, 3 agg on his Rage action. )) *He doesn't even grunt. What a buncha pussies. What's Ash so worried about with these guys? Ah well, he leaps back down, maw digging for the flesh he rent open to begin tearing savagely* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Rage 1, 1 sux to bite the gnarled spot. 4 damage) *And now we hit for the spot again, digging muzzle into it for a bite then letting cries have his shot, what to do next* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Failed the first Rage, 3 suxx on the second with 5 aggro damage)) *His Rage kicks in and he's a whirlwind of black fur and fangs that snap at the opening and weakness on the Bane, ripping and shreding with all his might. So much effort laid on, he even misses once* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Awfuck...First Rage is a Botchx2...) Damien Rangore: (( We're gonna die! )) The Redneck ST: ((Hmm.... Alright, you other three each roll 1 die.)) Damien Rangore: (( 9. )) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (5) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Rolled a 4 *Winces* Whoo, that's gonna leave a mark. It's always someone gnawing on his head or biting his ass)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Cries is obviously tastey...) The Redneck ST: ((Ahh, lucky. Only Damien.)) *Ash's lunge carries her too far to the side--way too far, tripping over Ruarc's body to go flying airborne into Damien and bring Damien and Ash both to the ground.* ((*G* That's an action from each of you to get back to your feet.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Okay, so she wont literately eat his nuts then *G*)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (That'll be Ash's second Rage then *G*) *She grunts...Yeah, so she's a little wild when it comes to this stuff....But she springs back up, ready for more...Who wants some?* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (So just Ru's second action to go then? *G*) Damien Rangore: (( *G* Looks like it. Damien has to wait until next turn to get up. Spent a Rage dodging. )) The Redneck ST: ((Ayup.)) The Redneck ST: ((Yeah--you'll have to split your action.)) Damien Rangore: (( Ken>>I figured. *L* Which I was gonna ask about. *G* Getting up's reflective and just deduct the dice like it were a second, third, what have you action, correct? )) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (oops, thought Cries had one too *L* and it's a failure even with a WP *Rolls eyes*) *Okay, we really want to put this thing down after what just happened. Lets put our all into it and...we missed? How in the hell did we miss?* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((I rolled both at the same time. It keeps things moving since Banes can't spend Rage or at least I don't think they can or we would have had our asses handed to us already)) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Actually, no. He'll be able to spring to his feet at the beginning of next turn without using up any actions. *G* If that had happened at the beginning of the round, though, he'd have had to do something.)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (eh, i'm used to things being done in steps heh) Damien Rangore: (( Kickass. *G* )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Init or we keeping the same one?) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Again, just in case.) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (13 *G*) The Redneck ST: *Apparently, seeing them get torn up and not be able to hurt their opponents at all has a bad effect on morale. All three of 'em are working that disappearing act again.* Damien Rangore: (( Heh. 2 Rage, splitting first action 3 ways. )) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((*G* Normal is for three bite attacks and spending 2 Rage)) The Redneck ST: ((Roll 'em.)) Damien Rangore: (( 2, 4 and 4 suxx respectively. *G* 2, 3 and 4 agg respectively and all to the Fur Gnarled area. )) *Oh no they aren't! Well, if he can help it. He lays on the effort with his attacks, going pure offense and snapping his jaws in three quick blows to the gnarled spot and getting his Rage stoked* The Redneck ST: *Not a bad showing, really; the spirit turning more transparent with Damien's efforts.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* 1 suxx, 3 agg...3 suxx, 4 agg...2 suxx, 4 agg...) *Even without Rage...Ash can be a monster thanks to that lovely, lovely Gift...She's hoping to put one down before it vanishes off* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((2, botch times 2, and 2 suxx on his attacks *L*)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Split 1 bite, 4 to hit 7 damage, split 2 claw 1 sux, 4damage. split 3 bite, 3sux, 2dam. Rage 1, 4 sux, 7 damage, Rage 2 bite, 4 sux, 5 damaage) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* Twitch>>Only did 5 and 2 since they are diff 8 to injure damage wise...) The Redneck ST: *Cries, trying to maneuver in the packed area around the three scrags who are around Damien, smacks into Ruarc, knocking him aside with a shoulder and almost spilling him to the ground. ((Lose the firs two of your three- way split, Ruarc.))* The Redneck ST: ((DLP)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Or just 2, now) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Or maybe not *L*) The Redneck ST: ((Not gonna lose something tht nice.)) *Fangs flash out... but Cries gets a taste of warpaint and Garou fur, as he gets a damn nice snap at Ruarc.* ((*G* Roll damage against Ruarc, Cries.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((1 suxx *LMAO*)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Shit forgot about that *Grumbles) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (See...Cries is considerate when he eats people...He knows not to lay on full force...Unlike some people...*G*) The Redneck ST: ((Ack... Go ahead and roll the damage against the scrags then, Cries.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((2 and 1. Obviously Cries also had to be nice about eatting the Banes, as well *G*)) Damien Rangore: (( Ash>>Blow me. *L* )) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Rage actions...)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* Cries>>First was actually 3..1's don't count *G*) The Redneck ST: Cries and Ruarc seem to be doing best, so far, but the forms of all of them are growing mistier, darker, as they start to disappear.* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (So since he looses his first 2, no damage till rage then its 5 and 2 damage) Damien Rangore: (( 2 suxx, 3 agg on the first Rage. Doubt it's going to kick it's ass, but we can hope. *G* )) The Redneck ST: ((He didn't lose the first two, he got bit instead. *G* Soak one agg damage.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Failed the first Rage. 4 suxx and 4 agg on the second)) *Again, he pushes himself to much and his angle is off to aim for the gnarled spot. The second blow is mighty enough for being against a Scrag though* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Okay add a 3 and 4 then and ya, he soaks it *C*) The Redneck ST: ((Ash, no Rage from you, right?)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*Prays the Scrags botch their Re-form roll or something* *L*) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Nope, no Rage...