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Another Snipe-Hunt? Nope.
A Lecture About Jokes Instead

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): *Mulls about in the clearing, dressed from head to toe in forest camoflauge and blaze orange. His antique sawed-off shotgun rests slung over his shoulder... sack and flashlight bound tight in hand*

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): *Linet fades into view from the Umbra, nodding to Marty as he makes his way toward the washer* Yo' Marty...*He stops, and raises an eyebrow at Martin.*...damn...word spreads fast...

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny: *Wanders in, grinning. Then sees Martin and just busts out laughing.*

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): *Nods a greeting to Tarence* Yeah... heard you guys have been teasing Ruarc with the promises of delicious Snipe... figured Luke and I might take him out and bag some for real.... *cough*

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): *Tarence laughs lightly, cracking the top of his freshly retrieved beer.*

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny: Tarence>>You mean he didn't catch none last night either?

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB)): S'up rhya. *nods to Lance... sipping idley on the straw to the camelback under his orange jacket. He must have totally looted a outdoor store... or at least, the outdoors section of Goodwill.*

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): Nope...not a one...I made sure of that...*He takes a long swallow of his beer, before moving to stand next to his packmate.* He won't want me to come, that's for damn sure...

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): *notably slung over his back is a rifle carrying case... frayed at the edges from years of loyal use and rain damage.. though also rather strained at the stitches from the two large battleaxe heads torn free from each side*

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny: *Nods.* Me either, most likely. Well, we'll see if he can catch some with Martin, I s'poze....

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): *Leans back, drinking from his already open beer* Well, the snipe is a tricky prey, but ultimately worth it, considering the delicious taste and the exotic plumage. I've proven to be quite the sniper in my day, thank you very much.

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny: *Nods.* You might find this student difficult t'work with, though. He already tried twice--he just might be a little discourage....

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): *Shrugs* Taught Terry and Bernie, didn' I? 'Sides, if I've learned anything from Ruarc in these last few weeks, it's that he's a quick learner. Shows real promise. *nods sagely, adjusting his nuts while holding his beer with his mouth*

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny: *Nods.* How many trips do you think it'll take 'fore he learns?

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): *he walks in wistling slowly. Already dressed in camo pants and drab colors aside from the orange vest he wears. Slung across his shoulder is a duffle as he nods to his packmates upon spotting them*

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): *Shrugs again* Don' know 'im -that- well.... *Chugs again... hopping up on the hood of a run down buick and setting the shotgun down beside him, leaning back with a hand on it. It must be his favorite.*

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny: ((Lucien--don't forget the bag and flashlight.))

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): ((Marty has one.... one's enough, I'm sure.))

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): *Tarence takes another swallow of his beer, apparently content to be silently observant for the moment.*

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): ((*taps watch* They're sure taking their sweet ass time *g*))

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny: ((who is?))

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): ((Everybody but us...))

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): Man, now I'm all looking foward to having some tasty snipe... bastards. *he moves to join his packmates content to lean against the buick*

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): Prime season for snipe, too... *lights up a circinus... looking to the others to see if they want one*

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): *shakes his head* The only real question is how we should prep it afterwards, guess it depends on how many we bag and how much time we wanna spend cooking

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Shakes his head, heading over to the firebarrel.* Lucien>>With a song, I hope...

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): Hmm... didn't pack the banjo. Maybe I should go get it.... *taps a finger on his bearded chin*

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): *Tarence declines the smoke, instead lightly up a Skydancer.*

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB): Um no thats alright Marty... no need for all that really.

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): Martin>>Gettin' better with it?

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): You know, Marty, you might start considering a natural progression of your talents...stories as a Cliath...cowbell at Fostern...and somewhere around Elder pick up that banjo again...

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): Well, when it's well-played a banjo sounds pretty good.

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): Lance>> Like a pro... even wrote a few songs... *nods sagely once more* Even considering writing one about you, being the highest ranked Gnawer I see on a regular basis and all... song of your deeds and such. *Sips his beer and tosses the empty over his shoulder* ...just havin' a helluva time finding words that rhyme with "Strider" by the third verse....

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): ((I'll email you the ret of it tonight.)) *Sighs.* Didn't even get laid and you've got three verses? If it ever does happen, I ain't tellin' you or you'll have a friggin' epic.

