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Damien and Gabriel Challenge Tuesday, May 23, 2006 Damien Rangore: *He stepped out of the Umbra near sundown and glanced around before hopping on his car to wait. And wait. And wait some more in anticapation. Hours ticked by and still he would be waiting, eventually laying back on the windsheild of his claimed car to stare up at the sky* Gabriel Harker: *He shimmered from the Velvet Shadow near the edge of the gathering area to quietly look around. Eyes eventually fell on the waiting ShadowLord and he offers a small nod* Damien Rangore: *He glances up, surpressing a yawn-...Great, now his body was stiff and sore from laying there. He grunts as he sits up* About fucking time- ...Was begining to think I won by default. Gabriel Harker: *He snorts at the Lord* I wasnt aware I set a certain time. Always this cocky? Damien Rangore: *Shrugs* You said tomorrow night-...I assumed you ment at sun down. Damn straight I am because I know I'm better then you. *Then he smirks-..Nice and mockingly* Gabriel Harker: *He shakes his eyes and steps into the clearing more* Ready to go then I take it? Well start at the gate as the starting line unless you have objections to that Gabriel Harker: [eyes=head ~Ponders how the hell that happens~] Damien Rangore: (( Let me go hunt for Ly. Not sure when Ken's going to be on since he had to work a double shift I think. )) *Nods and slips off the car, stretching* Read when you are-...Been waiting a few hours, after all. Gabriel Harker: [~L~ Kay] *Chuckles at the eager Ahroun* You sure? You look stiff. Dont want to warm up? *Yup. It's his turn to mock* Damien Rangore: *It's all he can do to keep from telling the guy to go fuck himself. Even if he is a rank over the punk, he still knows when to keep his trap shut- ...Sometimes. Not always and that's a proven fact. He just sneers a bit* I'm sure-... Gabriel Harker: Come on then *Sighs and moves on over towards a mirror. Its no secret the guy can cross over faster then most can and soon he fades back into the Umbra in the blink of an eye* Damien Rangore: *He shuffles after, muttering something once the guy is fully across* Punk ass bastard-...*Soon finding himself in the Umbra right along with the Fang. He glances around, eventually spotting the skulking stormcrow before looking back to Gab* Your friend here? *Unsure if Gab even knows about Storm Shadow yet* Gabriel Harker: *He nods before glanceing towards the white dove perched on a random pile of junk. One could almost miss the spirit by how still its being* Damien Rangore: *He nods* Good, good. *Slowly starting to weave through the piles of junk and towards the area the gate is. The Stormcrow remains out of sight for the most part but following along* [Pause] Damien Rangore: (( *Unpauses* )) *He nods, glanceing towards the familiar then back to the Fang* Wanna restate the terms? *Since player can't remember them all* The Redneck ST: ((Now, keep in mind, if they can't agree on terms they can have a halfmoon decide--otherwise it just becomes a matter of who can trick the other into challenging first.)) Gabriel Harker: *He nods* From the gate to the bridge over the river I told you about that I trust you spent the day finding. Any form desired, no tapping into inner Rage, no Gifts, no ancestors and the spirits were to be the witnesses. You win, I dont say a word about this Kinfolk. I win, you tell me everything you know and if I think your lying we go before your Philodox packmate. Remember now, Rangore? Damien Rangore: (( *G* Oh, they made the challenge last night to keep blood from getting spilled. Damien challenged Gabriel and Gabriel got to pick. He picked the race and set some rules which I can't remember since I was reading it at like 4:30 in the morning. *L* )) The Redneck ST: ((Are they in the Umbra now?)) Damien Rangore: (( And those were it. *G* )) *He nods* And I can't use my wings if I remember correctly-..*Damnit-..Can't use Owl's own boons. He keeps moving through the junkpiles and soon stops at the Reflection of the gate, or where it should be at least* Damien Rangore: (( Yup. *G* We were all talking OOC but we started them off a few hours ago and slapped them on pause. )) Gabriel Harker: [Ken_>Yep, they are in the Umbra] The Redneck ST: ((*G* I was about to point out the wings, then.)) Gabriel Harker: Damien_>Thats correct. You cant fly. Its a leg race after all. Ready? *Shifting down into Lupus as the Dove spirit keeps near them and flys ahead a bit since they are likely to out run it when they get started* Damien Rangore: *His form shifts down into the matching form and he just rumbles softly. He's getting ready and crouches a bit, folding the black raven wings to his body. The perceptive might catch the tiny black shadow following the dove up ahead as his own familiar does it's best to keep the two Garou in sight while it stays out of sight* Ly.... Walking On Bodies..: (How eerie...Ones completely black with matching Numen...The others completely white with matching Numen...Opposites much? *G* *Settles to archive*) Gabriel Harker: *He waits until the other gives the growl hes ready before taking a ready stance himself. He takes a deep breath before growling* ~ws~On your mark. Get set. Go *Crouching to start dashing off and forward* The Redneck ST: ((Alright... Both of y'all start, then, with a Str + Athletics roll for the first dash.)) Damien Rangore: (( Even more reason for them to dislike each other. *G* )) *As soon as the other utters the growl of "Go" he takes off at the quickest pace he could. He's determined not only to make sure this Cliath Silver Fang doesn't beat him, but that he keeps his trap shut about Tasya* Damien Rangore: (( Strength 4 in Lupus, Athletics 1. 