*C*) Damien Rangore: (( So Damien didn't kill the first I take and I should get the second one, yeah? )) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((I don't think we killed any of them *L* Might want to do your second Rage)) Damien Rangore: (( *L* 4 suxx and 4 agg on the last Rage then. )) The Redneck ST: ((2 suxx on each. I rolled 5 dice for Gnosis instead of 4, because this whole scene I'd been rolling 5 dice for WP instead of 6. *G* I'll give you a hint--during the fight you delivered enough damage to kill two of them and wound the third.... it's a matter of where you distributed it, and I can see two ways, one of them very simple, where that could have been done, right off the bat--and a third to keep them from escaping.)) *It's no use... At least, not this time around--the little bastards are close to dead--the one that Ruarc and Cries worked over is just fucked--but he disappears with the rest.* The Redneck ST: ((*G* Hold up. Didn't know about the second Rage.)) The Redneck ST: ((Who'd you hit?)) Damien Rangore: (( Yup. *G* Spent 2 and was holding the second encase he killed the one he was tearing up. Hitting the one he's been fucking up, I guess. *L* )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Keep Them From Escaping: "Damien! Hold the fuck still and let them use you as a pinata!"...The rest is just how they did their tactics..If they'd have all piled on one at a time, or even two-on-two they'd have probably pulled it off...*C*) The Redneck ST: ((Nope... Hurt himm, but not dead. Two of 'em are more than three- quarters dead, one more than half-dead... Scrags have 20 Essence each, and you folks dealt out 48 among the three of them. It's all a matter of strategy. And education--Scrags are the foot-soldiers of the Wyrm, so you ~will~ see them again.)) The Redneck ST: ((Ruarc, you and Cries did ~19~ damage to the second one. I punched the wall when Damien said he was hitting the same one he'd been attacking....)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (So they managed to completely "heal" since the other night? *L* Damnit...) Damien Rangore: (( Ken>>I started to say that one, but it would just seem odd for him to hop over to that one. )) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Not if he saw how hurt it was) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((*L* Dammit)) *As they slip away, Cries' form is pushing up into Crinos and he throws back his head to howl his frustration as the foe escapes them yet again* The Redneck ST: ((They heal 1 point per hour.)) The Redneck ST: ((And y'all discuss strategery... AFK4BM Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: *Cries howl drives the other galliard to howl as well. Most pissed off with the things escaping once more. So sure they where doing some good this time around* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Ahhh *G*) *She joins in, wailing her Rage to...Well, the uncaring stars...* Damien Rangore: *As the last Bane vanishes, he also pushes into Crinos. Not just to howl, but he starts driving a fist into the ground where the Bane was and snarling-...Even with his Rage pretty much nearly shot, he seems pretty pissed off they got away again* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *When she gets done, she eyes Damien...Hackles still lifted, but she starts to pace while eyeing him...* ~ws~What now? Damien Rangore: *He growls, unsure now* ~ht~We could track them but no telling where they went to. If we stay here, they'll eventually come back but healed up probably. Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: HT> What are they doing here exactly? Lets try cleansing the place. Might draw them back if they have a link here... *Said after his howling of course, feels a little better. Not much mind you * Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((2 suxx on Call of the Wyld, if it can give any effects *G*)) *His belted roar is likely to echo through the Umbra for a good distance, warning any around that Gaia's choosen are not very pleased. Pure anger is all that seems to be boiling out of him as he calls out. After several moments, he finally stops but his echo lives on across the Umbra night* Damien Rangore: *He snarls, stalking over to the pond* ~ht~I wanna know what's in this fucking peice of shit they keep looking into. Try your call to see if they'll come back. Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: *A glance to Ash, as if asking permission. It's sorta risky even though nothing happened last time* The Redneck ST: *Wherever they are, they're out of reach. There are still six fish-- after two days, they still look about the same as they did before.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She watches Damien...She didn't see anything last time, so hopefully he wont do anything stupid...* ~ws~Go ahead, Ruarc...I suggest Lupus since it may carry further.....If anything we can't deal with comes running, we'll take flight...Otherwise, we'll try tracking to see where they ended up...If they go some place we don't wanna go, we'll loop back here to wait for them....*Looking to Damien to see if that works..* Damien Rangore: *He snarls, likely doing "something stupid"-...He slashes a paw in to try and claw one of the fish out. He'll kill there pets-..That's what he'll do. Leave them all nice and gutted where they can find them* The Redneck ST: *They're nasty. One of them bites at his hand, but sharp-ass teeth that would take flesh off a human doesn't do much to a Garou--he loses a little hair, but that's the oly price for killing all six of them. The bodies, though, don't seem all that detailed.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Her ears fold back...She lets Damien have his little vengance...Not that it would likely matter much...When he's done slaughtering them, she pads over to nudge his elbow with her nose...* ~ws~Lets see where we can hunt them down at... Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: *Nods and shifts on down, taking a moment before throwing his head back and howling that oh so sweet sound to the wyrm's childern. Wanting it to work oh so very badly, this is getting horrid after all.* (Is the rollar down? It keeps timing out on me) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Sadly, it looks like it...It's gave me shit off and on all night) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He grunts, just watching for awhile before rumbling quietly* ~ht~I wouldn't suggest it. I failed to even rile our blood and if they went where there is more, we wont stand a chance The Redneck ST: ((And we don't have time for much else tonight. We'll suspend time a bit, to make up for what flew so fast during their trip.