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): *Tongues his canine in thought* Or a jingle, performance-pending... *the loud hiss of a fresh can of beer opening in his lap.*

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Snorts, stacking some wood in the barrel.* Should th'time come when there's a p'formance, there's gonna be two, count 'em two, judges. And you ain't gonna be one of 'em.

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *he shakes his head pulling out a fresh pack of smokes, tearing it open and lighting one up*

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): Oh wait! *reaches into his shirt pocket, pulling out his faithful, trusty harmonica... well, not so trusty, given that it's horribly rusted.. probably found right here in the 'yard... or faithful, given he's never been seen with it before... but he seems to hold to the moniker nonetheless*

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): *Tarence sighs* You know Marty, you do a guy a favor...and then he get's all threatenin' to your's just not cool, ya' know?

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): Hey, come on Lance- the only real judges of any of us, in the end, is time and god... in how long you last and how often his name is invoked... *takes a long drag from his smoke, letting his wisdom soak in to the young'uns around him. Save Luke, naturally.*

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Chuckles.* Well, you'll have t'forgive me if I don't share any details.

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *he blows smoke in Martin's direction* Fuck man if Irish ain't showing up we just gonna go hunting without him?

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): *Nods* Guess so. We'll give him a bit longer (('Till Tarence logs *g*)) and then say screw it....

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): ((Til midnight...))

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): If he goes nuts, he's mine.

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): *Raises an eye at Lance as he illustrates being a master of smoking and drinking with the same mouth* What, calling dibs if Irish frenzies?

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Grins.* Yup.

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *he slightly stretches*

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): What? You guys think I can't handle myself, huh?

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): *Clicks his tongue...* Hey man... shotgun rules- line-of-sight precendence. No fair calling dibs before he even gets here.

Montana James: Strolls in carrying a case of beer. "Evening guys." A small smile goes to Lance.

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): Damn.... *Looks up and smiles when Montana steps in.* Evenin', pretty lady.

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *his eyes drift about at his packmates and Lance talking about who gets to down the frenzied Garou as he spots Montana, well more like the beer she's carrying*

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): A'ight then, you guys do your thing, and I'll just sit here and look smug as a Theurge should...

Montana James: "More hunting?" noting how some of the guys are dressed.

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): *Eyes go to the vicinity of Montana's... erhm.. midsection* Mmm... I'd sure like to get my hands on a pair a' -those-....mmmm.

Montana James: She head for the washing machine so she can put the beer into it. Looking over at Lucien as she goes, "I didn't find anything in the newspapers about Christine or anyone her age."

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Nods.* When Ruarc show up... How far did you drive him, Tarence? *And lights up the fire.*

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *he takes another long drag, glancing towards Martin* I bet they look even bigger up close... *he glances back towards Montana* Ahh well, thanks for looking anyways.

Montana James: She set the case down, grabs two beer and throws them at Martin, not to Martin, at him. She not really trying to hit him *well maybe) but he might have to duck to not get hit by the second beer.

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): *It isn't much surprise that he's a professional at catching violently hurled alcoholic beverages.... years of practice.* Huaa.... jedi. *cracks one, hurriedly drinking teh foam* ~gurgles~ tank yuu...

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Speaks quietly.* Montana>>Eaaaassy, there...

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): Pretty good ways...doesn't take a long time to get way out there when you're doin' 120...

Montana James: She just looks at Lucien after his comment. Then starts putting the beers in the washer. "What? He's garou a beer can won't hurt him much." she says quietly to Lance with a smirk.

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Nods.* Should he be back by now?

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): *Nods in defense of Montana* My last girlfriend was a Fury kinfolk. Shot me in the head with a Ruger. That kinda complicated the relationship too much for me, so I had to dump her... *nods*

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *The gauntlet parts near her car, allowing her to step out...Blood streaking her face and she's either forgot it was there or just doesn't give a shit*

Montana James: "Anyone else want a beer?"

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Nods.* Evenin', Ash. You alright?

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): *He points at Ash and spews his beer everywhere.* Sweet mother!...what the fuck happened to your face!?

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *nods.* I could use one. *But heads over himself to get one rather than wait for one to get tossed to him.*

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *he turns his attention back to Martin* Dude, getting away with grabbing ass once doesn't make 'em your girl... unless thats some sorta fucked up Yorker thing. *ponders this over for a moment*

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): *Looks at Ash* Oh... Ash... how awkward. I told you it was over... *rubs his forehead slightly*

Montana James: Hands a beer over to Lance when he's close enough to grab it.

