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Ruarc Visits a Church Sunday, June 4, 2006 The Redneck ST: *Plants flag.* This'ere room done been CLAIMED! The Redneck ST: ((Alright, where's he goin'?)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Let's try the nearest church near the site. If there isn't one within a few block (Since i'm not really sure where its located when compared to the cities proper) The largest church in the area, hopefully catholic since I don't know if Christian churches do clean up and the like. Though, is the cemetery itself labeled or already claimed by a certain church/religon?) The Redneck ST: *The site is about two miles away from the city limits, seeing as (understandbly) nobody wants to live near the thing. However, it's to the southwest, and on the southwest side of town is the Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church.* The Redneck ST: *But as far as Ruarc has seen, there are no church signs, labels, or other indications by the graveyard.* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Right-o) *Takes a look at the times for masses, seeing as how most have a board or something out front and comes back the next day, near the end of the mass. Hopping to catch the priest at the end, kicking up Persuasion before hand (3,5,4,8,10 (2 successes). A copy of the folder under arm.* The Redneck ST: *The masses are fairly simple... Not many people trust to Mother Church in this day and age, so as large as the church is they're still plenty of room. There's Sunrise (7, even if that's after sunrise), 9 o'clock, and 11 o'clock. A few people eye Ruarc as he walks down the aisle, but most get a feel of his Rage and rather quickly change their minds. Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (7 o'clock mass then, for the record heh) *He just gives pleasent smiles to the people, in hopes of being a little disarming. Once the priest is free, after mass lets out or what have you. He approaches the man with the smile.* Excuse me Father, could I have a word with you? *Hoping the gift will be enough to help out.* The Redneck ST: *The priest says the benediction, people get up to go, then realize Ruarc's in their way. Most of them wait until he's past rather than brush past him. The priest, an older fellow with stooped shoulders and white goatee, nods to Ruarc.* Of course, my son. Would you come with me ? *And leads off towards his office.* Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (The church is that small? Yikes....the priest wants to be alone with him. Heya no I'm so not playing this scene. J/K ^^ Couldn't resist) *Just nods and follows, letting the old guy have a few feet as to not seem pushy. Just keeps smiling as they head on, letting the priest be in charge cause...well it probably helps* The Redneck ST: ((*G* There's a lot of area, but your average churchgoer quits jumping pews at the age of about 4, so that means using the aisles.)) *Into his office he goes, and stops at a cabinet to pour himself a glass of scotch. No ice. Then he settles into the chair behind his desk.* Have a seat-- what can I do for you? Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (*Snickers*) *Of course he'll take the seat, the folder in hand as he just keeps smiling* My name's Jake and I'm doing a school project involving (enter cemetery name here or "The cemetery over on "Street names") This is the closest church to the area and was curious about a few things. Would you mind helping me father? (Need a subterfuge roll?) The Redneck ST: ((Yeah, gimme a quick one. Man + Subterfuge, diff 6--5, with Persuasion. )) *Father Callahan nods and has a sip of raw scotch.* I don't see a problem with that, Jake. What did you need to know? Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Man+Sub Diff 5> 5,2,6,10 (3 successes)) Thank you, sir. *Gives a quick look through the folder before glancing up with a smile.* Well, seems there was a prison during the civil war that did some rather cruel things to the prisoners and many where buried in that cemetery with little more then a good ridance. Well, not really info needed for my project but I felt that the people deserve more then that and it was suggested to me that sometimes a church or perhaps members of the church community could maybe do something to make things right. Maybe something like some blessings and a proper funeral for the solders and clean up or something. *Trying to sound a bit pleading* The Redneck ST: Blessings? I'm fairly certain something like that would be done, with so many hundreds of soldiers there ((almost two thousand, according to the folder)), but I can certainly look into it. As far as clean-up, I doubt we'll have many volunteers. *Takes another sip, with a sigh.* It's hard to get volunteers for anything, but no one wants to go out there. Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Sorry was reading through the folder stuff) I'm not so sure. If I can just show you some of the things that happened with the prsioners that was found? *Opening the folder* Why is it no one wants to go out there? A bad feeling in the guy maybe? Maybe, the treatment some of the men wen't through could have left...I don't know, a bad spiritual mark some how? *Showing him the day to day journal notes about the newspapers, the shootings and all that* The Redneck ST: *shrugs.* You ever been there? It's spooky. Even in the middle of summer, it's just... creepy. *Looking through a few clippings.* And I can see why.... Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: I've been there...once...maybe twice...more like once. *A bit of a grin before pointing out some of the worse happenings for the priest* You think maybe it could have something to do with...their souls not at rest or something? Can that really happen? *Wondering what the priest might have to say on the subject* Maybe if more people knew what happened there...*Shrugging a bit* Could you maybe, help let more people know? Like an anouncment or something during mass? The Redneck ST: *shrugs.* It could well be that they still reside in Purgatory. Of course, I'll have to see more of the situation and then see how it relates to Scripture and Doctrine before I could say so, but it's certainly a possibility. I'll look it over. Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: *Okay, words he really didn't understand so we just keep that smile up and give a nod.* Hopefully it'll help then. *Taking back the folder before glancing around* Well I hope something good can happen. I'm sure things might settle down maybe. Thank you for your help father. *A smile before standing* The Redneck ST: *Nods.* No problem. *Tosses off the booze and stands up, making the sign of the cross in Ruarc's direction.* And may God bless you, my son. ((*G* And if you are a Catholic, then sorry, because I'm pretty sure I screwed that up.)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: Maybe during your serman you think you could possibly mention something about the mistreatment of the solders by chance? I sure you can work it in as a moral some how. *Then a smile to the blessing, a slight nod of his head * (I am, but wasn't too bad. About right, though there is a point during mass that somene can request something like "For all the solder buried in the old prison cemtery, lord hear our prays" or "For John Doe, suffering through the effects of cancer, lord hear our prays" So thats a possibility as well ^^) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: (Prayers, gnar) The Redneck ST: I will look over what I can first--people have caused too much trouble and invited too much criticism of Mother Church to do otherwise. *Smiles slightly, showing the weight he carries--he'll probably be going through more of that scotch by the end of the day.* There are many who will criticize anyway, but I'd rather they not be right. ((I'm Baptist, myself, but I've been to Methodist and Presbyterian churches, and they all have a point during the service when they take prayer requests, although it's usually less formal.)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: What do you mean? I'm not from this side of the city and still sorta new. *Trying to seem naive, which isn't to hard for the fianna* Something bad happen here? *Then a small smile once more, trying his best to seem interested.* (Ahh *nods* I was an Alter Server in my church. Normally you just approach the priest before hand and ask for a prayer to be openly spoken and he'll slip it in and everyone recites. *C* From what I understand, Catholics seem alot more Ritual and Formal then christian churches and services.) The Redneck ST: I mean I simply want to get my research complete. And here? Of course not. But the Church is under assault everywhere. ((I did that in one of the churches I want to for awhile. Then again, I was one of the only two people there between 12 and 35, and the other guy was one too. Some of them do it that way, or more often the preacher will just say "Does anybody have any prayer requests?" and folks will stand up and give 'em out.)) Ruarc Bronach ~Remembers the Echoes of the Fallen~ :SE: Oh alright, *A smile once more* I'm sure the lord will set things straight if they are ment to be. Thank you again, father. Have a good day. *ANd goes ahead and slips out.* (Ahh *nods* damn site blinked out on me for a moment. ) Note: If there was more to the scene, I don't have a copy of it.
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