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*C* Alright...Question is, any clue when we might pick up next?) Damien Rangore: (( Ash>>It'll likely be a week or two. Unless they go on without Ruarc since Twitch I think said he was gone until Tuesday after tonight and I leave out Sunday with no clue if I come back the following weekend or after that. So it's either go one man short, I have Damien do what he wouldn't and admit defeat or they stay in limbo for possibly two weeks. *C* )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* I got no problem with her being in limbo...But if Twitch is good with it and you wanna keep going over the weekend, maybe Ruarc can make more talens and be to tired to go or something *Chuckles* I'll leave that up to you guys though) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Jake: Well, it's either go on without Ruarc or possibly wait until you come back and likely do it without Cries *G* I can't promise when I'll be on)) The Redneck ST: ((Crap, I didn't know you were leavin' Tuesday. I can NPC him or sideline him or whatever.)) Damien Rangore: (( That's up to Twitch. I can't say what his character does or doesn't do. *L* )) Damien Rangore: (( I thought he was leaving Friday and then wouldn't be back 'til Tuesday? Or did I get that mixed up? )) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Well I probably wont be leaving till like 3 or 4 am tomorrow night. I can be on if you don't mind me being a little distracted..) The Redneck ST: THat you, Jake, were leavin' Sunday. My bad. The Redneck ST: That'll work. *G* If you can come up with a plan by them. Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (That'll work...And if Twitch has to bail, Ken can just NPC him *L* But I suggest if they don't finish them off tomorrow night, Damien just give up cause obviously he aint gonna get em' *G* And did Cries CotW give them anything so I can fix Ash's sheet?) The Redneck ST: ((*G* THe one afer they left? I'll think on it, if that's where we pick up.
The Redneck ST: *G* Anyways, were y'all plannin' on somethin'? Damien Rangore: (( Ken>>Yeah. Figured I would ask a few questions before moving on. *C* One was will they still have their Gifts and stuff up since it's possible they're just picking up where we left off last night. Also, did they get any Rage or anything when Cries did Call of the Wyld? *G* Figure that's the best start then go from there. )) The Redneck ST: Ash--March to the Sea? Jake>> At the moment we left off? Yes, they'd still have it. And how many suxx did Cries get?)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((He had 2. Out of like 9 dice *L* I think I'm noticing a pattern that the more dice you have, the less the roller likes you *G*)) The Redneck ST: Cries>>2 suxx... Alright, I'll make it nice and simple, 2 Rage for everybody. Damien Rangore: (( Alright. *G* )) *So last we left off, the pack was-...Well, pissed. And Damien missed his chance to kill atleast one of the fuckers. After a bit of pacing, howling and killing of the ponds fish, he looks to the others after the suggestions get thrown around* ~ht~We'll try tracking them and if they went somewhere we can't or don't need to go, we'll loop back here and wait for them. Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Ash huffs, peering at Damien* ~ws~You sure? Because it could be a risky move... Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He just waits in silence. He isn't the Ahroun nore Alpha and right now, he's still ready for another round with the Scrags. When you got Ahroun Ancestors helping you out, you kind of get the Bring It On attitude* Damien Rangore: *Flicks an ear after shifting down into Lupus* ~ws~Like I said, if it looks like they went off somewhere we shouldn't be going near with just us we'll come back and wait for them. Obviously something here is drawing them back and we need to find out what after we take care of them. You tracking or not? Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She concentrates on Sense of the Prey for a moment after rumbling* ~ws~I will...I see the point of not waiting...They'll just be healed...*Waiting to see if she gets the mystical tug or if she has to focus a tad more* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: *Just waits and listens, a small huff. This is getting annoying, running as they do.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *A soft growl* ~ws~They aren't close...I can track them, but who knows..They could be days away or something...*Looking to Damien to see what he wishes to do...He -is- the one who drug them into this...* Damien Rangore: *He thinks for a moment before answering* ~ws~We'll wait then. I don't want to possibly end up running a long way and just end up in a big ass Blight or even Hive or something. Maybe they'll think we'll just leave since it's taken a couple days to hit em' each time so they'll just wait out for a few hours then pop back up. *Already eyeing for possibly hiding advantages to wait for the Banes return* The Redneck ST: ((Alright... those of you looking to hide, gimme a Per + Stealth)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (7,10,2,1,10) Damien Rangore: (( 6,10,3,8. )) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((5,10,8. Wasn't sure if he still had the Totem bonus so I did it normal diff)) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Unless Ash took it back, he should.)) The Redneck ST: ((My bd.)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: ( 7,2,2 (1 success) First roll i hit the wrong key. heh.) *Maybe since he's in lupus, might help a little. * The Redneck ST: ((Cries has it, until he 'gives' it to someone else.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* Nah, Cries cans till have it) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Or pass it off or whatever *G*) The Redneck ST: ((Just checked the book. Alright... Now everybody roll their Dex + Stealth roll to actually hide.)) Damien Rangore: (( 3,1,2,7,10, 10,6,7. )) *Once he spies a place he could wedge his "broad" Hispo ass in for an advantage of ambush-...Because his ass isn't fat-...Just broad-...He wanders that way* ~ws~Ash, you and I tag team-...Ru and Cries know what to do already. Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (4 suxx *G*) *Trots right behind Damien...Well, maybe black fur does have it's advantages...* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((5,6,9,2,3, 6)) *Grunting, he moves to also hide where it seems the most logical* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (10,3,10,6,2, 8 (4 successes)) *So, fianna are big in lupus. What's the lord complaining about. Though, the broadness is sorta amusing. Well lets get to it and hide* The Redneck ST: ((*G* Finally.... )) *And they wait... and wait... and wait... A good 8 hours pass before they step out of the pond and glare at the dead fish.* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: *Spys for the most hurt one, the one he and Cries had attacked before. Waiting for the cue by the others to charge out* The Redneck ST: *That would be the last to come out of the pool. They look better then they did--especially the one that Ruarc and Cries had at--but still pretty cut up.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Hackles rising, she focuses her Rage once again...Letting it come to the point she's sure all her might and brutality can rend most beings apart with some effort...Then she crouches, tensed to leap out along with Damien when he's ready* (4 suxx and down a Rage on the Gift) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((1 suxx at diff 8 on Fatal Flaw)) *He waits for the signal, eyeing up the one he and Ruarc had royally fucked up. The creature looks healed, but still likely the weakest of the bunch* Damien Rangore: *When he's sure Ash is ready, he lunges out to leap at and hopefully onto one of the Scrags before they even know what hit them. Ready to execute a fur gnarl in the blink of an eye before they can even move while they exam their dead pets. Teach them to run like a bunch of pussies* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *And she's right behind him by a few beats...Charge, bitches!