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Blinks...Brows furrowing...Oh yeah* Oh...That's not mine...*Taking a seat on her carhood*

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Smiles, touching Montana's hand, then pays attention to his beer.* Ash>>Who'd ya kill?

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Blinks* No one...That's Damien's....*Sliding back off to go investigate the washer for something to clean her face off with...*

Montana James: She smiles to Lance then goes back to the beers, when she's finished putting them all in the washer to set the cardboard over by the wood.

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): Finally cut his nuts off? Little bitch deserves it for bein' such a puss.

Damien Rangore: *Wanders out of the maze, sack in hand. Pausing to look at the large gathering before moving towards Lance* Erm-...Ruarc left this for you in the maze and told me to give it too you. *Nose kept from wrinkling at the stench*

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): Our theurge, everyone... *golf claps, taking a swig of beer and grinning*

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Points* He walks, doesn't he....Nope...Was a challenge...

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): *Waves lightly at Marty*Stop're embarassin' me...

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Nods to Damien and holds out a hand.* Where did he give it to you?

Damien Rangore: (( Ken>>He by chance let you know what was inside? )) *He hands the sack over-...And it reeks* Saw him on the otherside and he said he had to go shower. Left it in the maze and asked me to hand it too you. *Nods, already turning for his car. Measuring his steps so they arnt to fast- ...Just in case*

Montana James: Glances over at Lance and Damien as she warms her hand over the fire.

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): ((*G* He didn't say, but I can guess. And, of course, it reeks like rotten meat.) *Nods, looks at the bag without opening it, then whirls it once, twice, a third time, and off into the junkpiles it goes.* What a friggin' ameteur....

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): *Idly swells to glabro as he chugs*

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Her head tilts towards Damien, finally hauling out some of the water from melted ice cupped in her hand to splash on her face...Not asking what was inside and figuring she's about to find out*

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): Hell...guess there's no need to worry about me, then, if that's all he's doin' to you...

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *takes a final drag and drops the butt grinding it out* So I guess Irish ain't comming in tonight?

Damien Rangore: (( Pretty much. *C* )) *Watches the bag go sailing. Good, there must have not been any rats in it like he was guessing. Perching now on his car hood to fall into silence*

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Shrugs.* If he does moren' that to you, you got an excuse to pound on 'im some.

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): Guess we'll go without 'im... *finishes his current beer and tucks another into the pocket of his blaze orange jacket... decked out in full hunting attire... in fact, probably too much of it.*

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *The inside of her jacket used to scrub any remaining bits off as she shuffles to check her face in the mirror...She can't walk down the street with it on her face no matter how psycho everyone thinks she is...*

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): Oh, I'm well aware, Lance...but I don't think I'll be doin' it...

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): ((He said he had a phone call at the hour, but ain't been on since then. Might still be on the phone.))

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): ((Getting too late for me to stick around... well, been too late, actually. Now it's getting WAY too late *g*))

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): ((*G* Well, they can return triumphant tomorrow, thenb....))

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): ((With food for all *g*)) *Slings his shotgun and tosses his cigarette to teh dirt, crushing it* No point in wasting time, then... let's ride. *starts out* Thanks for the beer, pretty lady...

Montana James: Martin> "You're welcome." Then to those going, "Have fun hunting."

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *he pulls out his cell checking out the time* Why don't we hit up the woods in the morning then eh? Ain't exactly up to driving right now and no way in hell am I riding with you.

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): *Pauses in thought* Yeah... dawn's a good time. We'll meet up then. *nods and waves to his packmate as he heads out*

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Chuckles.* G'night, y'all.

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *He salutes back to his packmate deciding now to move to the washer and grab a beer*

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *She'll keep her curiousity of what was in the bag until later...Brows furrowed in thought and pondering heading out already*

Tarence Jones ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the one-armed man!")): *He waves to the others as well, and moves off through the maze.*

Martin "Walks-the-Walk" Zhukov ((TCFB "It wasn't me!...It was the three-legged man!")): Night Lance.. Ash. *waves again and is gone* ((*And is totally gone as well...*))

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Offers a small wave* Night Martin...Tarence...