8,10,3,9,8. )) Gabriel Harker: [Str2+1 from form and Ath1 for 4 dice. Roll: 1,6,3,4] The Redneck ST: *Gabriel immediately gets the sensation that he picked a bad challenge to make, as with the first burst of speed he's eating Damien's dust. Forgunately, there's still time to make it up.* ((Now, 3 Dex + Ath rolls from each.)) Gabriel Harker: [~L~ Dex3+2 from form and Ath1 for 6 dice. Roll: 3,4,1,1,5, 2=botch times 2] *He keeps in a growl as he moves to take off after the ShadowLord, annnnnd* Damien Rangore: (( 4,3,6,5,9, 1,2 -- 4,9,4,5,4, 6,4 -- 6,4,7,4,4, 4,9. )) *And to think, he didn't even have to embarass the Fang-...He's doing a damn good job of it from what he can tell when he steals a quick peek over his shoulder and keeps on running* The Redneck ST: ((Oh, hell.....)) Straining to catch up doesn't help much either. The cities just aren't usual Silver Fang haunts, and the scraps of trash, lumber, and other assorted shit aren't the same as he's used to running through--as he finds out when his leg catches in a chunk of chain-link fence. It pulls as he hurls himself forward, but catches his leg at the wrong angle and there's a clearly audible 'crack' as his leg snaps.* The Redneck ST: ((Gab, you got three choices. You can stop and let it heal, which means you lose a roll as he gains distance, or you can run with it broken, which will add 2 diff, or you can try to heal as you run, which'll be a reflexive Sta roll, diff 8)) Gabriel Harker: *He lands with a yelp and winces, head turning to look at the leg with another wince as he watches it to heal after shaking it free of the fence. His eyes track the Lord up ahead who soon vanishes after such a good head start. He didn't expect the guy to be this good or this fast* Gabriel Harker: [Going to let it heal first ~G~] The Redneck ST: ((Alright... Gab, you got one more Dex + Ath roll, then.)) Gabriel Harker: [~L~ Its offical that roller does not like Gab. 8,3,5,3,4, 1] The Redneck ST: ((Alright... Now both of you, a Sta + Ath, diff 7.)) Ly.... Walking On Bodies..: ("And then Grandfather Thunder looked at Falcon and said; '...And your guys have ruled over my guys for this long -how- exactly?' and Falcon hung his head in shame" *Ducks*) Gabriel Harker: [7,4,8,8+1WP] *Hes now forceing himself onward now just to try and catch up with the bastard. This isnt going how he planned* Gabriel Harker: [~LOL~] Damien Rangore: (( *L* 1,10,1,3,10=Failure. Or helps if I don't misread it for strength+Athletics. Let me reroll. )) Damien Rangore: (( 2,5,5,7,10, 6,7 using Stamina. )) The Redneck ST: ((Lucky for both of you, then... Alright--three more, Dex + Athletics. *G* Stop if you botch)) Damien Rangore: (( Didn't take the diff7 off the roller for the first roll, but still failed. 1,8,1,7,5, 4,3 -- 7,7,7,6,4, 10,4 -- 10,1,10,6,3, 8,9. )) Gabriel Harker: [4, 4 and 2 suxx. Used a Willpower on the first one] *He keeps on barreling forward to try his best to catch up with the Lord and pass him by. Hes a decent runner himself but this guy is surprising even him by the tracks hes laying* The Redneck ST: ((Close to finished... One more STa + Ath roll from each.)) Damien Rangore: (( 10,7,7,5,6, 10,1. )) *Bridge! Bridge! Bridge! He can almost see it! And he keeps running-...He's not letting this guy beat him for shit. Maybe he'll learn not to underestimate the Lords next time* Gabriel Harker: [1 suxx] The Redneck ST: ((Ack. And three more (should be the last three) Dex + Ath rolls. Diff 6 for Damien, 8 for Gab.)) Damien Rangore: (( 3,4,10,6,3, 7,8 -- 2,10,8,6,8, 2,9 -- 3,1,6,5,5, 1,4. )) Gabriel Harker: [4, 2 and 2 suxx. Another WP was dropped into the first roll] *He keeps going best he can even as the destination comes in sight. Tongue lulling a bit but hes not throwing in the towel yet as he continues to try and catch up with the ShadowLord* The Redneck ST: *Unfortunately, Damien got there in only a little more than 2/3 the time Gabriel took--and by the time Gabriel arrives; winded, stumbling, panting hoarsely, Damien's had plenty of time to rest.* Damien Rangore: *And he's making damn sure to rub it in the Fang's face by sitting on his haunches faceing the direction he's comming from. He could take it a step further by yawning but he doesn't-...Must be because the guy is a Fang and other Big Brother Fangs could come kill him for it. As soon as Gab actually makes it onto the bridge he stands to begin trotting back towards the yard and past the Fang* ~ws~I win-... Gabriel Harker: *He glances up at the Dove watching before looking to Damien, panting* ~ws~Good job *Trying not to show his disapointment in himself or disbelief. Hes starting to wonder if the guy cheated and used his Rage but he keeps his ideals to his own mind for now* Damien Rangore: ~ws~Yeah, and I better not hear a peep out of you again about Tasya. *He just keeps trotting on back towards the 'yard* Gabriel Harker: *He keeps from sighing but his tail droops a bit* ~ws~As you wish, Rangore *Following but he keeps his head up at least. Hell check later with a Philodox to see if the guy cheated. For now he lets it go and just does his best to still keep up* Gabriel Harker: [Back to the JY?] Damien Rangore: (( Sure. *G* And thanks for running it for us, Ken. )) Gabriel Harker: [Ken_>Ditto. Thanks ~G~] [~Poofs back to the JY~] The Redneck ST: ((NP.))
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