* The Redneck ST: ((Alright... One free action from everyone, and then we'll go to init. Roll 'em, folks.)) The Redneck ST: ((*G* and since it is an ambush, after all, then by all means get whatever Gifts you want up beforehand.)) Damien Rangore: (( Heh. May have a problem. The roller just crashed, at least for me. It was going a little slow but now I'm getting an error page.)) The Redneck ST: ((I used to have a different roller bookmarked, but lost it with the rest of 'em.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (It didn't crash...It's taking awhile to get the rolls out but it's up...The guy who runs it is rebuilding the site and since he has, the rollers been a pain in the ass..) Damien Rangore: (( Alright. 4 suxx on the Fur Gnarl, 2 agg Damage. )) *He leaps in, claws rending down on the critter of choice and shredding down-...Letting Ash take advantage of it* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Yeh, it's slow here to *G* Ru, Fur Gnarl?)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Split for two bites...Failed and 2 suxx, with 2 agg *L*) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Wait where into combat? DLP then. Just the shifting up to Hisp. Catching up ) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Went ahead and split. 1 suxx on the Fur Gnarl, 4 aggro. The following bite at diff 7 was 1 suxx, 2 agg. I also forgot the Fatal Flaw, so I just rolled one die twice and got 1 suxx, making the first Damage 5. The other isn't adjusted)) *He moves in after the others, shredding into the flawed and weak opponent and tearing in with thick jaws. Also leaving a tactical advantage for Ruarc to* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*L* Twitch>>Yeah...May wanna keep up...Ken said we can get the Gifts off since it's an ambush and then we get one free attack..) The Redneck ST: ((*G* although lights somewhere would have likely fucked up the ambush.)) The Redneck ST: *Damien doesn't do much, really, nor does Ash with the opportunity he gave her. Cries, on the other hand, manages to scrabble away skin and muscle, iron-hard tendon and sinew, to leave the softer flesh beneath to Ruarc.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*Eyes roller* Fuckin' A yes! Go Galliards!) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Well, you see a light, most tend to stare at it for a moment or these things might have goneafter it. Heh just logical but yeah, i thought we where back still aways. I'm just in alot of pain tonight. Splitting for 2 bites, following Cries in, 1 rage spent. First attack, 1 sux, 2 damage. Second attack 4 sux, 7 damage, yes at diff 8. Didn;t go for the gnarled spot first. forgot to till i had rolled, no biggie) Damien Rangore: (( Whoa. *L* Sweeeet. )) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Cries is pulling a Margrave. He isn't an Ahroun, but he can still whipe the floor with you and tell you to have a nice day when he kicks your head in)) Damien Rangore: (( Because the Margrave is just that sophisticated and all.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Yup)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (...Lord Players....So who's that make Ruarc? *L*) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Yes, but you see, a light appearing out of nowhere announces to the scrags that they're not alone. And letting them know that they're not alone kind of defeats the whole purpose of an ambush....)) *Ruarc could have done better if he'd gotten the right spot... In fact, just maybe he'd have killed the buggger with a mighty blow such as what he just forked over. The bastard's reeling, though, torn badly again, and looking for an escape.* ((Alright, Init.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Son of Moonlight? I think he could kick ass to in a fight)) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Hey--Jublain was a Galliard too, actually.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (18 *G*) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (But Jubes was a Get! *L*) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Wait, did we do rage actions already?) The Redneck ST: ((*G* No, but you got one action free, because of the ambush.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Splitting for two bites...1 Rage...2 suxx, 2 agg Hitting The Spot...4 suxx, 5 agg on the second half and spending 1 Rage for an extra attack) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Heh. Splitting for three bite attacks. 1 Rage)) Damien Rangore: (( Splitting twice. 2 Rage. )) The Redneck ST: ((And y'all win. The Scrags aren't gonna make it out this time, and they know it. The one they didn't attack tries anyway, already starting to fade slightly, while the other two barrel in swinging. Maybe they can take someone down with 'em.* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Uhh..worked yesterday, 3 way split, 1 rage.) Damien Rangore: (( Alright, 1 and 2 suxx respectively. 1 and 3 Damage. )) *He keeps moving, going full offense for now as he works to slay these bastards. He isn't giving up and maybe they'll realise this* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: *Jumps in with a snap to the point that Cries hit for the FG (4 sux, d dam) Then again (1 sux, 2 damage) and then just a normal bite, can't keep going to the hole to often. (2 sux, 5 damage) (Waiting on rage to see if the ubgger dies) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((And going to check because I think Ruarc may have killed it and if Ru didn't, Cries might have. Just his first split he got 5 agg. If the Bane does die, can the other two attacks go to another target or are they lost?)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Ash and Damien are giving it there all....And being shown up by the two Galliards of all things!* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (first damage was 5 sorry) Damien Rangore: (( Hell, if just Ruarc didn't kill it there is something wrong. *L* )) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (The galliards are all worked up you know, someone didn't like their stories ^^) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((*G* Which is why I'm wondering if I can hold off since a Fur Gnarl is diff 7 and if Ruarc just tears it to peices, I think Cries can move on to the next target. Would be a good shot already in and two attacks still to come. That's the one sucky thing about Pack Init. It gets messy order wise *G*)) The Redneck ST: Ash and Damien are playing with theirs, apparently... Ruarc and Cries, on the other hand, between them manage to down theirs. Bugger's just a scrag-colored puddle. Damien's opponent takes a swing at him, however... and whiffs.* The Redneck ST: ((Now THIS is nice.... Tell me she ain't hot....)) ((*G* Ahh, missed that 'd' damage. Ruarc killed it, then.