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Chuckles.* I hope Ruarc gets back in time to see them return with... whatever it is they find. My guess is they'll steal about 40 pounds of cornish game hen.

Montana James: she just chuckles a bit.

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Grunts, glancing at Lance* Just out of mild curiousity...Why do you guys pick on Ruarc for? Sorta a bit of high school childish behaviour isn't it? And last I checked, there's only two or three Ragabash around...

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Shrugs.* Oh, everyone gets taken on a snipe-hunt. Hell, that's how I learned the first time. We just never ~imagined~ he'd fall for it twice. But for why? Well, because he begs for it...

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Shrugs* So...One jokes enough...Two if you're a Ragabash I guess...But I mean...What's the point? I don't know if it's Gnawer fun or what not but have you stopped to consider it's been a full moon and close to his birth moon? So...You're just going to drive him into frenzy with Kin around? No offense...But that's sorta stupid and you can be might Ahroun all you want but I've seen a few frenzies where it's took more then a couple of Garou to knock out someone in frenzy...But that's just my opinion *Shrugs*

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *he pops the top moving back to the buick and hops onto the hood, slipping off the vest and tossing it onto his duffle*

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Has a seat next to Montana.*

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): (Mighty, even..*C*)

Montana James: "If there's tension I'll leave. I've done it before."

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Chuckles.* Actually, he was about a hundred miles away from any kinfolk when he found out. And if he's so unstable that he's gonna frenzy of a joke that he never should have fell for in the first place, then he needs the experience. *Squeezes Montana's hand.* It's nothin' to worry about.

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Sighs at Montana*..That's not the point...And I don't recall you leaving the other night...The point is if he frenzies, he's probably going to start tearing into more then just one person and while I'm sure he can eventually be knocked out...One grab at a Kin and if we don't stop him in time, not only does he have that Kin's blood on his hands....There's a bunch of Garou who are also going to be held accountable for driving him into the Rage that did it...Again, I'm just curious why it's being done unless he's just stepped on your toes that many times *Shrugs*

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Shakes her head at Lance* Anyone can frenzy given the wrong time, wrong thing said or done and what face Luna is showing....But...If you say so...*Glancing up at the sky*

Montana James: "I'll leave if I'm not involved."

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): Actually, he does, but again, I say if he's gonna frenzy over a snipe-hunt, then anybody holding someone else accountable for his complete lack of self-control just ain't thinkin'.

Damien Rangore: I think what she's saying Lance is basicly-...It was funny the first time. The second time is going a bit to far. You trying to pull it a third time is basicly asking for him to go off. It's already been explained to him what a Snipe Hunt was, so that'll hopefully keep him from going off but I think her whole point is basicly if you keep treating him like dirt just to do it there may be a bit of pay back that no one sees coming and it wont be pleasent. I personally think you're all too bored for you're own good. There -is- Wyrmspawn out there you guys could have been focusing on instead of waiting to pull a joke to get someone pissed. *Chuckles*

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Shakes her head...Just falling silent*

Montana James: "Lance wasn't the one planning the hunt tonight."

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *shrugs.* The second time was to see if he'd actually fall for it, which nobbody actually should have. Since he did, he deserves it. Like I said, I learned what it was the hard way myself. Not to mention, after the second one the ijit half-tried t'blackmail me, and before the first he went accusin' Martin an' Tarence of crap they never done. As for the Wyrmspawn out there. *Turns to look at him.* Last time I was gone for a couple weeks... Hell, I can't remember what got done--can you remind me?

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Peers at Lance* And I recall people telling us when we had a collected group together that, and your name thrown in without you being present, it was "Taken care of"...

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *he nurses his beer just listening for now*

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): And there was only one thing that needed to be done? Who was hidin' the other sites from you, an' the leeches, an' the gators?

Montana James: Time to just listen.

Damien Rangore: I don't care. Lance is Fostern now. He can smack some heads together if he wants. I do believe Tarence told us that he, Lance and his pack were taking care of the cemeteries a few weeks ago. Well, is it done yet? Or should Ash and I go get our asses kicked again to try and fix the problem? *Shrugs, looking to Lance* We went once. Got our asses handed to us. Got ready to go again after scouting. Got told we didn't have to worry about it. Why do I sense worry looming over my head? Oh, that's right-....There's still shit monkey's running around. *Slides off his car hood* Excuse me if I think a gathering of Garou in a city full of Wyrm ridden peices of shit should be out doing that instead of worrying how to get back at someone who stepped on their tail.