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Ken: So it's okay to say Cries moved to the next oppenent then? I rolled for a bite at diff 7 but by then Ru had gotten all his attacks rolled in *G* Fur Gnarls diff 7 so if he can move along, he went to the next and did the five agg and I still have the other two splits. Unless they were lost)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* Salem>>It costs nothing to abort the action and no added diff...It even uses a packmate slaying the intended target as an example in the book...So basically, he can move on...) The Redneck ST: ((Which one--the one Damien and Ash are working on, or the other?)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((The other *G* The second attack was a botch x 2 however)) Ruarc Bronach: (So, ru's other 2 attacks can be moved to another scrag then? Which one was trying o fade, the dead one?) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Twitch>>That's what I thought..He was the one bailing and the other two came in swinging but I could be wrong *L* If so, there is still one Scrag attack left) The Redneck ST: *Cries' opponent takes it without even a grunt, but for his second move Cries stumbles into the friggin' pool. And damned if that fuckin' thing ain't deep. In a moment, Cries is out of sight. His pack can feel that he's alive, and not even in pain, but he ain't here no more.* Damien Rangore: (( Nope. It was the one they didn't attack. *C* He was the one Re- Forming, but that does take a turn and Cries is obviously already beating it's ass. )) The Redneck ST: ((Ruarc>>Yup. Your Rage actions. And one was gonna swipe but Ru killed him. The other is getting the hell outta Dodge, and the third took a swing at Damien. Go with Rage actions.)) Damien Rangore: (( Alright, to make it clear-...He's leaping on the one Re-Forming and hitting the Gnarled spot. 2 and 4 suxx respectively. 2 and 5 suxx Damage. )) *He grunts, snarling as he leaps to the side to crash into the Bane as Cries vanishes-...Teeth flashing twice in a whirlwind of Rage. Anything happens to his pack brother and this fucker gets away, he will be knocking on his door like-...Wait, wrong Church* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Also jumping that one...*L* 3 suxx, 1 agg..) *She leaps right after Damien, even at putting herself at risk and giving the other Scrag the advantage on her...She leaps in, biting down on the torn spot....But doing hardly any good unless her Gift causes some miracle* Ruarc Bronach: *Damn thing can't get away! Jumping at it, teeth flashing and aiming for that FG'd spot (2sux, 2 damage) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Nobody Gnarled the one reforming. The one that Damien and Ash attacked swiped at him. The one that Cries and Ruarc attack would have swiped at one of them but they killed it. The other one, who has enough Essence to possibly take a battering and get away, is Reforming.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Ken>>Cries did...*L* Which was what Salem was asking, unless you negated that due to the Botch...Ruarc killed the Bane, which was why Salem was asking if he could move his attack to the next one and make it a Fur Gnarl since it was the same difficulty as the attack he did anyway. He got 5 Damage...So unless you wanted him to reroll or the botch negated it, I guess we'll be rerolling *L*) The Redneck ST: ((Ahh. In that case, yes, you can. My bad.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Hehe. Sorry. I suck at wording questions, me thinks)) The Redneck ST: ((That it for Rage?)) Ruarc Bronach: (So should I reroll or it's all good? *C*) The Redneck ST: ((*G8 Ruarc--yeah. I screwed up--there is indeed a fur gnarled spot to hit. Although you did 1 damage to it...)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Ken>>Yup *G* Think you forgot to soak Ash's since it would have been 1 die to...But she only did 1 agg so I doubt it would have caused waves unless it's like last time *L*) The Redneck ST: ((Ash--Nope. It had -3 from the Fur Gnarl, and -3 for the Rend, out of 6 dice, so he didn't get to soak hers at all.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Ahh *G* My bad *L*) The Redneck ST: ((Yeah, as in it's my fault, Ruarc. *G* No need to reroll.) The Redneck ST: ((No more Rage actions, then?)) The Redneck ST: *Once Ruarc and Cries' foe collapses, all three remaining Garou leap upon the fading Scrag... And hurt it, but not near badly enough. it's almost grinning as it fades away to nothingness.* ((Init again.)) Damien Rangore: (( Shouldn't be. *L* But I think you may have missed at least one roll from the Scrag's soak. Looks like you rolled to soak Cries, took 2 from him. Damien's Rage actions were 2 and 5 agg. Then Ru did 2 and Ash did 1. There's only three soak rolls, so he's missing one. Or my brain is just that boiled and you can feel free to hit me. *G* )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (14 for the pack *G*) The Redneck ST: ((No, you're right. It's late. And since I said Ruarc had 1 through and did 2 damage, and both the soaks are 2 suxx, then I dunno where I got his number from. still the same, though. )) The Redneck ST: ((He lost. Swiping again. Go for it.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*L* If they were diff 7, Ash would have just shitkicked the hell out of the last one...Split twice...5 suxx, 3 agg...1 suxx, 1 agg) *Well, time to train bang the last one....She whirls again, snapping in on the last of the banes where it had been Fur Gnarled before* Damien Rangore: (( Splitting two ways for two bites. *Gets rolls* )) Ruarc Bronach: (Uh...2 bites, for the FG spot) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Roll 'em, Ru. Damien Rangore: (( *L* 4 suxx, 5 agg. Botched the second half. )) *Train bang? Well, only if you can add teeth into the equasion. Cries hasn't shown back up and this fuckers going to pay. Then his buddies going to pay. Then if he can track their momma down, she's going to pay to-...If he doesn't kill someone on Team Gaia first* Ruarc Bronach: *He snaps in after ash with a bite, (2 sux, 1 damage) then again, a quick snap into the spot (2 sux, 4 damage) The Redneck ST: *Ruarc manages to finish it off... But how's this for irony--Damien's second snap gets a jawful of Ash's foreleg....* Ruarc Bronach: (Ru got 2 deathblows! *Cackles* awsome ) Ruarc Bronach: *A mouth full of goo and he spits, then looks around quickly...1...2...3...err..* HT> What happen to cries? *He was to busy killing things while the rest where slack'en you know* The Redneck ST: ((*G* Damien put it down to 19, and after the Fur Gnarl it only has 3 soak, so at least the 1 from ruarc's 4 had to get through.)) Damien Rangore: (( Aw shit-...Soak 7 agg, Ash. *Runs for the hills* )) Damien Rangore: (( Cause Ruarc said he wasn't pissing himself and letting Ash have the kill. This is a pack rule that is hidden from their Alpha. When she starts Rending things, you make sure she doesn't kill it. )) Ruarc Bronach: (Damn straight...but now she knows >_<) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*Flexes nuts* Soaked 7...) *She turns to eye Damien balefully...As if to ask exactly what the hell he things he's doing...The teeth not doing shit for a blow that could have laid low most anyone on a good day...Then she blinks up at Ruarc before leaping towards the pool* ~ws~Cries! *Air bubbles? Anything? Ash looks ready to leap in...Almost panicked..She knows he's fine, but not knowing where he is is getting her now* Ruarc Bronach: *Follows Ash, peering intot he pool. Unsure what this is about...crap. So not good. After a moment* HT> I'll go. *A soft mutter, it makes sense. He's the tainted one. Most disposible* Damien Rangore: (( Damn she's good-... )) *And does move that way, leaning down to examine it-....* The Redneck ST: *No air bubbles.... But they'd know if he was hurt.* Damien Rangore: *He looks to the others* ~ws~C'mon! *Damien usually isn't very bright when it comes to some of the shit he leaps into, but it can be contituted as courage. He leaps right into the pond, swimming downward-..Rank challenge be damned. Question is if Storm Shadows going to follow or go chill with the other Stormcrows* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She looks to Ru* ~ws~Guess we're all going..*And she leaps in right after Damien...She has a feeling they're going to drown each other* The Redneck ST: *By the look of it, it's only about three feet deep. But once Damien leaps in, he doesn't have to swim--he just starts sinking like a friggin' rock.* Ruarc Bronach: *Growls lightly, great. And hops in after them. * The Redneck ST: ((Alright, y'all three, gimme a minute.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Sinking too....This is like a reenactment of the sewer scene...Only Gabe and Lance aren't there to fall on Damien or cushion him...Just Ash falling on him...But Ruarc's still falling to beat everyone to death..There just aren't any ladder rugs...* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*L* Kay) The Redneck ST: ((Ouch... He beat you. and 5 suxx on a hit--block/dodging?)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Yeah! Show it who's boss, Ken...We can name one foot Law and the other Order....*G* Wait, that's my boots name...Nevermind) Ruarc Bronach: (*Chuckles* One named alpha, the other omega. One's always gonna be first and the other last ^^) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*L* I like that one *G*) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Better than naming one boot Oral and one boot Anal, depending on where the boot goes when you're pissed.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*Snickers*) The Redneck ST: *Damien's the first to flp out of the pool--somewhere way the hell up north, byt the feel of it, with the Rockies standing out tot he West--and the last scrag, locked in battle with a badly wounded Cries.* The Redneck ST: ((And now, init for everyone.)) Damien Rangore: (( *G* NM the last PM, Ken. )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (16 for the pack *G*) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Dang. Go for it, y'all.)) Damien Rangore: (( Well, was splitting two ways-...First bite is a botch times 3 though. *L* )) Ruarc Bronach: (So we're all out then? *Chuckles*) Ruarc Bronach: (Can thy get a rage back for seeing cries so hurt?) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Not quite that bad wounded, Ruarc. But yeah, you're all out.)) *Damien does it AGAIN. Poor bastard's gonna get his ass ~beat~ when he gets home. Ash is probably gonna get out them brass ball- bearings and teabag him.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Split twice for a fail and 3 suxx...Only 2 agg though since I'm guessing the Bane still has the gnarl on it) *Springs in..Unless Damien tries eatting her again* Ruarc Bronach: (split for 2, k wasn't sure.) Damien Rangore: (( *LMFAO* 6 agg, Ash. And does he get his other half split or did his nose go that far up her ass this time? )) *This is why they didn't bring Lance along. They've fuck up so much that it's amazing someone hasn't died and it looks like Cries might. And it'll be on their behalf for not saving him* The Redneck ST: ((For a triple-botch? Naw, he's got to get his teeth out of 'er.)) The Redneck ST: ((*G* So he wouldn't get to see the show?)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Soaked 3) *Something snapped that time....She aint feeling it but when she gets done trying to beat the hell out of this Scrag and puts two and two together, she'll be letting him know...* Damien Rangore: (( Yes. *L* And if Cries makes a story out of this, Damien will beat the fuck out of him if he adds in all this.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Between all the botches and failures, Cries may not make it to tell the tale *L* He can tell everyone in the Homelands though *Snickers*)) Ruarc Bronach: *Snaps into the FG spot, or so he guess it's what it is (2 sux, 2 dam) and follows up with another quick bite to the same spot. (2 sux on bite, 1 damage) The Redneck ST: ((Your action, Cries?)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((I failed his bite *C*)) The Redneck ST: ((DAmn, nm.)) The Redneck ST: *The bugger may well be able to finish off Cries if he acts quick, but these things aren't rocket scientists, and there, biting the shit out of one of his packmates, is the author of this scrag's misery, within reach of his claws. With a last screech the scrag swipes razor-sharp claws at Damien.* Damien Rangore: (( *G* Roll Damage. )) The Redneck ST: ((6 agg--and then go with Rage.)) Damien Rangore: (( Soaked 5. *G* Don't think anyone had the Rage to spend. *L* )) *The claws nail him and shave off a bit of fur and bruise him through both Luna's Armor and the Warpaint-...But he aint going down any time soon* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*L* Yeah, Ash is back to 1 and she's keeping it..) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Alright, then Init.)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (20 for the Pack *G*) The Redneck ST: ((*G* Dang. Had a chance this time. well, go for it.)) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Just biting. 3 suxx, 4 aggro to the spot *G*)) *Why wont it die already?! He keeps biting and keeps biting and it wont die! And his packs even biting it! And each other!* Ruarc Bronach: (3 sux, 3 dam for the FG on the first. Since it was like 8 hours, it counts as a new scene yes? Cause i'd like to use FF *C*) The Redneck ST: ((Between Ash and Cries, the bugger's finally dead, so nobody botch. Again.)) *Finally--FINALLY!--the persistant sunuvabitch falls dead, after the whole pack's gotten a taste of him.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (4 suxx, 1 agg..*L* 2 suxx, 3 agg) *She's kind of thinking the same as Cries as she keeps tearing into the gnarled up Scrag...Teeth flashing in twice in two quick blows in hopes to keep wearing the little bastard down* The Redneck ST: ((Nope. Same scene. Which is why all your Gifts are still up, instead of having to spend more Gnosis and use up more Talens.)) Ruarc Bronach: (ahh kk) The Redneck ST: ((*G* I used dice to decide it, and she's who I got by chance--unlike the other two on Damien's part, which were just beautiful irony. Ruarc, roll damage on Ash....)) Damien Rangore: *And hopefully Rend wasn't up! Hallalujah! His head swings around, checking the area over before he moves to check out Cries. And do what he and the player forgot to do to the last Banes, which all the other players are likely to kick his ass for-...He's going to harvest the Gnosis from the Bane to make sure it stays dead* The Redneck ST: *Except for Ruarc, who's getting a taste of Ash's leg. A little overeager, that boy.