Damien Rangore: Because everyone suddenly vanished to pop up and tell us it was taken care of? *And devine intervention of the Phone Company Gods, but Damien doesn't know that*

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): You believe wrong. Tarence told you that we would take care of ~one~ of the cemetaries. Bitch about what I ain't doin' all you want--but not while you're doin' one hell of a lot less. If you think Garou in a city should be out killing day an' night, then what have you been doin' between sermons?

Montana James: "You know there's been more then one night that there's been one or two Garou here... Where were the you or the others? Or is it alright for just two garou to go out there and deal with the things that areon the books, so to speak."

Damien Rangore: I didn't say day and night Lance. It's always the issue of man power. Well, how many were just present? Again, sorry if I see something wrong with the picture. And no, we were told that they were taken care of. Not just one and that we were invited along for the ride. No invite in the mail-..And everyone dropped the whole Mokole thing and I think it was said that was taken care of too. I aint dead so I can at least praise that. Have fun with your practical jokes and all. *Offering a wave as he starts moving for the maze*

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Grunts at Montana* And how many nights have Damien, Ruarc and I sat in the yard to go on raids? If you have them counted, you're good because it went to "To fucking many" for me to count...I know this isn't a Sept so I can't say anyones bound. Anyone can pick up and leave any time they like and not get dishonored for it. But no, don't pull the "Well, you werent here that one night" because guess what? No one else was around either which is why we got our asses kicked the one time we did take off

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): If you were told that every problem was already being care of, then you were told something a whole lot different than what anybody else here was told. And ~if~ that's what you were actually told, then there's still have a dozen other smaller problems you could have dealt with. I say again, if youre gonna bitch at me and pretend I ain't doin' my job, then don't do it after you've spent a comple months sitting on your ass and doing jack shit but puttin' everyone else's lives on the line to get laid.

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Looks at Ash.* She didn't say nothin' about you not here "that one night". She's talkin' about every night you ~are~ here an' don't do nothin' for it. If one job's too big for you, you can't try another?

Montana James: "You asses kick and a kin, from my understand. It was your choice to go out with just the two of you and a kin. And I was just pointing out that you and Damien weren't here when others were and wanted to go out to take care of business. Does that mean they should bitch and moan about it too?"

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *he doesn't bother covering his mouth or trying to surpress his yawn as he downs the rest of his beer*

Damien Rangore: *Nothing said as he heads off into the maze*

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): *Snorts* Point them out Lance. I'll go alone if need be. I get told somethings taken care of, I assume it is until I find out it isn't which I'm finding out that next time there are several present and someone just wants to yank my chain...I'll go do what they say they are doing then ask them why later...*Glances at Montana, furrowing her brows* Want me to post my number then? I find it odd they must have just showed up every other time I wasn't around while Lance was gone...Silly me...

Montana James: "While Lance was gone? What about the last couple of week when he was here? Or is it that you want to go hunting without Lance?"

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): You could't find them? Ask around? Or if you couldn't, why do you think I did? The graveyard ain't taken care of yet. True. There are still two graveyards, plus wherever they've wandered to. There's still leeches all over the city, there's still gators to free. If you haven't done anything at all the last couple weeks because we told you ~one~ thing~ had been took care of, you been usin' an excuse for a crutch.

Montana James: "Did you ever check if things were being taken care of."

Ruarc Brónach: *Comes walking in, not as pissed as you might think. His hair is a little damp, clean clothes and smelling of soap. He looks around before heading towards Ash, to sit on the ground near her, listening to the conversation. *

Montana James: A little wave goes to Ruarc.

Ash Spencer (11th Hour): It was just mentioned we were told the whole deal with the Mokole was taken care of. I went leech hunting with Martin and them and went into the Umbra with Lir. But sure, fine, whatever. I'll just go by myself for now on or with a hand full of people again because I thought I learned my lesson last time. Did I ask around? Yes, no one had seen anyone in weeks. But fuck it, there was plenty of folks around tonight and cemeteries that I was told by one of those people standing for his pack that are still over flowing. Have a good night and all that happy shit. Next time I'll learn not to wait and just go my damn self if need be...*Hopping up to head for the maze, jaw clenched*

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *he lounges back a bit, glancing to Ruarc figuring he should leave it be, as he doesn't much like being preached at*

Montana James: Just shakes her head.