* Ruarc Bronach: *And he shifts to crinos and busting out the gourd once more, spending a gnosis to get it to automaticaly work for the gallaird lord, least if he looks banged up enough. * Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*Strangles Jake gleefully* You mean we gotta go through it again?! DIE BITCH! *L*) Ruarc Bronach: *whoops, mucnhmunch..hehehe...shit....then go heal cries*(want me to roll? *C*) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *Moving away from the Bane, the sucker pretty much nearly gutted Cries. But the Lord still heaves a sigh* ~ws~Would you all please stop trying to kill one another? Damien Rangore: (( *L* I forgot! My brain died like six hours ago. Sue me. *Snickers* They might be able to pull it off if they can get back. )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Twitch>>Yup, roll damage...And soaked 3) The Redneck ST: ((Ruarc>>the damage? Yeah, roll it.)) Ruarc Bronach: (you soaked it *C*) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (...I have to do it..Soak 4 Bashing, Ru...*Ducks*) *....That's it! Ever see a Hispo buck like a horse? You just did...And she nails the shit out of Ruarc's muzzle after he bites her* ~ws~Would you all stop trying to put me on the short bus?! I don't wanna be Timmy! *Huffs* Damien Rangore: *Maybe she'll think Ruarc bite her the other two times as well-....Well, the last time he bit her at least. He grunts* ~ws~We need to get back- ...We forgot to make sure the Banes wouldn't get back up-....*Sighing through his nose, but looking to Cries. His packmate is worth a lot more then the rank challenge-...* Ruarc Bronach: (Soak all but 1) *Yelps and back up from Ash with a bit of a surprise glance to her* ws> Sorrysorrysorry. Damien did it more...*Then glances to Cries and goes to heal him* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *His ears flatten but he doesn't reject the healing* ~ws~Did Stormshadow remain behind? Maybe he'll be smart enough to do it, if Spirits can do so to each other. Otherwise, we may be going back on foot. I think that may have been a one way ticket Ruarc Bronach: ws> That's the way they came out though, right? So maybe....*Shrugs and wanders over to study what ever they dropped through, not that it will help much* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ~ws~I ended up here. I was up checking over to try and determine where I was then the Bane appeared. It was clearly the same one so there is the chance they may show back up here. Question is, what is here and why are Banes coming here to heal? The Redneck ST: *A pond, about six feet across, fed by a small pump. A manufactured watering hole, more or less, for horses.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: ~ws~That would explain why I got the feeling they were far off...*She pads away a bit, sniffing slightly...If she uses Sense Wyrm, she likely wont get much....Except Ruarc...Or all of them to an extent after the battle* Damien Rangore: ~ws~Sounds like waiting is all we can do. *Scanning for Storm Shadow* I doubt he followed-...But if he would actually have done that, I've no clue. The Redneck ST: ((THey're going to wait? For what?)) Ruarc Bronach: *Shifting down to glabro for now* Well, we try just walking in again? *Checking the pump out before stepping into said pond* Damien Rangore: (( To see if the two Banes Re-Form to heal unless they can find a way home. )) *He decides to at least do a little exploring-...Ears folding back that he forgot to harvest the Gnosis-...* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ~ws~I already tried. I just got wet. Ruarc Bronach: *Works the pump, maybe to see if that does anything.* alright The Redneck ST: *The pump pours water.... which it shouldn't, really, not here in the Umbra. It's not really a different color, but sure enough it seems different.* Ruarc Bronach: *That got a blink, eyeing the water.* Well, that's interesting. Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ~ws~Well, I do have to say I've never fell into a pond and ended up somewhere else. Then again I don't really make it a thing to fall into small bodies of water *Pads over to examine the pump, then peek across tha Gauntlet* The Redneck ST: *It's night. There's woods. And about a dozen miniature horses. Cute little bastards.* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He blinks back and heaves a sigh, looking to Damien* ~ws~Might I suggest we call it a night and head back to Kansas? You killed one, at least for good Ruarc Bronach: Well, maybe...the pump needs to be working to pass through? Or it could be like a fetish maybe? Anyone feel brave to try the water? Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: ~ws~Keep pumping it...Maybe it'll flush us back like a toilet....*It wasn't even ment to be funny...She's tired, cranky and her legs been bleeding for more then a few minutes...She looks to Damien though* Damien Rangore: ~ws~You guys go back to Kansas City. I'll meet up with you later-...I'm going back to finish them if I have to fly all the way back and kick the shit out of them again. Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He huffs, but quietly pads over to Damien. It's clear he's going along* Ruarc Bronach: If they came out of the pool, from here. Mean's there should be a way back through right? *Grumbles and trys the pump, seeing if it would work like a fetish* (ken, roll?) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She waits for Ruarc...Regardless, she's going wherever Damien goes...Damnshitsonofabitchindamnshit* The Redneck ST: *There's no feel of Gnosis to it, but the water's still got that... different, look to it.* Ruarc Bronach: *Eyeing the water closely, fuck it. Bends down and takes a sip. Maybe something.* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *Studies it a moment* ~ws~Hrrr. I would suggest stepping sideways within it but I don't suppose that would do any good. I'm at a loss The Redneck ST: *Ruarc's tongue touches the water as he laps at it--and he falls forward as the ground seems to disappear beneath him, sinking like a rock with a splash that somehow doesn't spray any water outside the pond.* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((Remind me to ask Chaz what the hell Canadians put in their water *G* I want some)) Ruarc Bronach: *a muttered* Figures *and poofs it seemS* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *Godwouldtheystopdoingthat?! Well, maybe he found them a way back...And she is so asking Pacman or someone what the hell is up with this...She's heard of Moon Bridges, but this is just weird...Inches forward, touching her tongue to the water* The Redneck ST: ((Having talked to Chaz? I'd guess crack....)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*LMFAO at Salem*) The Redneck ST: *Someday they may learn they don't actually have to tongue it to get it to work. In Ash goes, sinking like a rock, to flop out of the koi pond back in Colorado.* Damien Rangore: *He looks to Cries* ~ws~-...This is weird. We should have brought Lir. She would probably be like a kid on a rollercoaster going "Again! Again" and popping back and forth. *He follows after Ash, hoping they don't end up in like Mexico or China this time* Ruarc Bronach: *Hmm goes to the two corpses, if their still there. Waiting for the others* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ~ws~Hrrr. I'll be asking her about this *Monkey see, Lord do. Except when you go to Silvermoon. But that also means you stab your eyes out* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Heh...Cries can make his own little haiku poem...