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Nods.* Because, of course, racing off by y'self and settin' around doin' nothin' are your only options.

Ruarc Brónach: *Waves back to Montana and blinks seeing Ash hop up and head off. Just a slightly confused look.*

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Sighs and looks to Montana.* I really don't mind bein' told I ought to do more, because there ~is~ more I could be doin'. The part I mind is bein' told I ought to do more by those who sit on their asses themselves. ..

Montana James: She nods, "I can understand that."

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *he looks towards Ruarc* Man remind me not to play a joke on you 'cuz I don't want your buds to bore me to death via talking *he moves to get up and moves to get a soda from the washer*

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Looks at Ruarc.* And if you hadn't told her about it, then you could have taken her on a snipe-hunt, and she'll take someone else, and the tradition goes on like it always has. Hell, how do you think I found out what a snipe-hunt was? And I was twelve years old in the mountains of Idaho.

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): Lucien>>The hell of it is... if playing a practical joke is a waste of time better spent in battle, then isn't wasting an entire night ~bitching~ about playing a practical joke even worse?

Montana James: She looks at Lance, "You took the words right out of my mouth."

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Chuckles and squeezes Montana's hand again.*

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): Lance>> Yea indeed it is. *he pulls a Pepsi out of the washer chugging about a third of it in one pull*

Montana James: Squeezes Lance's hand back.

Ruarc Brónach: *Glances around, frowning a bit and get up moves off towards the maze* I didn't ask them to go yell at you guys. *Sounding a bit annoyed. *

Montana James: Lance> After Ruarc is out of ear shot, "what was this about blackmail?"

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *chuckles.* Yell? Hell, they ~sermonized~. Oh, and Damien handed me a bag of rotting meat or somethin'--tried to tell me it was from you, but I just hurled it out into the maze.

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): Ruarc>> Oh don't go bitching back at them otherwise this might just keep on going back and forth for a month.

Ruarc Brónach: *Glances at Lance* Well since I was left again, I figure why not catch a few things anyway *Shrugs with a grin and glances at Lucien and gives a nod before taking off*

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *shrugs and speaks quietly.*

Montana James: "Ah, I see." Goes quiet for a moment or two.

Montana James: Leans closer to Lance to speak to him quietly.

Montana James: She sits back in the bench seat.

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Chuckles.* Well, if they show up, I can shoot 'em.

Montana James: Lucien> "Are you and Christine together? Or are you just looking out for the girl?" once she has an answer she won't hound him like other's have done to her.

Montana James: She chuckles at Lances comment, "Then we'd have a cops on the look out."

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): Come on... I'd be careful.

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *softly sighs as he sits back onto the hood of the car* Yunno I don't know why those whiners don't just form a pack, they seem to be already kinda chummy... *he pauses as he looks towards Montana, obviously wanting to be careful with his words* Just looking out for her, almost kinda natural for me, one of my sisters is about her age...

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Nods, deciding not to bother him about Christine at all.* I think they're plannin' to.

Montana James: She nods and smiles to Lucien, "I'm glad she has someone she can turn too. Kids been on her own for too long." She then looks to Lance, "I've no doubt you'd be careful, but when people disappear cops come looking."

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): *he nods sipping his drink* And what about you Lance? If they form a pack I don't that leaves you with many, if any, options for members for you to form a pack.

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Chuckles.* I don't want them anyway. Me and Regin are goin' to form one, once we got a third an' preferably a fourth.

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Nods to Lucien.* Likely. You try scentin' around for tracks? If she's layin' low and she's stopped by here there'll be some fair fresh ones.

Montana James: Lucien> "I'll check in with Father E, see if he can find anything out about her."

Lance ''Rides-the-Storm'' Kilkenny (The Three-legged man. At least, that's wh.....): *Nods.* Tilghman hadn't.

Lucien "Open Arms, Closed Fist" Cassel (TCFB "Okay, Okay... It was me"): Hmmm not really, figured if she didn't keep outta sight she would of been spotted. Checking for tracks throughout the maze seems kinda slim.


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