*G*) The Redneck ST: ((*G* That's because Silvermoon's got it backwards--"See monkey; do monkey." Especially the gypsy ones.)) *The scrag corpses are indeed there, and the rest of the pack is popping out behind Ruarc.* Damien Rangore: *Once he's out back in Colorado, he looks over his shoulder with a "that aint right" expression before padding towards the Bane's bodies- ...Looking to see if the others might want to do the honors- ...Particularly Ruarc* Cries-Thunder's-Roar: ((*LOL*)) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: *She'll help...She needs to get cleansed anyway....What harm could it do and less meditation her angry ass has to do...* The Redneck ST: ((Alright. Harvesting folks, gimme a Gnosis roll per Harvest.)) Ruarc Bronach: *oh he does, least on the one he and cries worked on. Not bothering with the one that was more damaged by the others* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (6,7,10,9) Ruarc Bronach: 4,9,2,8 (2 successes) Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *He watches, unless for some reason they need help with it. Then he'll step in. He also keeps an eye out, finally remembering something* ~ws~Courage Rhya? Remember when I checked to see how many were around and I signaled there was more then three, but I wasn't clear on the fourth? You may want to have that investigated. I don't think it was a foe, but something else is present or was Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Keep going?) Damien Rangore: ~ws~Noted-...*He had forgotten all about that. Whatever it was, he didn't see it though* The Redneck ST: ((And that's how many Gnosis you get back ((*G* I think, at least. 2nd ed and Revised were both a little unclear.)). The Banes, naturally enough, disappear.* Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (Ken>>Yeah...I only remember it saying harvest under Essense and even then it didn't give you much to go on *L* Umbra may have had something..I've never went completely through that book) *She steps back, flicking an ear at Damien* ~ws~Can we get Cleansed and sleep now? My leg is going to be killing me soon... Ruarc Bronach: *A slight grin to the others* Well, all good now ja? Damien Rangore: *If he were in Homid, he would chuckle at the Fury* ~ws~Yeah, Ash- ...That's why I brought my backpack for. You guys can head back to Kansas City tomorrow morning while I go and deal with my rank challenge-...I'll meet up with you guys eventually. *He would also be grinning softly if he were in a more humanish state-...With a slight grunt, he moves to lead them off back for the clearing he had found for them where they could sleep easy* Ruarc Bronach: *Helps with the cleansing, gets some sleep and figures it's all good. * Cries-Thunder's-Roar: *A sigh of relief. It's clear he wouldn't mind being at home either or at least sleeping. He looks to Ruarc before his tail sweeps once to show agreeance. He waits for the others to start off before trotting along behind them* Damien Rangore: (( *G* And because I'm pretty much crosseyed and I'm sure everyone else is screaming for sleep, we'll close here. *G* I'll get the next bit done with you Ken and Damien also has something he'll be asking about. But seeing as it's a perfect excuse for Damien to be gone while I'm gone, no hurry except that he would go see Grudge after sending the pack home. *G* ))
The Redneck: *The pack leaves, the banes die, the fish were already dead. Huzzah.* Damien Rangore: (( Must be. *C* )) *He rests up with the pack before sending them home just so Lir isn't stuck keeping Owl happy the whole time-...Plus this is his business. With Storm Shadow tagging along, he sails his way through the Umbra-...Be damned if he's doing all that climbing and navigating in the physical. When he reaches the hollow that is clearly Grudge's turf, he steps across and shifts to Homid* The Redneck: *Grudge is sitting there with a beer. Apparently not his first, or even close.* Yeah? Damien Rangore: *Lucky dog-..* Finished, Rhya-...*Said with a small grin-..It can't be helped* Or at least the Banes are dead and gone-.... The Redneck: All five of 'em? Damien Rangore: *He blinks, head tilting* Five? Thought it was three-...There was three there and some weird twilight zone pool-...And something else. The Redneck: *chuckles.* Three, five, somethin' like that. *Shrugs, digs out a Coors- -hey, if's Colorado; Coors is mandatory--and tosses it to him.* Drink up, Adren. Damien Rangore: *He almost doesn't catch it, but thanks to his reflexes kicking in he's able to not embarass himself. He grins a touch before cracking the beer open* And you might want to have a Theurge check out that place. That pond was weird-..The Banes were attracted to it and there was a slip up so we ended up having to go into it. It transported us way off elsewhere. Never heard of that, but I aint a Theurge so it's possible. Plus there was supposedly something else there, but during the whole time I didn't see anything besides the Banes and some fish. The Redneck: *Nods.* Know anything about the place it took you to? Damien Rangore: *Shakes his head* Out near the rockies, by guess. We were at some watering hole or something-...It was manufactored, but the pump worked in the Umbra and when you drank the water, you ended up back in the town. According to the one who fell in first, when one of the Banes ran it re- appeared there. They did some vanishing act so it didn't leap into the pond, but I'm guessing there may be a spiritual connection the Banes might have had. The Redneck: *Nods.* Or could just be they wanted a highway. We'll get a couple theurges on it. Damien Rangore: *He nods* Speaking of Theurges-..You know any I might be able to discuss something about the nature of Wyrm Taint with? More so, how to Cleanse taint that just don't go away with a normal riting? *He seriously doubts there is any Bringers of Light around-..Those guys tend to keep that either secret or just play lone ranger from his understanding* The Redneck: Wyrm-Taint? Well, there's always the good old-fashioned Rite of Cleansing, and there's the extended trip to erebrus... between those two,though, I dunno. Damien Rangore: *Nods* I sort of figured the later. Any Theurges around that might know or you figure it best to try elsewhere? The Redneck: In a shared sept? Not here, kid.... Damien Rangore: *He nods, taking a swig of his beer before nodding* Alright. I'll just have to check elsewhere then. Figured it was worth a shot to ask. I'll catch you around sometime soon, Rhya. *Probably in the next half year- ...Unless he gets himself killed, of course* The Redneck: *Nods.* Good luck, kid. Damien Rangore: *He grins and downs the rest of his beer before setting the container down with the rest of Grudge's. He then pops across the Gauntlet and goes about getting home-...But at least now he can take his time and not have to worry about getting back by a certain time* The Redneck: ((*G* And it;'s done.)) Damien Rangore: (( *G* Sweeeet. Thanks, man. )) The Redneck: ((NP. *G* And IO'm off to CivIII again. Damien Rangore: (( *L* Have fun. I'm gonna finish up this other character and get his history typed up. Hopefully I'll have him in by the time I leave out. )) Damien Rangore: (( *Waves to Ash and heads off* )) Ash Spencer ?Can't Wait For Violence..?: (*G* Night Jake..)
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